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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一節(jié)單項(xiàng)選擇(共15小題:每小題1分, 滿分15分)從A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.---Dad, why is it important to have friends?
    ---Whenever you have difficulties, friends are always there lending a hand.
    ---_________.( ?。?/div>
  • 2.-Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency?
    -Well,you know,English is my _____.So it is my best choice.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.---What does the notice over there read?
    ---"No media________cover the event without the permission of the organizing committee."( ?。?/div>
  • 4.We have no doubt that if the students' interest in the subject is aroused,they will ________ the challenge and commit more of their time and energy to their studies.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.Anyone,once _______ positive for H7 N9 flu virus,will receive free medical treatment from our government.( ?。?/div>
  • 6.Music treatment involves a specialist playing an instrument or singing_______the patient's mood.(  )
  • 7.5 G commercial service's being officially launched has opened a new digital age,_______ not only technology but also people's work capacity and lifestyle will be upgraded.( ?。?/div>


  • 20.They can be identified by their independent-bookstore bags or printed piles of paper they look through on their lap.They are,for lack of a more specific term,reader.Joining their group seems simple enough:Get a book and read it!But behind that simple process is a question of motivation--of why some people grow up to derive great pleasure from reading,while others don't.
       Some people are much more likely than others to become members of the reading class.First,the more education people have,the more likely they are to be readers.Beyond that,urban people read more than rural people.Affluence(富裕) is associated with reading.Young girls read earlier than boys do and continue to read more in adulthood.
       Of course,possessing any of these characteristics doesn't guarantee that someone will or won't become a reader.Personality also seems to play a role. "Introverts who find it difficult to talk to others seem to be a little bit more likely to do a lot of leisure-time reading," Daniel Willingham,a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia said.
       Willingham also talked about the importance of the number of books in one's childhood home.Studies looking at "family scholarly culture" have found that children who grew up surrounded by books tend to attain higher levels of education and to be better readers than those who didn't.There is no doubt that being a reader sets a child up for academic success,since so much of school is reading.
       Reading will seem more like chocolate cake if it's something that parents themselves take part in happily and regularly. "When I'm sitting there on my couch,reading a book,and my kids are doing their own thing,I like to think,'I'm parenting right now--they can see me reading this book,'" Maria Russo,the children's--books editor said.Similarly,right after dinner,if you scroll through your phone,open up your laptop,or watch TV,kids are likely to take note.
       Parents don't have to become avid readers themselves to raise avid readers.Russo suggested a bunch of things that parents can do make reading seem exciting and worthwhile:talk about books during meals or car rides,indicating and bookstores and stay a while;and give books as birthday gifts.

    (1)According to the passage how can readers be identified?

    A.By their attractive appearances.
    B.By their independent schoolbags.
    C.By their turning pages on their lap.
    D.By their printed piles of test paper.
    (2)In the view of Daniel Willingham,what kind of people is more likely to be readers?

    A.Those living in the rural areas.
    B.Those receiving plenty of education.
    C.Those quiet and willing to be alone.
    D.Those having much money and many books.
    (3)Why do children who grew up surrounded by books tend to achieve academic success?

    A.Because much of school is reading.
    B.Because their family are rich in scholarly culture.
    C.Because they know the importance of reading books.
    D.Because they are better readers and gain much education.
    (4)Which of the following statement may Maria Russo agree with?

    A.Reading will be unpleasant if parents involve themselves in it.
    B.Parents should chat with their kids about books every day.
    C.Reading books should be a necessary subject only for kids.
    D.Regular stops at libraries and bookstores will give kids a gift.
    (5)What is the best title of the passage?

    A.What do parents do to help kids become readers?
    B.Why do some people become lifelong readers?
    C.How can people improve their efficiency of reading?
    D.How can people form a good habit of reading books?

第二節(jié): 書面表達(dá)(共1 小題,滿分25 分)

  • 21.據(jù)悉國外某網(wǎng)站將舉辦新一輪網(wǎng)上討論活動,正面向全球中學(xué)征集討論話題。假定你是晨光中學(xué)的學(xué)生李津,經(jīng)常訪問該網(wǎng)站?,F(xiàn)請你用英文給該網(wǎng)站寫一封信,向其推薦話題。
    Dear Sir/Madam,
        I'm Li Jin,a Chinese student from Chengguang Senior High School and a local netizen of your website.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Jin
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