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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

聽力部分 (10分,每小題0.5分)

  • 1.Conversation 1 ( 聽本段對話回答問題 )
    (1)What is the woman's favorite hobby?
    (2)What will they do today?
    A.Go swimming.
    B.Go dancing.
    C.Go to a movie.
  • 2.Conversation 2 ( 聽本段對話回答問題 )
    (1)Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A.In a hotel.
    B.In a restaurant.
    C.In an office.
    (2)What does the woman want to drink?
  • 3.Conversation 3 ( 聽本段對話回答問題 )
    (1)When will the woman and Doctor Smith meet?
    A.On Monday.
    B.On Tuesday.
    C.On Thursday.
    (2)What is the man's telephone number?
  • 4.Conversation 4 ( 聽本段對話回答問題 )
    (1)What is the relationship between the two speakers?
    A.Saleswoman and customer.
    B.Mother and son.
    C.Wife and husband.
    (2)How much does the man pay?
  • 5.Conversation 5 ( 聽本段對話回答問題 )
    (1)How many people are there in the man's party?
    (2)When will the man go to the restaurant for dinner?
    B.On Tuesday night.
    C.On Thursday night.
  • 6.Conversation 6 ( 聽本段對話回答問 題 )
    (1)What does the man think of the woman's dress?
    B.Just so-so
    (2)What does the woman want to do?
    A.A part-time model.
    B.A full-time model.
    C.A fashion designer.
  • 7.Conversation 7 ( 聽本段對話回答問題 )
    (1)What's wrong with the man?
    A.He has a sore throat.
    B.He has an eye problem.
    C.He is seriously ill.
    (2)What has the man been doing recently?
    A.Working hard.
    B.Watching a lot of TV.
    C.Playing computer games.
  • 8.Conversation 8 ( 聽本段對話回答問題 )
    (1)What are the students preparing for?
    A.A final exam.
    B.A mid-term exam.
    C.A competition.
    (2)How did the man probably get a seat?
    A.Through going there very early.
    B.Through putting a book on the seat himself.
    C.Through asking the woman to save one for him.
    (3)Where are the two speakers?
    A.In the classroom.
    B.In the reading room.
    C.At home.
  • 9.Conversation 9 ( 聽本段對話回答問題 )
    (1)What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
    A.The things that they did yesterday.
    B.The time they spent together yesterday.
    C.The woman's time spent with Tony yesterday.
    (2)What did Tony do yesterday?
    A.He told many jokes.
    B.He laughed at the woman.
    C.He said a lot about himself.
    (3)How does the man think of Tony?

筆試部分第一部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(共4小題,15分) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項。

  • 10.Many everyday American expressions are based on colors.
       Red is a hot color.Americans often use it to express heat.They may say they are red hot about something unfair.When they are red hot they are very angry about something.The small hot tasting peppers found in many Mexican foods are called red hots for their color and their fiery taste.
       Pink is a lighter kind of color.People sometimes say they are in the pink when they are in good health.It probably comes from the fact that many babies are born with a nice pink color that shows that they are in good health.
       Blue is a cool color.The traditional blues music in the United States is the opposite of red hot music.Blues is slow,sad and soulful.Someone who is blue is very sad.
       The color green is natural for trees and grass.But it is an unnatural color for humans.A person who has a sick stomach may say he feels a little green.A passenger on a boat who is feeling very sick from high waves may look very green.If a person is green at his job,he may be a newcomer and inexperienced.Sometimes a person may be upset because he does not have something as nice as a friend has,like a new sports car.That person may say he is green with envy.Some people are green with envy because their friend has more dollars.
       The color black is used often in expressions.People describe a day in which everything goes wrong as a black day.The date of a major tragedy is remembered as a black day.

    (1)If a person feels blue,he is
    (2)If someone says "you are still green",he probably means that
    A.you are very young
    B.you are in a bad mood
    C.you are inexperienced
    D.you are in good health
    (3)Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?

    A.After two days' rest,the soldiers were all in the pink.
    B.They had a fierce quarrel so they all felt black about it.
    C.David got hurt by a bike so his face looked blue.
    D.When we meet something unfair,we feel very green.
  • 11.A man accused of failing to return more than 700 children's books to five different libraries in the county was released from prison after a book publisher agreed to post his bond (保釋金) of ﹩1,000.The publisher said, "There's a story here.This is a man who loves books.He just can't let go of them.He hasn't stolen a single book.So what's the crime?We think that Mr Barush has a story to tell.We plan to publish his story."
       When asked why he didn't return the books,Mr Barush said, "Well,how could I?They became family to me.I was afraid to return them,because I knew that kids or dogs would get hold of these books and chew them up,throw them around,tear the pages,spill soda on them,get jam and jelly on them,and drown them in the toilet."
       He continued, "Books are people,too!They talk to you,they take care of you,and they enrich you with wisdom,humor and love.A book is a guest in my home.How could I kick it out?I repaired torn pages.I dusted them with a soft clean cloth.I turned their pages so they could breathe and get some fresh air."
       "Every week I reorganized them on their shelves so they could meet new friends.My books were HAPPY books.You could tell just by looking at them.Now they're all back in the library,on the lower shelves,on the floors,at the mercy of all those runny-nosed kids.I can hear them calling me!I need to rescue them.Excuse me.I have to go now."

    (1)Why was the man put into prison?

    A.Because the book publisher persuaded the police to do so.
    B.Because he stole 700 children's books from the five different libraries.
    C.Because he refused to return the books that he had borrowed.
    D.Because he wanted to publish his story.
    (2)How did the man treat books?

    A.He treated them as real people.
    B.He treated them as his own children.
    C.He treated them as his furniture.
    D.He treated them as his job.
    (3)From the passage we can learn that the man is
    A.a thief
    B.a writer
    C.crazy about books
    (4)What is mainly talked about in this passage?

    A.A funny thief who loves stealing books.
    B.A person who refuses to return borrowed books and wants to look after them.
    C.A person who is crazy about books so he keeps stealing them from the library.
    D.A person who may have some mental problems.
  • 12.When I was young,I thought that boys and grown men shouldn't cry.The tears were signs of being weak.A man isn't supposed to be like that.This was even strengthened in my young mind with the popular song,Boys Don't cry,in the early 1980s.
       But just last June,I discovered that courage wasn't all about trying to keep all the pain inside.Courage wasn't all about trying to hide the tears.It was the opposite -- the tears reinforced (加強) the heart's courage.And I saw this in my father.
       My 18-year-old sister eloped and with it,I saw how vulnerable (脆弱的) my father's heart was.We were used to seeing him as a strong figure and an iron-willed father.For three days after my sister eloped,he wouldn't talk.He would just sit quietly outside our house in the dark.On the fourth night,I sat beside him and asked him to tell me what he felt about everything.
       It has been years since I have laid my hand on my father's shoulder as we have drifted farther while I am growing up.That night,I sensed my father trying to control his pain and I wanted him to be able to let it out.We all cried over what had happened except him.
       The simple touch and my words "Dad,it's not your fault"broke my father's dam.In the darkness,he began to cry.I felt his shoulders shaking as he whispered, "Where did I go wrong?All I ever wanted was for my children to grow up right.Why couldn't your sister wait?How can she go away with such a boy?"
       I understood then why he preferred to be in the dark.By being there,he hoped to spare his family's feelings.His tears,though we didn't see them before that night,were there all the same.
       I saw his courage that night when my father cried with my hand on his shoulder,and understood his pain.

    (1)We can know from the first paragraph that
    A.the author often cried when he was young
    B.the tears are not the signs of being weak
    C.Boys Don't cry was popular in the early 1980s
    D.men are supposed to keep their secrets
    (2)According to the author,people with courage
    A.should try to keep all the pain inside
    B.should do what they can to show they are brave
    C.shouldn't hide the tears if they want to cry
    D.shouldn't be so strict with their children
    (3)The author's father didn't cry at first because
    A.he should set an example to people around
    B.he was very disappointed with his daughter
    C.he had been trying to control his great pain
    D.he felt sorry for what he had done before
    (4)What would be the best title for the passage?

    A.Boys don't cry.
    B.My great father.
    C.Never lose heart.
    D.The day father cried.
  • 13.Your youngest son or daughter has just graduated from high school,and soon he or she will trade his or her bedroom in your home for a college residence hall.You're starting to worry about the coming silence in your home and are wondering how you will fill the hours that you previously spent with your son or daughter attending his or her school and sporting events.
       Take heart- the empty nest "is often worse in anticipation (預料) than in day-to-day practice",says psychologist Bert Hayslip Jr.
       Hayslip,who has studied retirement adjustment (調整) and other aging problems,such as aging sleeplessness,for many years,points out that,more often than not,children who leave do not completely cut off contact with their parents.He advises parents to think of it as a series of life events,instead of a sudden change.He also says an empty nest can cause bigger problems to surface "if a couple hasn't looked after their marriage while raising their children".According to Hayslip,some couples may find they no longer have anything in common once the children are out of the house.
        Thinking of an empty nest as the loss of children makes the adjustment more difficult."With the empty-nest syndrome (綜合癥),parents actually need to deal with the loss of the parenting control over children,not with having really lost their children,"Hayslip says. "They just have to find a new way to get along with their children."
       "Relating to their college-age children in this new way will come easily to parents as the months pass.As with many things,the passage of time heals the pain of loss," Hayslip says.

    (1)What does the "empty nest" mean?

    A.Children's cutting off contact with their parents.
    B.Children's not liking spending time with their parents.
    C.Children's growing up and leaving home.
    D.Children's not accepting parents' care and love.
    (2)What does the underlined word "it" in the third paragraph refer to?

    A.Retirement adjustment.
    B.Aging problem.
    D.The reality of empty nest.
    (3)Why do many parents find it hard to adjust to the empty-nest life?

    A.Because they think they have actually lost their children.
    B.Because they often disagree with their children on many things.
    C.Because their children completely cut off contact with them.
    D.Because these parents don't have anything in common.
    (4)According to Hayslip,what parents actually lose in an "empty nest" is
    A.their children's love for them
    B.their control over children
    C.their interest in life
    D.their contact with children

第二節(jié) 七選五閱讀(共1小題,滿分5分)根據短文內容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項,選項中有兩項為多余選題。

  • 14.Cute ways to Tell Someone They Make You Happy Many people have difficulty expressing their feeling.(1)
    Sometimes,you may feel like you have to wait for the right time and place to express yourself.And when you do that,you want it to be unforgettable.Using cute,creative ways to share your feelings is sure to leave a lasting impression.
        Make a card
    Making a card for the other person is a creative way to go about doing this.You can write "Thank you" on the front of the card,and "for making me happy" on the inside of the card.
       Make a happy meal
       Cooking a meal for a friend or a loved one is a gesture that speaks for itself.While you're both feasting on the meal,you can tell the other person that she makes you happy.If you're not a good cook,ordering take-out may also work..(3)

       Spell it out
       Expressing feelings and communications are essential to keep a relationship strong and healthy.(4)
    Spelling it out in a cute way can convey your feelings.Leave your partner a lipstick message on the bathroom mirror,spelling it out " You make me happy".This little reminders are sure to get the message across and put a smile on your partner's face.
       Write a poem
       Writing down your feelings and reading them to your loved one will keep you from stumbling over your words.Sit down with a pen and a piece of paper.(5)
    Even if your poem doesn't flow,as long as you're true to your feelings,it's certain to get the attention of the other person.

    A.Often expressing yourself by writing down your feelings is easier.
    B.Telling someone that they make you happy is not always easy.
    C.Write an article to convey your thoughts.
    D.With everyday demands,you may forget to tell your partner your feelings.
    E.Try to create a poem dedicated to this person.
    F.Telling someone how you feel in person is always easy.
    G.After all,it's the thought that counts.

第四節(jié) 單詞或詞組填空(每空1分,滿分20分)

  • 41.People are easier to
    (生?。?under pressure.

第三部分 書面表達(滿分15分)

  • 42.假如你是李華,你的筆友Peter想知道你上周參加學校組織的北京夏令營的具體情況,請參照下面的內容用英文寫一封郵件。
    Dear Peter,
    In your last letter,you said that you wanted to know about my summer camping._________
    Looking forward to your reply!
    Yours love,
    Li Hua
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