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滬教牛津版八年級上冊《Unit 8 English week》2023年單元測試卷

發(fā)布:2024/9/15 13:0:8


  • 1.The car drove fast and disappeared in a second from our sight.( ?。?/div>
  • 2.In my opinion,our earth is getting smaller.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.I took part in the English Competition last week.(  )
  • 4.-The man is rich.He owns a big company.-Is it Tom ?Now he owns two
    companies.(  )
  • 5.Several of us went to the theatre yesterday.( ?。?/div>
  • 6.-      beautiful your skirt is!Where did you buy it?
    -Thank you,but it was made      myself.( ?。?/div>
  • 7.--- I           go home now.It's getting late.
    ---You're right.Bye.(  )


  • 21.Speaking is different among the four skills in learning English.The other three you can do on your own,but you can't really speak(1)
    .Speaking to yourself can be "dangerous"because men in white coats may come and(2)
    .Then how can you practise speaking?Where can you find people to(3)
    English with?
       At school--If you pay to go to a(4)
    school,you should use the chance to speak.If your teacher.asks you to speak in pairs with other students,try to say as(5)
    as possible.
       Don't worry about your(6)
    .Just speak!
       English Corner- -There are English Corners in many big cities.If you can find one,you will probably(7)
    many people speaking English as their first or second language.
       Songs and videos- -Repeat the words of an English song singing with the music until it becomes automatic (不假思索).It's(8)
    practice for your memory and for the mouth muscles (肌肉).
       Language is all around you- -everywhere you go,you will(9)
    language.Shop names,notices and car numbers.When you walk down the street,practise reading the words and numbers that you see.Say them to yourself.It's not exactly a(10)
    ,but it will help you to "think" in English.

    (1) A.Together B.a(chǎn)lone C.lonely D.only
    (2) A.put you away B.take you away C.put you up D.take you up
    (3) A.say B.talk C.speak D.tell
    (4) A.music B.sports C.a(chǎn)rt D.language
    (5) A.much B.little C.long D.short
    (6) A.lessons B.chances C.friends D.mistakes
    (7) A.meet B.invite C.like D.record
    (8) A.wrong B.useless C.good D.easy
    (9) A.love . B.find C.catch D.leave
    (10) A.conversation B.performance C.preparation D.examination


  • 22.Many English words and phrases have stories behind them.Sometimes these stories can help us look back into old Western history.Let's take a look at some of the common English words and phrases:
    OK "OK" was an American who lived in the 19th century.His name was"Old Kinderhook".In one year he was trying to take the place of the leader of his town.His supporters went around the town shouting, "OK!OK!" The supporters thought their future leader was "all right".The expression caught on,and now if something is"all right",people like to say,"OK!"
    Boss Is your boss nice to you?If not,just be glad you are not living in the old times.Back to that time,bosses could do anything bad to their men and could even beat(打) them!That explains why the word"boss" comes from an old German word meaning"to beat" .
    A piece of cake A famous American writer named Ogden Nash lived in the 1930s.Many readers enjoyed his poems and wrote them down in their notebooks.In one of his poems,Nash wrote, "Her picture's in the papers now,and life's a piece of cake." His readers found these words interesting and quickly wrote them down.They thought that if one picture in a newspaper could make you famous,wouldn't life be easy?For nearly 80 years, "a piece of cake" has meant any task or activity that is easy. (244 words)

    (1)The best title of the passage is
    A.How to learn English well
    B.Stories behind some English expressions
    C.The history of English language
    D.Learning English is a piece of cake
    (2)What did Old Kinderhook's supporters do for their future leader?

    A.They shouted "OK!" around the town.
    B.They gave new meaning to the old word"OK".
    C.They called the old leader of the town"OK".
    D.They fought with policemen in the town.
    (3)The word "boss" in English might be borrowed from
    (4)In this passage "a piece of cake" means
    A.a(chǎn)n easy task or activity
    B.a(chǎn)n interesting poem in a notebook
    C.a(chǎn) simple newspaper to read
    D.a(chǎn) famous picture in a newspaper
    (5)You can find this passage most probably in
    A.a(chǎn) poster
    B.a(chǎn)n email
    C.a(chǎn) cartoon
    D.a(chǎn) magazine
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