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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.As is known to all,education as well as forming a good habit is a______process to everyone.( ?。?/div>
  • 2.In contrast to his brother,he is always______towards others.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.As a consequence,the man who was not professional was______the department.( ?。?/div>
  • 4.We______the opportunity to have the right to vote for election.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.When he comes to my house this time tomorrow,I______the report.(  )
  • 6.The bridge______when we passed.( ?。?/div>
  • 7.He told us that the room______for a week.( ?。?/div>
  • 8.Citizen have______to public library in our city.( ?。?/div>
  • 9.The police has______the evidence of the case so far.(  )
  • 10.The aim of the four jars is to encourage teenagers to think more______about-money and the things that it can do.( ?。?/div>


  • 11.Edinburgh is the world's festival city.There are 12 festivals throughout the year,half of which are celebrated during the months of July and August.
       Hundreds of thousands of people visit the Scottish capital during the summer.
       Here are some of the events:
       The Edinburgh International Festival
       This is the original Edinburgh festival,which began in 1947.Actors,musicians,dancers and opera singers from all over the world perform to huge audiences.You need tickets for most events which take place in theatres around the city.
       The Edinburgh Festival Fringe
       This is the largest arts festival in the world with thousands of shows taking place across the city.More than 20,000 artists take part,as the festival is open to anyone.Visitors can choose from a huge variety of acts.
       Join thousands of visitors and locals at the Royal Mile,Edinburgh's main street,to watch all kinds of performers and shows.
       The Edinburgh International Book Festival
       The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens,in the center of Edinburgh.There are more than 700 events for children and adults who love books.You can meet many authors,talk to them,ask them to sign a book or listen to them talk about their stories.Children can listen to stories and watch illustrators (插圖作者) draw pictures.
       The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival
       Music lovers come to this festival to enjoy music shows around the city.One of the highlights of this musical event is the street carnival (嘉年華),which is free to all.Artists perform street theatre,dance and circus shows in amazing costumes,and everyone can join in the dancing.

    (1)Which is true about Edinburgh?

    A.It's the Scottish capital city.
    B.It's the largest city in the world.
    C.The festivals are celebrated every month.
    D.Tourists around the world come to the city after winter.
    (2)What do we know about the Edinburgh International Festival from the article?

    A.It's free to Scottish people.
    B.It's held at the Royal Mile.
    C.It takes place in July every year.
    D.The artists mainly perform in theatres.
    (3)Which is the largest arts festival in the world?

    A.The Edinburgh International Festival.
    B.The Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
    C.The Edinburgh International Book Festival.
    D.The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival.
    (4)What can visitors do at the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival,according to the article?

    A.They can try on different costumes.
    B.They can join a singing competition.
    C.They can take part in a street carnival.
    D.They can get pictures from famous painters.
    (5)This passage is most probably taken from
    A.a(chǎn)n advertisement
    B.a(chǎn) tour journal
    C.a(chǎn) news report
    D.a(chǎn)n announcement
  • 12.Yesterday after work,the boss told me I was fired.When I walked along a riverbed sadly,I suddenly realized it was New Year's Day,a day to start afresh.
       I passed by a man holding his son,one or two years old.The baby's face was in pure joy,and his innocent eyes were full of wonder.The simple sweetness of the baby made me moved.
       Walking on,I saw a young couple repairing their bicycle.They smiled at me and said, "Happy New Year!" I smiled and wished them the same.It was a simple thing,but for a moment it brought me a sudden joy.
       I kept walking,enjoying the cheerful singing of birds.With people around laughing out loud,an old woman immersed herself in her sewing.She didn't seem either happy or sad.A feeling of timeless peace flowed through me and all fear of what the future might bring disappeared.I thanked her in my heart,and moved on.
       As I reached home,I was filled with great thanks and hope for life,which took me a long time to find.Actually,happiness could be simple and easy.Now I knew whatever the New Year would bring,there would be joy and enough love to help me through the hard times we all had to face.
       "Happy New Year!" I said to myself.

    (1)What did the writer's boss tell him after work?

    A.It was New Year's Day.
    B.He was fired.
    C.He needed a day to relax.
    D.He had a day off.
    (2)When seeing the little baby,the writer was moved by his
    (3)When the writer saw the young couple,they were
    A.repairing their bicycle
    B.waiting for the writer
    C.watching the passers-by
    D.celebrating the New Year
    (4)How did the writer feel when he saw the old woman?

    (5)What can we learn from the passage?

    A.Greetings make people polite.
    B.Happiness could be simple and easy.
    C.Walking makes people energetic.
    D.Friendship lies in getting together.
  • 13.Modern technology has a strong influence on every part of our life,including the education in the universities.
       Ashok Goel,a professor of Georgia Institute of Technology,says he uses the Internet in almost all of the classes he teaches.Every term over 300 graduate students take his class on artificial intelligence.The students never meet in person.All of the classes take place online-through a website,which lets students ask questions and complete their work from anywhere in the world.
       Having hundreds of students in a class means Ashok Goel has to answer thousands of questions.He has eight teaching assistants to help him.But even that is not enough to give all the students the help they need.
       So,in January,Goel had an idea.He decided to try an experiment.At the start of the spring 2016 term,he added a new member to his teaching team:Jill Watson.She was able to answer questions faster than most other teaching assistants.And she was available 24 hours a day.
       It was only at the end of the term that Goel's students learned Watson's true identity:she was not a real person like the other teaching assistants.Jill Watson was an AI computer program.
       And it seems Goel's stories will become more common in the universities.
       A website called Campus Technology publishes stories about how colleges and universities use new technology.In August,the site published a survey of over 500 professors and their use of technology.Fifty-five percent of the professors asked students to use study materials online before coming to class.And,more than 70 percent combined online materials and face-to-face teaching in their classrooms.

    (1)What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

    A.Goel seldom uses the Internet in his class.
    B.The students take Goel's class online.
    C.Goel occasionally meets his colleagues.
    D.Goel's students dislike going to college.
    (2)Why does Goel have many teaching assistants to help him?

    A.He is not a clever professor.
    B.He wants to have a good sleep.
    C.He does not want to give answers.
    D.He has no time to answer all the questions.
    (3)What can we know about Jill Watson?

    A.She was a real person.
    B.She helped Goel with his work.
    C.She was one of Goel's students.
    D.She could ask all the questions.
    (4)What does the underlined word "identity" in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

    A.Who a person is.
    B.The name of a person.
    C.Where a person is from.
    D.A person's contribution.
    (5)What is the passage mainly about?

    A.Ashok Goel has eight assistants to help him.
    B.New technology is changing our way of living.
    C.Modern technology greatly influences college education.
    D.Teachers will be completely replaced by the computers.


  • 38.follow the trend
  • 39.search for
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