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發(fā)布:2024/5/16 8:0:9

第一部分 閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  • 1.Best of British:Artists'residences
       Get up close with the inspiring places Britain's most vibrant artists called home.
       Red House,London
       Nothing better represents the commitment of William Morris,the creative genius of interiors(內(nèi)飾)to beauty than his striking home in London.From delicate patterns on the doors,to the decorated gardens,the Red House shows a strong medieval style.
       The Mackintosh House,Glasgow
       Located on the site of the former home of legendary architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh and his wife,the reconstructed Mackintosh House offers a rare insight into their private lives.Furnished with the couple's own furniture,everything has been considered in order to recreate the original interior as faithfully as possible.
       Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden,Cornwall
       Though she was born in Yorkshire,British sculptor(雕塑家)Barbara Hepworth moved to Cornwall and stayed there for the rest of her life.She claimed that there was a quality of inspiration to be drawn from the Cornish skyline and sea view that she simply couldn't obtain from the city.It was Hepworth's wish that her home would be turned into a museum of her work.
       Henry Moore Foundation,Hertfordshire
       Sculptor Henry Moore found his Muse in the beautiful Hertfordshire village of Perry Green and created many of his most famous works there.Unlike traditional galleries,visitors can get close with these impressive structures.Access to Moore's home is through guided tours only.Visit on a sunny day,take a picnic,and experience the scenic village in person!

    (1)Which residence is influenced by medieval styles?

    A.Red House.
    B.The Mackintosh House.
    C.Henry Moore Foundation.
    D.Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden.
    (2)What do we know about the Mackintosh House?

    A.It is the current residence of Mackintosh.
    B.It is rebuilt to improve Mackintosh's life.
    C.It restores the interior design of the Mackintoshs'.
    D.It reflects Mackintosh's faith in original furniture design.
    (3)What do the last two residences have in common?

    A.Both sculptors take inspiration from nature.
    B.Both sites allow close contact with the designers.
    C.Both residences will be turned into urban museums.
    D.Both sites allow tours accompanied by the guide only.
  • 2.In 2018,a severe drought brought Cape Town close to "Day Zero",when it could have become the world's first major city to run out of water.Dam levels in South Africa's Western Cape fell to below a fifth of capacity and the province suffered its worst water crisis in 100 years.
       "The water supply was dwindling and it just wasn't raining," recalls Thinus Booysen,a professor at Stellenbosch University,who had created a device in 2015 designed to help homeowners cut their power usage.Seeking to reduce water waste,Booysen figured he could adapt the device to measure water usage instead of electricity use.
       Soon,Booysen launched a start-up,Bridging the Internet of Things (BridgloT),to develop his idea.Called Count Droputa,the device reports water usage once a minute while many conventional devices only record data once an hour.The system uses an app in the user's cellphone and sends short messages in real time. "Within minutes,we would be able to tell the user, 'Something has burst,or something is leaking,'" he says.
       Then Booysen discovered that a key issue was maintenance (維修),with the poorest schools using by far the most water.Leaking toilets could waste 1,000 liters of water per day. "We found that the biggest problems are things like children not closing taps properly,but often that would be because the taps just don't close," Booysen explains.During the test,the invention saved one school more than three million liters of water in three months.Another reduced its water usage 55 percent in four months.
       Businesses including Cape Talk radio station and Africa's largest food company,Shoprite,became sponsors,partnering with the Western Cape Education Department to install (安裝) test devices in 350 schools.They saved more than S2.7 million and almost 550 million liters of water in 17 months.Booysen has looked at expanding to government buildings,hospitals and hotels.There are plans to roll out the device across Africa.

    (1)What does the underlined word "dwindling" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

    (2)Which words can best describe Booysen?

    A.Proud but determined.
    B.Cautious and friendly.
    C.Creative and caring.
    D.Strict but generous.
    (3)What do we know about Count Dropul??

    A.It works smartly to help save water.
    B.It was designed by Booysen in 2015.
    C.It will soon be tested in 350 schools.
    D.It cuts power usage efficiently.
    (4)What will Booysen probably do next?

    A.Become a member of Shoprite.
    B.Further promote his new invention.
    C.Stop water pollution in Cape Town.
    D.Travel around Africa for better ideas.
  • 3.    Scientists in Switzerland have used lasers (激光)to change the path of a lightning strike.The experiment was carried out on S?ntis mountain in Switzerland,near a radio and TV tower that's hit by lightning about 100 times a year.Using a special laser,the researchers were able to guide the lightning strike.
       Scientists have been trying to find a way to protect buildings from lightning for a long time.Currently,the best way to protect buildings from lightning is by putting metal rods(棒)on the buildings.But lightning rods can only protect & small area.If a building is very large,it needs a lot of lightning rods.But some buildings-such as airports-are so large that it's difficult to protect the whole building using lightning rods.
       Another idea is to use lasers to guide lightning.The idea of using lasers to guide lightning isn't new.Scientists have been working on the idea for over 20 years.They have successfully guided lightning with lasers inside a laboratory.
       But until recently,scientists haven't been able to guide lightning with lasers outside.That changed in the summer of 2021.Using a powerful laser that can fire about 1,000 times a second,scientists in Switzerland were able to guide lightning for 164 feet away.
       The heat from the laser creates a path of air that is less thick than the air around it.The path also has a special charge.The lightning can follow this path almost as if it were a lightning rod.
       But despite the progress,the laser still didn't guide the lightning as far as the scientists would like.To protect buildings from most lightning,lasers will have to guide the lightning for a much longer distance.The laser is also very expensive.The scientists say it cost about 2 billion.It will probably take 10 or more years before a laser like this is truly able to protect large buildings.

    (1)What is this new technology expected to protect?

    A.High buildings.
    B.Large buildings.
    C.Important buildings.
    D.Complex buildings.
    (2)What do we know about the new technology of using lasers?

    A.It is still being tested.
    B.It works only in the lab.
    C.It is an invention of Swiss scientists.
    D.It cools the air around the lightning.
    (3)What does the last paragraph mainly tell us about the new technology?

    A.Its cost control.
    B.Its disadvantages.
    C.Its wide application.
    D.Its promising future.
    (4)What can be the best title of this text?

    A.Guide Lightning With a Laser
    B.Lightning Rods Are out of Date
    C.Use Lasers to Block Lightning
    D.Lightning Can Be Used to Serve People

五. 第三部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分15分) 第一節(jié)(滿分15分)

  • 8.假定你是李華,你校英文報(bào)將開辦一個(gè)新的專欄"烹飪與我"。請(qǐng)你寫一則通知,號(hào)召大家為專欄投稿。內(nèi)容包括:
    The School English Newspaper


  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        I ran after the train,shouting, "Hey mister,can't you see me?" It was hopeless,as no conductor is going to slow down for a 60-year-old man who got to the station several minutes late.They absolutely didn't know how important that day,that train ride was to me!I was on my way to an interview for what could have been the opportunity of a lifetime.
         I threw both my hat and my art case down in depression,and sat down on the nearest chair,wiping (擦掉) the sweat from my face and breathing heavily.I would have to wait a whole day for the next train,and by then my appointment with the gallery owner would have given up on me.Perhaps it was for the best.It was,after all,the first time in 40 years anyone had shown such an interest in my art.Maybe if the gallery owner had seen all my paintings,he would have changed his mind about offering me space on his walls.
        Disappointment filled my soul.Should I dial the gallery and get an interview on a different day?But Pierre Gianni was the owner of the most well-known gallery in New York City.Why would he give a rare second chance to an elderly nobody when he had the newest,coolest young artists to choose from?
        Come to think of it,perhaps these insecurities were the very reason I had never been offered a show before.I was too afraid to try.I found countless excuses not to offer my work up to be seen and perhaps criticized.I told myself it would hurt too much if I failed,but the truth was that I had never tried.
        Finally,I gathered all my courage to dial the gallery,only to find my antique cell phone had broken down.It was at the very moment that I was in total despair and decided to go home.
    Suddenly I felt a touch on my shoulder.
    The next morning I got to the gallery on time.
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