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  • 1.4 Best Hikes in the UK by Train The following four best hikes in the UK by train are recommended to try.
       Name of hike:Golden Cap on the Southwest Coast Path
       The nearest train station:Axminster
       The Golden Cap Estate is famous for being the tallest point of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site.Following the Southwest Coast Path for about 7.5km will take you along Charmouth Beach which is famous for the many fossils( 化石) found there.
       Name of hike:Aber Falls in the Snowdonia National Park
       The nearest train station:Bangor
       Aber Falls is an impressive 40 m tall waterfall in the Snowdonia National Park.Following the 4km path through Aber Nature Reserve to reach the waterfall you will pass ancient woodlands.Additionally,you'll be able to find a few smaller waterfalls on route.
       Name of hike:Conic Hill in the Loch Lomond
       The nearest train station:Balloch
       The Conic Hill is one of the final parts on the West Highland Way route.After going through ancient woodlands,you'll reach the impressive view of Loch Lomond and its many islands.Covering about 5.5km,the path begins and ends in the small village of Balmaha.
       Name of hike:Loch an Eilein in the Cairngorms National Park
       The nearest train station:Aviemore
       This 7.2km walk passes Loch an Eilein and cuts through the endless ancient forest.The Loch is home to a small island and the beautiful Loch an Eilein Castle( 城堡) which dates back to the 13th century.While walking,you can enjoy the sound of birdsong all around you.

    (1)Which place will you choose if you like natural heritage?

    A.Aber Falls.
    B.Golden Cap.
    C.Conic Hill loop. .
    D.Loch an Eilein loop.
    (2)Which station should you choose if visiting Aber Nature Reserve?

    (3)What do Conic Hill and Loch an Eilein have in common?

    A.Ancient forest.
    B.Several islands.
    C.Famous castles.
    D.Beautiful birds.
  • 2.    The FIFA World Cup 2022,the world's greatest football tournament,is set to begin in Qatar on November 21,2022.
        The FIFA World Cup is being held in the Middle East for the first time and is being hosted by an Asian country for the second time.The nation,which draws visitors from all around the world,promises to host the most expensive World Cup ever.
        By land size,Qatar is the smallest nation to have ever hosted a FIFA World Cup.Switzerland,which hosted the 1954 FIFA World Cup,is the next-smallest nation.Qatar became the second nation to host the major competition without ever making it to an earlier round of competition.Qatar has a population of 2.8 million,which is comparable to that of Yorkshire.However,because of its size,it has the highest per capita income in the world.
        A FIFA World Cup is an expensive event,and since 1994,there has been a general upward trend in the costs connected with hosting the most famous tournament.
        The nation has already spent around ﹩ 200 billion.The nation spends ﹩ 500 million per week on infrastructure(基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施) projects,new stadiums,hotels,hospitals,and airports.According to Qatar's finance minister,Ali Shareef AI-Emadi,preparations for the World Cup are almost complete.
        A huge amount of soccer fans are expected to arrive in the country (about 1.2— 1.5 million).Due to concerns about a shortage of housing,the nation has already spent ﹩ 40 million on hotels.
        The estimated cost of Qatar's 2022 FIFA World Cup is ﹩ 220 billion.The historic tournament's most costly edition is expected to be this one.Fans are surprised with the World Cup's luxury and fascination,but there is also plenty of controversy(爭議).

    (1)What do we know about the FIFA World Cup?

    A.Yorkshire hosted the 1954 FIFA World Cup.
    B.The FIFA World Cup is the world's greatest tournament.
    C.It's the second time the FIFA World Cup has been held in an Asian country.
    D.The overall cost of hosting FIFA World Cup has been on the rise since 1954.
    (2)What does the fifth paragraph mainly talk about?

    A.People's warmth for Qatar.
    B.Qatar's preparations for World Cup.
    C.Qatar's goals for the World Cup.
    D.Qatar's main financial situation in 2022.
    (3)How much money is left over for Qatar to prepare for the World Cup?

    A.﹩ 40 million.
    B.﹩ 200 million.
    C.﹩ 500 million.
    D.﹩ 20 billion.
    (4)What might the writer continue to write in the next paragraph?

    A.How soccer fans plan to go to watch the World Cup of Qatar.
    B.What the stadiums of the 2022 World Cup look like.
    C.How people view differently on the Qatar's luxurious behavior.
    D.What other surprises does Qatar offer soccer fans.
  • 3.World's Largest Active Volcano Erupts in Hawaii Hawaii's Mauna Loa,the largest active volcano in the world,has erupted for the first time in nearly 40 years,US authorities said,erupting lava and ash Monday,Nov.28th,2022 as emergency crews went on alert.
        Flows of lava remained mostly contained within the peak's huge caldera,but the eruption could pose a threat to nearby residents if conditions change,the United States Geological Survey reported at 11:45 pm local time Sunday about 15 minutes after the eruption inside Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
        Mauna Loa has been showing signs of erupting for years,according to the USGS,which said the ongoing eruption was visible from Kona,a town on the west coast of Hawaii's main island about 72 kilometers from the volcano.
        "Lava is still erupting from the peak and is overflowing from the caldera," the USGS said on its website,referring to the basin at the top of a volcano.While it added there were "no threats to populated areas currently," it urged area residents to review preparation procedures.
        Hawaii authorities said no evacuation(撤離,疏散) orders have been given,although the peak area and several roads in the region were closed,and two shelters have been opened.
        Robin George Andrews,a scientist,said a larger threat exists if lava begins to pour out of so-called rift zones(裂谷帶).
        While there is no evidence yet of this occurring now on Mauna Loa, "the fact that it is a dangerous mountain that hasn't erupted since 1984— the longest eruptive pause in its recorded history— is why we should all keep an eye on it," Andrews said.
        One of six active volcanoes on the Hawaiian islands,Mauna Loa has erupted 33 times since 1843,according to USGS.
        The most recent eruption,in 1984,lasted 22 days and produced lava flows which reached to within about 7 kilometers of Hilo,a city to the northeast which is home to about 44,000 people today.

    (1)Which of the following statements would USGS agree with?

    A.The eruption time is correctly predicted.
    B.The eruption is within expectation.
    C.The eruption results have been under control.
    D.The eruption will pose a threat to people living nearby.
    (2)What suggestion is given to residents in paragraph 4?

    A.Leaving their houses as soon as possible.
    B.Putting up more shelters in a short time.
    C.Listening to evacuation orders often.
    D.Making some preparations.
    (3)According to Robin George Andrews,what's the potential danger?

    A.No one knows how to judge the eruptive pause.
    B.There are more people living near the rift zones.
    C.There is a possibility that the lava pours out of rift zones.
    D.All the six active volcanoes on the Hawaiian islands will erupt.
    (4)Why does the author write this passage?

    A.To give advice about protecting the environment.
    B.To stress the importance of natural's power.
    C.To tell a piece of news to the readers.
    D.To introduce the history of volcanos.
  • 4.    There're 7,000 documented languages currently spoken across the world,but half of them could be endangered,according to a new study.It's predicted that 1,500 known languages may no longer be spoken by the end of this century.
        Researchers from The Australian National University analyzed thousands of languages and highlighted a link between higher levels of schooling and language loss,as regionally leading languages taught in class often overshadow native tongues.Additionally,the density of roads in an area is also to blame.
        "We found that the more roads there are,connecting country to city,and villages to towns,the higher the risk of languages being endangered," said Professor Lindell Bronham,co-author of the study.
        The study,published in Nature,Ecology and Evolution,estimates the equivalent (等量,對應(yīng)物) of one language is currently lost within every three-month period.But levels of language loss could actually triple(三倍)in the next 40 years,with at least one language per month disappearing unless measures are taken.
        "When a language is lost,we lose so much of our human cultural diversity," said Professor Bromham. "Fortunately,many of the languages predicted to be lost this century still have fluent speakers,so there's still the chance to invest in supporting communities to boost native languages."
        While past studies have blamed the digital area for causing the language loss—by focusing attention on a few major languages at the expense of smaller ones—today's tech-focused world could hold a solution.
        There're plenty of Internet sites and apps to help new speakers learn languages like Spanish,English and Chinese,but these now extend to specialist apps designed to teach endangered languages or help preserve them.Ma!Iwaidja,for example,is an app that enables those working with speakers of the Iwaidja language to record words,phrases and translations.Another initiative is the Rosetta Project,a global cooperation of language specialists and native speakers working to build an open-access digital library of human languages.
        The UNESCO International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032),which begins this year,also aims to engage the global community with the critical issue of language loss.As part of its Global Action Plan,it is creating a network of international stakeholders focused on protecting the rights of indigenous people to restore and preserve their languages.

    (1)What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

    A.The reasons and results of the new study.
    B.The importance of the improved transportation.
    C.The impact of education on endangered languages.
    D.Reasons for the risk of endangered native languages.
    (2)What do we know about language loss according to the study?

    A.It is stable.
    B.It is reasonable.
    C.It is worsening.
    D.It is uncontrollable.
    (3)What plays an important role in saving indigenous languages?

    (4)How does the author introduce the idea for language protection?

    A.By using findings.
    B.By making analyses.
    C.By making comparisons.
    D.By giving some examples.
  • 5.How to Cheer up Your Friend The following tips will make your friend cheer up.Try one or more of the suggestions below,and hopefully your friend will be happy again in no time.
    .If your friend is angry about a situation at work,help her see the positive side of things.Hear out her problem before reacting (回應(yīng)).But try to help her asking questions such as, "What things can you do to make the situation better?" or "What's been happening at work lately that's been good?"
       Send her a card or postcard.Not many people get handwritten notes any more.It's so rare (稀少的),in fact,that it's certain to put a smile on her face.Drop a note in the mail to her.(2)

       Build up her self-esteem (自尊).Everyone needs to hear they are smart,strong,and beautiful sometimes. (3)
    ,as they can help her build confidence and self-esteem.Try to make your praise unique to the person,so she knows you truly mean what you say.
       Try out new things together.True happiness is in part about the adventure.It may mean you may need to step outside of what's comfortable and try something new. (4)
    If you want your friends to be happy,encourage them to try new things with you.
       Bring her one of her favorite treats.(5)
    .Maybe she can't live without an afternoon coffee,or maybe she has a special love for black forest cake.Surprise her by bringing one of them to her when you know she's having a rough day.

    A.Encourage your friend
    B.Help her to see the positive side
    C.You know what your friend likes
    D.In turn,discover new things you love
    E.Don't be afraid to tell your friend these things
    F.Similarly,your happiness will affect your friends
    G.If you include one with a funny card,that's better

語言運用(共兩節(jié), 滿分30分)

  • 6.As a whale researcher,Nan Hauser has been awarded the international title of "Earth Ambassador".While many local people had heard of this(1)
    ,it was an encounter(邂逅) that would make her known worldwide.
       One day in 2017,Nan was shooting some videos with the whales,when the most remarkable thing(2)
    .As she swam alongside them,they began to display(3)
    signs that danger was near.Suddenly,she saw a whale swim towards her at full speed.Just as(4)
    hit,one of the whales used its fin to push Nan onto its back and out of range of...not a whale but a tiger shark.
       After the shark disappeared,the whale(5)
    accompanied Nan back to her boat.She climbed aboard and yelled her appreciation to the(6)
    .After a few minutes,the whale disappeared,and Nan said goodbye,feeling(7)
    for this lifetime encounter.
       Almost a year later,Nan received a call from a fisherman saying that he(8)
    whales in the harbor.Could her whale friend have(9)
    ?She jumped onto a boat quickly.Nan instantly(10)
    her friend,and dived into the water to swim with him.
       After Nan's encounter,she(11)
    with how best she could thank the whale.After all,it's(12)
    to hug something much larger than you.So what's the most(13)
    way to thank a whale?It's by caring,learning more about them,and(14)
    their habitat.As for us,we can help in small ways.For example,(15)
    single-use plastics will make a difference.

    (1) A.chemist B.physicist C.geologist D.biologist
    (2) A.happened B.a(chǎn)pproached C.burst D.escaped
    (3) A.rescuing B.warming C.waiting D.recommending
    (4) A.excitement B.panic C.surprise D.disappointment
    (5) A.really B.clearly C.safely D.rudely
    (6) A.woman B.boat C.shark D.whale
    (7) A.proud B.grateful C.hopeful D.pitiful
    (8) A.spotted B.pleased C.targeted D.tracked
    (9) A.welcomed B.suffered C.returned D.refreshed
    (10) A.waved B.greeted C.realized D.recognized
    (11) A.combined B.struggled C.a(chǎn)rgued D.connected
    (12) A.pretty B.funny C.tricky D.vital
    (13) A.influential B.particular C.logical D.incredible
    (14) A.creating B.protecting C.surrounding D.establishing
    (15) A.donating B.exchanging C.throwing D.a(chǎn)bandoning
  • 7.    Local (1)
    (official) in Beijing promised to further protect the city's cultural heritage (遺產(chǎn)),in particular the narrow streets known as hutongs.
        Hutongs are (2)
    (common) found in the cities of North China,but they are in danger.Beijing is currently believed to have fewer than 1,000 hutongs,most of (3)
    are near the Forbidden City.Only 60 years ago,the number of the hutong (4)
    (be) 3,250.
        "On average more than 100,000 people visit the Forbidden City during the National Day holidays.The visits put pressure on the (5)
    (protect) of cultural relics," said Huang Yan,director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning,(6)
    (add) that hutongs should be protected from human damage.
        The government concentrated (7)
    how the protection plans were carried out and how the management of cultural heritage worked.Wang Shaofeng,head of the Xicheng District Government,said the area has 182 cultural relics,and many of them were built as far back as the Yuan Dynasty.The district of Xicheng has 1.28 million residents in (8)
    57 square kilometers of land. "The most efficient way is to decrease the local population to reduce the possibility of causing harm to the heritage," Wang said. "Each community has been required (9)
    (report) the status of its cultural heritage." No one knows for sure how many hutongs (10)
    (leave) in the coming 100 years.


  • 22.Some 53 million more people
    in poverty as the financial crisis spreads around the world.
    隨著金融危機(jī)在全世界的蔓延,大約有另外 5300 萬人陷入了貧困。


  • 23.假如你是李華,半年前你參加了《健康報》關(guān)于"健康與生活方式選擇"的夏令營,開始反思自己的不良生活方式,現(xiàn)在請你給該報編輯寫一封信投稿,內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear Editor,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
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