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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

Part A (75 marks)Good English. (40 marks)

  • 1.On 6th April 1909, _________ reached the Pole first.( ?。?/div>
  • 2.What can't we get from Laura's story?(  )
  • 3.Nelson Mandela learned about his own people and how they had fought bravely against the British ______.( ?。?/div>
  • 4.Nelson was put into prison because __________.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa ________.( ?。?/div>

II. Multiple choice. (10 marks)

  • 6.選擇可以替換的詞.
    My sister is a fan of apples and she can eat up to 5 ones at one time.( ?。?/div>
  • 7.選擇可以替換的詞.
    Doctors and nurses should be patient with the sick people.( ?。?/div>
  • 8.€8.45 is read as _________.( ?。?/div>
  • 9.I heard some boys _______ when I _______ the bookshop just now.( ?。?/div>
  • 10.He doesn't want to tell us_____________________.( ?。?/div>
  • 11.Can you show me the advertisement _____the houses as_________ as possible?(  )
  • 12.What _____ unforgettable song! It ___________ amazing.( ?。?/div>
  • 13.The famous host ________his wife in 2001 when he was 35 years old.( ?。?/div>
  • 14.-- Why not _______ to the new restaurant dinner tonight?
    -- We can cook it at home. It's much _______ there.( ?。?/div>
  • 15.--- What are you doing, Eric?
    --- I'm _______ some new _______ for my new house in the market.( ?。?/div>

III. Cloze Test (15 marks)

  • 16.People call Will Restall a hero.The 11-year-old student from Tolland Middle School in Connecticut,US,helped his injured bus driver(1)
    emergency (緊急) medical treatment (治療).
       Will was taking the bus to go to school one morning.(2)
    most of the other students,Will (3)
    a video game on his phone.He had to wait about 10 minutes or so to(4)
    the bus and go into the school.But then he heard a loud noise and looked up to see (5)
    happened.He saw that the bus driver was(6)
    sitting in the driver's seat - she had passed out and collapsed (暈倒) on the bus' stairs.Will left his seat,got the two-way radio(7)
    of the bus and reported that the driver was(8)
    .The radios are on each bus.Will's friends could hear him reporting the emergency.Soon,(9)
    bus driver and an ambulance (救護車) arrived to help.When they got there,the bus driver was(10)
    and sitting up,but not(11)
    .They sent the driver to the hospital at once.Will and everyone else on the bus went to class.
       Will was able to act quickly(12)
    the bus safety training he received last year when he was in fifth grade.Local bus drivers show the students how(13)
    the two-way radios every year.
       A two-way radio is a radio(14)
    can both send and receive a signal.The user can talk or listen,but cannot do(15)
    at the same time.Two-way radios help small groups of people stay in touch.

    (1) A.get B.gets C.got D.getting
    (2) A.By B.Like C.With D.Between
    (3) A.played B.watched C.was playing D.was watching
    (4) A.get on B.get off C.get from D.get out of
    (5) A.when B.why C.what D.where
    (6) A.right now B.no longer C.right here D.not any more
    (7) A.at front B.at back C.at the front D.at the back
    (8) A.hurt B.right C.OK D.dead
    (9) A.next B.other C.another D.the other
    (10) A.awake B.wake C.to wake D.waking
    (11) A.moving B.thinking C.speaking D.feeling
    (12) A.depend B.depend on C.because D.because of
    (13) A.use B.to use C.make D.to make
    (14) A.who B.what C.that D. /
    (15) A.all B.both C.either D.neither

IV. Reading Comprehension. (10 marks)

  • 17.If a friend does a big favor for us,it's a good idea to write them a thank-you note.But how many of us actually sit down to do this?
       "People don't seem to walk around giving thanks to people quite often," Amit Kumar from University of Texas said.Why are people hesitant (猶豫的) about sending thank-you notes?And how do people feel when they receive one?
       Kumar and his team asked some students to write a thank-you note to another person via email.Then,they asked both the writer and the recipient (接受者) how sending or receiving these notes made them feel.
       They found that the students didn't like to write the notes because they felt like they had to think too much about them.They worried about what to say and how to say it.The recipients,however,enjoyed the notes. "When you are a recipient,you focus on the warmth of the note," Kumar says. "How heartfelt was it?How friendly and warm?"
       The writers also thought it might be awkward (尷尬的) for the recipient to receive a thank-you note.But this was not the case. "They (recipients) feel quite happy," Kumar says. "They don't really feel awkward at all."
       If people knew that writing a thank-you note could have such a big impact (影響) on others,they would do it more often,Kumar says."Simple,small changes in our everyday lives can make a big difference in how we treat other people and how we feel," he says.

    (1)What do we know from Amit Kumar?

    A.People prefer to say thank you than send notes.
    B.People feel awkward receiving thank-you notes.
    C.People don't often write thank-you notes.
    D.People feel warm sending thank-you notes.
    (2)According to the study,people don't like to send thank-you notes maybe because

    A.they think it costs time and money
    B.they think it's too out of date
    C.they worry about what to write
    D.they are not willing to say thank you
    (3)Which of the following statement is NOT true ?

    A.The recipient feel warm and happy while reading the thank-you note.
    B.People don't often write thank-you notes because of busy work
    C.Some people aren't sure about the recipients' feeling and reaction
    D.Kumar encourages(鼓勵) people to change the way they treat others
    (4)What is the main message of the story?

    A.Writing a thank-you note is an easy thing to the writer.
    B.It's better to return the favor when others helped you.
    C.Small changes influence how we treat others and how we feel.
    D.There is no need to care about how others feel.
    (5)Which is the best title for the passage ?

    A.How to write a thank-you note?
    B.Is the thank-you note awkward?
    C.Don't hesitate to say thank you
    D.Take time to thank
  • 18.How are humans different from other animals on Earth?We have always thought of ourselves as being smarter and more advanced (先進的).But with the development of AI,this question becomes more complicated (復雜的).
       In October 2017,a robot called Sophia was made a Saudi Arabian citizen and became the first robot to have a nationality.Sophia can talk with humans.This has led to some questions,such as whether intelligent robots should have the same rights as humans.
       Of course,AI is still a long way from being able to have feelings the way humans do.The question of whether AI should have rights or not might be a bit silly right now.But we should keep in mind that AI can learn both the good and bad things that humans teach it.
       For example,in 2016,Microsoft introduced Tay- a computer program that could talk to people on social media (社交媒體).Tay learned how to talk with humans by reading the things they wrote online.Within 24 hours,Tay went from writing polite replies to making rude comments.It learned to "say" these rude things from real humans.
       In the future,we may need to program AI with a sense of morality (道德).Morals are what make us different from other animals.AI can do many of the same things we do,such as drive cars or order food.But it cannot tell the difference between right and wrong.It cannot feel sadness or joy.It cannot tell beauty.And that is the difference between us and the machines.

    (1)The robot Sophia is different from other robots because

    A.it is more advanced
    B.it has a nationality
    C.it is the first AI robot
    D.it can talk to humans
    (2)The author doesn't think intelligent robots should have the same rights as humans,because

    A.AI can learn better and faster than humans
    B.AI will never become a powerful form of life on Earth
    C.AI can't have feelings the way humans do at present
    D.Some intelligent robots made rude comments on humans
    (3)The author wanted to show that
    by mentioning Tay.
    A.AI can make friends on social media
    B.AI can learn how to talk with the help of humans
    C.intelligent robots have the same rights as humans
    D.AI can learn bad things that humans teach it
    (4)In what ways humans are different from intelligent robots?

    A.Human beings can tell good from evil.
    B.Humans can think and value.
    C.Humans are smarter and more advanced
    D.Humans all have a high sense of morality.
    (5)What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?

    A.AI can feel emotions the way humans do.
    B.AI is still quite different from humans.
    C.AI technology is good enough now.
    D.People can benefit a lot from AI.

Part B (75 marks)Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given. (15 marks)

  • 19.My mother is always the first one
    (get) up in our family. It's 6:30 now, she is in the kitchen,
    (prepare) breakfast for us.

VII. Complete the passage and fill in the blanks with the sentences given in the box. Each can be used only once. ( 5 marks)

  • 56.AI is already common in our daily lives.We are already using it on our smart phones,tablets and other digital devices.(1)
    The best example of this would be voice-activated assistants.(2)
    For example,you can tell Siri "call mom" or "set a timer for 10 minutes",and the software will do these things for you.
       Over time,virtual assistants like Siri have become more advanced.Alexa,a virtual assistant created by Amazon,can be used to order food,schedule (安排) meetings,and even control (控制) the lights in your home.
    The possibilities are quite endless.Perhaps the most exciting possibility is driverless cars.
       Researchers have been working on self-driving cars for quite some time now,in fact.The first automated car was developed in 1977. (4)
    Since then,many companies have tried to develop their own cars,including Tesla,Google and Baidu.

    A.But how will we use AI in our daily lives in the future?
    B.Self-driving cars are expected to change the way we get around.
    C.It was able to track street markers using two cameras and a computer.
    D.Developments like these are a sign that AI will become increasingly important in our daily lives in the future.
    E.It might not be as exciting as the AI of science fiction,but it is more useful in our daily life.
    F.Siri,a voice assistant created by Apple,was released in 2011.It won over Apple fans with its ability to recognize a user's voice and complete actions.
    G.Apple has Siri,Google has Google Assistant,and Microsoft has Cortana.Amazon's Alexa now dominates the market as the most popular voice assistant.

VIII. Writing. (10 marks)

  • 57.Please write about your favorite book with 100 to 120 words. Your writing should include the following information.
    (1)A short introduction about your favorite book.
    (2)Why do you like it? Give at least 2 reasons.
    (3)What can you learn from it?
    (4)Proper beginning and ending.
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