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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

第一部分:聽力(共兩節(jié),每小題 1.5 分,滿分 30 分)

  • 1.When was the woman born?
    A.In 1984.
    B.In 1982.
    C.In 1980.
  • 2.What are the speakers probably doing?
    A.Looking for John's new apartment.
    B.Visiting John's old house.
    C.Helping John move house.
  • 3.Why does the woman refuse to go to the beach?
    A.It's hot there.
    B.She can't swim.
    C.She isn't free.
  • 4.What are the speakers talking about?
    A.A news report.
    B.A driving test.
    C.A car accident.
  • 5.What does the man mean?
    A.He doesn't have a computer.
    B.He doesn't know how much a new computer costs.
    C.He thinks the price of the new computer is reasonable.


  • 6.聽材料,回答問題。
    (1)Where was the woman when the theft happened?
    A.At home.
    B.On her way home.
    C.On her way to the bank.
    (2)What did the theft look like?
    A.He wore blue trousers.
    B.He was short and thin.
    C.He had medium-length hair.
  • 7.聽材料,回答問題。
    (1)What does the woman think of buying a mountain bike?
    (2)What will the man do next?
    A.Buy a mountain bike.
    B.Have his old bike repaired.
    C.Ask somebody else for money.
  • 8.聽材料,回答問題。
    (1)What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A.Master and servant.
    B.Boss and clerk.
    C.Husband and wife.
    (2)What is the woman complaining about?
    A.Her work.
    B.Her salary.
    C.Her life.
    (3)What will the man probably do in the near future?
    A.Help the woman.
    B.Let the woman have a rest.
    C.Have the woman work as usual.
  • 9.聽材料,回答問題。
    (1)What can we learn about the party?
    A.People will enjoy guitar music.
    B.About 18 people are coming.
    C.People will have some apple pie.
    (2)Why will the woman hold a party?
    A.To celebrate Joan's birthday.
    B.To celebrate Emma's birthday.
    C.To celebrate Emma's entering the college.
    (3)What present has the woman bought?
    A.A camera.
    B.A football.
    C.A video.
    (4)When will people probably arrive?
    A.At about 8:00.
    B.At about 8:30.
    C.At about 9:30.
  • 10.聽材料,回答問題。
    (1)How many bedrooms does the speaker need?
    (2)What is very important to the speaker?
    A.A nice view.
    B.A school nearby.
    C.A well-equipped kitchen.
    (3)How does the speaker usually travel?
    A.On foot.
    B.By car.
    C.By public transportation.
    (4)What do we know about the speaker?
    A.She is married.
    B.She likes to cook at home.
    C.She uses the Internet a lot.

第二部分:閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分 40 分)

  • 11.Cheap Travel You can pay a fortune to travel around the world.Or you can pay nothing at all.Here are some places you'll never regret visiting.They won't cost you a dime.
    The British Museum,London (U.K.)
    You need to go here to see the Egyptian mummies,the ancient Greek marbles and so many other treasures.It's open every day,and unlike most the other attractions in England that cost an arm and a leg,it's completely free.
    National Mall,Washington D.C. (U.S.A.)
    You can walk a pathway from the Lincoln Memorial to the severe Vietnam Veterans Memorial and to the Washington Monument with other sights in between.Do you know you can go up in the elevator to the top of the Washington Monument?Tickets are free,but pay a small fee to reserve them in advance to avoid being disappointed.
    Notre-Dame Cathedral,Paris (France)
    This great treasure of the world simply can't be missed.The great stained-glass rose window alone is worth the visit.The Sunday Mass with the Gregorian chant was like stepping back in time.Admission is free every day,but you're welcome to leave a donation.There are also free tours a few times each week.You'll pay extra for tours of the bell tower or the crypt.Tips:The Notre-Dame Cathedral was greatly damaged by a massive fire in April 2019.
    Please visit notredamedeparis.fr/en/ for more information regarding future visits to the cathedral.
    National Museum of Ireland,Dublin and Mayo (Ireland)
    Want to see bog bodies,gold ornaments,Viking artifacts and learn about rural Irish life?All four branches of this museum are free to visit,including museums devoted to archaeology,natural history,decorative arts and history and country life.The museum of country life in Turlough Park,Mayo,is devoted to Irish rural traditions,while the natural history museum is especially famous for its collection of insects.
    (1)Which of the following can you see at the British Museum?

    A.Viking artifacts.
    B.Stained-glass windows.
    C.Ancient Greek marbles.
    D.Statue of Lincoln.
    (2)What should tourists do when visiting the bell tower of Notre-Dame Cathedral?

    A.Pay an extra fee for the tour.
    B.Make reservations on the website.
    C.Leave a donation.
    D.Set off at a certain time.
    (3)If you do a study on how a worm turns into a butterfly,where would you probably go?

    A.The British Museum,London.
    B.National Museum of Ireland,Dublin and Mayo.
    C.Notre-Dame Cathedral,Paris.
    D.National Mall,Washington D.C.
  • 12.In 2018,the state of California was on fire.Alexandria Villasenor,who was 13 at the time,witnessed the destruction of Northern California's Camp Fire,which would go on to burn more than 150,000 acres of land.Villasenor was scared. "That's when I found out how important climate education was," she reflected. "And just how much we lacked climate education these past couple of years."
       Villasenor,now 15,is determined to have a bigger conversation.She quickly realized the fight requires international,government-level changes.For her,what started as local concern turned into a year-longprotest (抗議) in front of the United Nations' New York City headquarters and a global campaign for more compulsory climate education.She sat on a bench in front of the headquarters,pleading for the world's leaders to take climate change seriously.
       Her action received national attention,with millions of other students around the world joining in the movement. "It's completely unacceptable to not learn anything about our planet and our environment in school,after all the young people would 'inherit' the Earth." Villasenor said, "That's why I think that climate education is so important,and that's why I concentrate on it now."
       Right now,Villasenor is working with the Biden-Harris administration on its climate plan,which has promised to center the needs of young people and communities most impacted by climate change.She even spoke at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. "That was definitely a huge moment when I realized that people were listening to the voices of me and youth climate activists," Villasenor said.
       When she isn't connecting with her fellow youth activists or holding elected officials accountable to the climate concerns of their young voters,Villasenor is like most other teens. "My favorite thing to do,of course,is sleep." she said. "I like to read a lot.I like fantasy books,normally.I also like to write."

    (1)What made Villasenor realize the lack of climate education?

    A.The current education system of California.
    B.The vast land of California.
    C.The severe Camp fire in California.
    D.The fire disasters in America.
    (2)What can we infer from the passage?

    A.Villasenor thinks local people have taken climate change seriously.
    B.Young people should do more things for the earth so as to inherit it.
    C.The protest aimed to fight against government's administration.
    D.Villasenor turned her original appeal into a lasting and widespread one.
    (3)Which of the following gives Villasenor a sense of achievement?

    A.More schools have set up climate courses.
    B.She can sleep and read in her spare time.
    C.She's working with the Biden-Harris administration on its climate plan.
    D.Villasenor and other youth climate activists' opinions caught people's attention.
    (4)What is this passage mainly about?

    A.A young girl receives climate education.
    B.The 15-year-old activist fights for better climate education.
    C.Young activists make their voices heard.
    D.Climate education plays an importance role in life.
  • 13.As people are becoming more socially conscious about where their food comes from and how it impacts the planet,they are choosing animal-free plant-based options.Cow-free meat has been around for quite some time and the popularity of brands Beyond Meat and the cultivated (培育的) meat from Aleph Farms and other sare soaring.While the reare a large number of plant- based milk substitutes (替代品),none of them have the sametaste of cow's milk.Now,an Israeli food-tech startup Remilk created real dairy products without harming a single cow or the planet.The company stresses that their product Remilk is not a milk substitute but rather is the real deal.And the end product is very healthy.The company also says that the lab-produced milk tastes identical to the real thing and they hope to eventually replace cows by creating every dairy product sold.They expect to roll out plant-based cheese and yogurt in addition to milk. "Remilk was founded with the mission to stop using animals to produce our food because,as dairy lovers,we realize that giving up on milk is not an option," said Aviv Wolff,CEO of Remilk. "But today's milk comes with an unreasonable price tag.The dairy industry is destructive to our planet,our health,and our animals,and is simply not sustainable anymore."
       The environmental price tag of dairy farming is way too high.According to the World Wildlife Fund,dairy cows add a huge amount of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and contribute to global warming and climate change as well as foul the air around them.Dairy operations consume large amounts of water and run-off of manure (糞肥) and fertilizers from these farms get into local waterways.The production of Remilk uses only 5 percent of the resources and produces only 1 percent of the waste of producing cow's milk according to the company.And they accomplish this by being 100 percent cruelty-free unlike dairy farms.

    (1)What does the underlined word "soaring" in Para.1 mean?

    (2)What is Wolff's attitude to Remilk?

    (3)How does the writer explain the advantage of Remilk in the last paragraph?

    A.By giving examples.
    B.By making comparison.
    C.By giving a definition.
    D.By presenting the process.
    (4)Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

    A.Making Milk without Cows.
    B.Healthier Milk,Rising Popularity.
    C.Saving Endangered Animals.
    D.Fresher Milk,Better Taste.
  • 14.There will be days when you do not have much to do.Perhaps because you are waiting for someone else in a different department or a different company to respond to a request.As the clock ticks past 5 pm,there may be no purpose in staying at your desk.But you can see your boss hard at work and,more importantly,they can see you.So you make an effort to look busy.Some of this may be a self-perpetuating (自我延續(xù)的) cycle.If bosses do not like to go home before their workers,and workers fear leaving before their bosses,everyone is trapped.Staff may feel that they will not get a pay rise,or a promotion,if they are not seen to be putting in maximum effort.Managers,who are often no good at judging employees' performance,use time in the office as an alternative.
       The consequence is often wasted effort.Rather than work hard,you work hard to make bosses think that you are.Leaving a jacket on your office chair,walking around purposefully with a notebook and sending out emails at odd hours are three of the best-known tricks.After a while this can result in collective self-cheat that this pretence (假裝) is actual work.
       But presenteeism(全勤主義) has more serious consequences.As well as reducing productivity,this can increase medical expenses for the employer.According to a study,these costs can be six times higher for employers than the costs of absenteeism among workers.For example,a research found that Japanese employees with lower-back pain were three times more likely to turn up for work than in Britain.As a result,those workers were more likely to experience greater pain and to suffer from depression.What could be more upset than being in pain while feeling trapped at work?
       None of this is to say that employers haven't the right to expect workers to be in the office for an acceptable proportion of time.Unavoidably there will be a need for some (preferably short) meetings.Dealing with colleagues face-to-face creates a feeling of trust and friendship,allows for a useful exchange of ideas and enables workers to have a better sense of their needs.
       But modern machinery like smartphones and laptops is portable.It can be used as easily at home as in the office.Turing an office into a prison,with prisoners allowed home for the evenings,does nothing for the creativity that is increasingly demanded of office workers as routine tasks are automated.To be productive you need presence of mind,not being present in the flesh.

    (1)Why do employees still stay at their desk after work according to the passage?

    A.To put extra efforts into their work.
    B.To get more overtime allowance.
    C.To give their bosses a good impression.
    D.To keep their bosses company.
    (2)Which of the following is the consequence of presenteeism?

    A.Employers will pay workers higher wages.
    B.Workers will suffer physically and mentally.
    C.Workers will perform their job more efficiently.
    D.The effort put in by workers will finally pay off.
    (3)Why is working in the office for some time necessary?

    A.It brings bosses more profits.
    B.It helps build better social bonds.
    C.It makes the exchange of ideas formal.
    D.It satisfies workers' material needs.
    (4)What would the author probably agree with?

    A.Presenteeism can't help develop creativity.
    B.Absence from work reduces productivity.
    C.Presence at work will be more joyful.
    D.Technology makes company management easier.

第二節(jié)。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為 多余選項。

  • 15.How to stop glasses fogging up with a face mask Wearing a mask keeps you safe during the pandemic,but it comes with its own set of challenges.And,one of the biggest drawbacks of wearing a mask is how much your glasses fog up and affect your vision.Taking off your glasses to wipe them clean each time it fogs up is not only frustrating,but it can also increase the risk of infection.(1)
    Here are some tricks to stop it.
       Twist your mask strings.From the side,once you twist it,the strings will look like the figure eight.This is great for stopping fogging because it redirects your breath by putting slight downward pressure on the top part of the mask.(2)
    This may leave you infected by virus.Wash your glasses with soap.If you wash your glasses with soap,its molecules ( 分 子 ) create a thin film on your lenses which limits fogging.Use a fragrance-free soap and mix it with warm water.Put your glasses in it and let it air dry.(3)

       Put a tissue under the top part of the mask.(4)
    To do this DIY trick properly,you should fold a tissue in half and place the straight edge along the bridge of your nose.
    Pull up your mask and draw your glasses down,blocking your breath from rising upwards.But if you do this there are a few things to keep in mind.Firstly,you need to make sure that your mask still covers your chin after you pull it up.And,if your prescription is stronger,this trick could impact your vision and cause increased blurriness.

    A.Put glasses in the water.
    B.When you wear your glasses next,soap molecules on your lenses should block fogging.
    C.Change the position of your masks and glasses.
    D.So the key is to prevent or minimize fogging due to face masks.
    E.Cover your chin with masks to prevent need for repositioning when talking.
    F.However,it's worth noting that it does create a slight gap between the mask and your face.
    G.It will help catch air and damp,keeping your glasses free of fog.


  • 16.I can still remember when for the first time I came to realize that people were frightened of my brother.I was 20,and my boss at the time was telling me about how several days earlier he had taken his little girl down to the local playground.My brother,who loves(1)
    alone and is severely autistic (患自閉癥的),was already there. "I was frightened he would(2)
    my little girl," my boss told me.
       I'm still not sure why he told me this.Perhaps he was admitting his own weakness,but to me it felt like an(3)
    .It made my heart hurt that my(4)
    brother should inspire fear like that.It made me angry that this man felt his ignorance was worth(5)
    .I imagine the anger and hurt I felt then is something(6)
    to how the parents of another kid with autism were feeling.
       Their autistic son,F(xiàn)aruk Ali,was(7)
    in the street by two police officers as he was outside his house,helping to collect rubbish.Collecting rubbish probably made him happy.Many autistic people(8)
    organizing and systematizing something.But his simple enjoyment of this(9)
    was interrupted in such a seemingly violent way simply because he looked "suspicious",which must have hurt him(10)
    .Disabled people and their relatives must realize the fear and(11)
    that the general public may have.That this can sometimes turn into violence is absolutely terrifying.
       Andrew Young,another man with autism,was(12)
    after he pointed out that cycling on the pavement was dangerous.Some people with autism believe following(13)
    is very important,but the killer said telling someone so can be considered as "threatening".
       Clearly,life is not just(14)
    for those with autism,but also for people with mental illness and mobility problems,and(15)
    for anyone whose behaviour might not fit the majority definition of "normal".

    (1) A.competing B.playing C.performing D.fighting
    (2) A.impress B.oppose C.meet D.hurt
    (3) A.a(chǎn)ttack B.a(chǎn)ssumption C.a(chǎn)dventure D.a(chǎn)pology
    (4) A.brave B.sweet C.humorous D.smart
    (5) A.a(chǎn)ppreciating B.summarizing C.sharing D.evaluating
    (6) A.senior B.similar C.unusual D.distant
    (7) A.beaten B.contacted C.a(chǎn)cquired D.commented
    (8) A.delay B.dislike C.enjoy D.a(chǎn)void
    (9) A.a(chǎn)ward B.task C.ceremony D.case
    (10) A.narrowly B.currently C.typically D.badly
    (11) A.intelligence B.convenience C.strength D.ignorance
    (12) A.killed B.robbed C.a(chǎn)pproached D.tracked
    (13) A.rules B.tips C.examples D.sources
    (14) A.casual B.tough C.curious D.generous
    (15) A.a(chǎn)ctually B.partly C.doubtfully D.personally

第四部分:單項選擇(共 15 個小題,每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)

  • 17.The country is home to some of the most______scenery in the world,with mountains,volcanoes,valleys,lakes and magnificent coastlines.(  )

第五部分:單句語法填空(共 20 個小題,每小題 1 分,滿分 20 分)

  • 50.The plane crashed in an area of dark forest,and there were no
  • 51.David shares these memories and the impact they had
    his life in a way that warms the heart and lifts the spirits.
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