There will be days when you do not have much to do.Perhaps because you are waiting for someone else in a different department or a different company to respond to a request.As the clock ticks past 5 pm,there may be no purpose in staying at your desk.But you can see your boss hard at work and,more importantly,they can see you.So you make an effort to look busy.Some of this may be a self-perpetuating (自我延續(xù)的) cycle.If bosses do not like to go home before their workers,and workers fear leaving before their bosses,everyone is trapped.Staff may feel that they will not get a pay rise,or a promotion,if they are not seen to be putting in maximum effort.Managers,who are often no good at judging employees' performance,use time in the office as an alternative.
   The consequence is often wasted effort.Rather than work hard,you work hard to make bosses think that you are.Leaving a jacket on your office chair,walking around purposefully with a notebook and sending out emails at odd hours are three of the best-known tricks.After a while this can result in collective self-cheat that this pretence (假裝) is actual work.
   But presenteeism(全勤主義) has more serious consequences.As well as reducing productivity,this can increase medical expenses for the employer.According to a study,these costs can be six times higher for employers than the costs of absenteeism among workers.For example,a research found that Japanese employees with lower-back pain were three times more likely to turn up for work than in Britain.As a result,those workers were more likely to experience greater pain and to suffer from depression.What could be more upset than being in pain while feeling trapped at work?
   None of this is to say that employers haven't the right to expect workers to be in the office for an acceptable proportion of time.Unavoidably there will be a need for some (preferably short) meetings.Dealing with colleagues face-to-face creates a feeling of trust and friendship,allows for a useful exchange of ideas and enables workers to have a better sense of their needs.
   But modern machinery like smartphones and laptops is portable.It can be used as easily at home as in the office.Turing an office into a prison,with prisoners allowed home for the evenings,does nothing for the creativity that is increasingly demanded of office workers as routine tasks are automated.To be productive you need presence of mind,not being present in the flesh.

(1)Why do employees still stay at their desk after work according to the passage?

A.To put extra efforts into their work.
B.To get more overtime allowance.
C.To give their bosses a good impression.
D.To keep their bosses company.
(2)Which of the following is the consequence of presenteeism?

A.Employers will pay workers higher wages.
B.Workers will suffer physically and mentally.
C.Workers will perform their job more efficiently.
D.The effort put in by workers will finally pay off.
(3)Why is working in the office for some time necessary?

A.It brings bosses more profits.
B.It helps build better social bonds.
C.It makes the exchange of ideas formal.
D.It satisfies workers' material needs.
(4)What would the author probably agree with?

A.Presenteeism can't help develop creativity.
B.Absence from work reduces productivity.
C.Presence at work will be more joyful.
D.Technology makes company management easier.
發(fā)布:2024/5/27 14:0:0組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.
    A.method B.other than C.destination D.unique E.amazing F.cut
    This four-day walking tour will take you on(1)
    paths through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu.After reaching your(2)
    ,you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city.Especially amazing is the Incas' dry stone(3)
    .of building.Inca builders(4)
    stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together(5)
    the perfect fit of the stones.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 1:0:9組卷:0引用:2難度:0.5
  • 2.    Heated (1)
    (argue) and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents, (2)
    is because teenagers usually go through physical and mental changes in their growth.They have a strong desire for independence as well as their parents' love and support.It can be a tough challenge for them (3)
    (achieve) a balance.
        It must (4)
    (stress) that they can improve the situation by communicating (5)
    (regular) in an honest way.The key to (6)
    (maintain) a good parent-child relationship is to understand the situation from each other's point of view.Whenever quarrels come about,teenagers must remember that perhaps their parents (7)
    (experience) something similar and their advice is quite (8)
        The good news is (9)
    the stormy period will not last long.Everything will turn (10)
    fine in the end.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 3:0:8組卷:4引用:3難度:0.5
  • 3.
    A.willing B.educated C.pushing D.generation E.teenagers F.volunteer
    Does the face-down(1)
    need a hands-up?Well,probably not.The fact is that many of today's teenagers are better(2)
    and more creative than past generations.They also seem to be enthusiastic and(3)
    to become leaders.More young people than ever(4)
    to help their communities.There are also brave young people such as Malala Yousafzai,the teenager who won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for(5)
    girls' rights to go to school.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 1:0:9組卷:0引用:2難度:0.5
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