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一、聽力第一節(jié) 聽力理解請聽下面4段材料,每段材料后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項,每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。

  • 1.(1)Whom is the party for?
    (2)What does the woman think of the man's plan?
  • 2.(1)What kind of people are Prince William and his new wife looking for?
    A.Some designers for their new apartment.
    B.Some secretaries from famous universities.
    C.Some servants to help them with daily life.
    (2)How many princes are there in Britain now?
  • 3.(1)What do you think Jim is?
    A.A journalist.
    B.A basketball player.
    C.A coach.
    (2)What do they often do after breakfast?
    A.Practice basketball.
    B.Have some lessons.
    C.Receive interviews.
    (3)What subject does Jim NOT mention?
  • 4.(1)What's wrong with the woman's mother?
    A.She has been sick.
    B.She misses her family and friends.
    C.She can't earn enough to support her family.
    (2)Where does the woman speaker live?
    A.In America.
    B.In India.
    C.In Britain.
    (3)What does the woman speaker plan to do next year?
    A.Study a new language.
    B.Travel to India.
    C.Visit her father's native country.


  • 5.
    Suggestions on Overweight Children
    Introduction ●Professior Sinclair is invited to give her suggestions on weight loss (1)
    for overweight children.
    Current situation ●(2)
    make fatty meals even more popular by including toys.
    Suggestions ●Eating healthy foods;
    ●Doing exercise;
    1)Going for (3)
    ,taking a walk around the neighborhood or running around the playground;
    2)Making things fun to get a child's (4)
    and peak his or her interest.
    a healthy lifestyle.


  • 6.What you do not want ______ to yourself, do not do to others.( ?。?/div>
  • 7.This is one of the most interesting films _____ shown last week.(  )
  • 8.________ for the front door ________ ,he had to enter the room through the back door.(  )
  • 9. _______ of danger in the street at night,she had to go home,with a friend ________her.( ?。?/div>
  • 10.When caught _____ in the exam,he begged for the teacher's pardon and tried ______ punishment.(  )
  • 11.Having ________ Shanghai,the band ________ their second album.( ?。?/div>
  • 12.Though people present advised that the injured man ________ to the hospital at once,he insisted that he ________ quite well.( ?。?/div>
  • 13. Last month,part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods,________ effects people are still suffering.(  )
  • 14.Recently,the majority of cities ________ severely polluted and a series of events ________.(  )
  • 15.It was announced that only when the fire was under control ____ to return to their homes.(  )


  • 16.ISC's sport camps are the only residential camps in Spain that focus on sport-specific development with 3 hours of training every afternoon,watersports activities every morning at the Mediterranean sea and leisure activities during the evenings.With coaching from professional staff,you are sure to leave the camp with an experience you'll never forget.
       We offer port camps for school trips throughout the year.During the months of July and August,our sport summer camps are aimed towards young students of 13 to 18 years of age.During the rest of the year,our camps are aimed at sport schools in order to develop and nurture (培養(yǎng)) young talents.
       Where does it take place?
       This summer camp package takes place in Alicante,Spain.With an average of 300 sunny days a year,and an average temperature of 18 degrees,this coastal city is one of the most desired Mediterranean tourist destinations.During the leisure time,campers will be able to join in activities such as visiting the castle of Alicante,visiting the MARQ museum,walking around the fishing town of Campello and etc.
       All of our students will be staying at ISC Campus next to the University of Alicante.The campus' facilities and rooms provide all the homely comforts eager campers will need.Here at ISC Spain we take care of all the little details,so that each and every one of our students can feel at home.

    (1)What do ISC sport camps offer?

    A.Watersports in the evening.
    B.Admission to sport schools.
    C.Leisure activities every morning.
    D.Guidance from professionals.
    (2)What do we know about Alicante?

    A.It is a castle near Campello.
    B.It is a popular tourist destination.
    C.It is a coastal city with a hot climate.
    D.It is best-known for summer sport camps.
    (3)What is the purpose of this text?

    A.To promote a summer camp package of ISC.
    B.To recommend an ideal place for sport camps.
    C.To describe the activities in ISC's sport camps.
    D.To introduce the requirement of a summer camp package.


  • 47.    Once a poor traveller stopped under a tree.From his bag he took out a bowl of (1)
    (boil) rice and started to eat.Next to the tree was a small shop.In the shop there was a woman(2)
    (sell) fried fish to travellers able to pay for it.When the man finished eating and got up to leave,she shouted, "You have not paid (3)
    (I) for your meal!"
       "But I ordered nothing from you!" he said.
       "Everyone can see that you (4)
    (enjoy) the smell of my fried fish with your rice just now," argued the woman. "If you hadn't smelt the fish,your meal would not have been so(5)
       Soon a crowd gathered.(6)
    they supported the traveller,they also agreed that the wind was blowing from the shop to the place (7)
    he had eaten,carrying the smell of the fried fish to him.
       At last,the woman took him to a judge and after(8)
    (tell) the judge the story,she insisted that the man had enjoyed her fish smell and that he should pay 25 cents.After hearing the evidence,the judge asked the man to drop (9)
    25-cent coin on the ground. "Here is your payment,the sound of 25 cents (10)
    the smell of the fried fish."


  • 48.我校正在組織英語作文比賽,請以值得尊敬和愛戴的人為題,寫一篇短文參賽,內(nèi)容包括:
    The person I respectThere are many respectable people.
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