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第一部分 完形填空(共兩節(jié),16小題;每小題6分,共16分)第一節(jié)閱讀短文,從短文的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有一個(gè)多余選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.A.provide B.feel C.more D.who E.less F.perfect G.when
       While some people stick to only one kind of movie,I like to watch different kinds depending on how I(1)
    that day.
       When I'm down or tired,I prefer movies that can cheer me up.Comedies like Men in Black or cartoons like Kung Fu Panda have funny dialog and usually have a happy ending.The characters may not be(2)
    ,but they try their best to solve their problems.After I watch them,my problems suddenly seem(3)
    serious and I feel much better again.Laughing for two hours is a good way to relax!
       I don't watch dramas or documentaries(4)
    I'm sad or tired.Dramas like Titanic make me feel even sadder.Documentaries like March of the Penguins which(5)
    plenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting,but when I'm tired,I don't want to think too much.I don't mind action moves like Spider -man when I'm too tired to think.I can just shut off my brain,sit back and enjoy watching an exciting superhero(6)
    always saves the world just in time.


  • 2.Everyone has hobbies.Hobbies bring us a lot of(1)
    .For most of us,the activities we take part in are common and easy to do.However,there are other people who like to take(2)
    .They are more interested in doing extreme sports,such as snowboarding,diving and rock climbing.
       Many people(3)
    rock climbing.They can do it indoors on(4)
    walls or outdoors on real mountains.There are many advantages of rock climbing - it is fun and it also helps people(5)
    their worries.
       The most important equipment to have is good shoes.They need to be half a size smaller than your usual size.The next thing you need is a harness (保護(hù)帶).This allows you to(6)
    freely,but will hold you up if you fall.It's important to know how to use your equipment.If you are a(7)
    ,it's best to have lessons.A climber with experience can help you a lot when you are learning to climb.
       Rock climbing is very(8)
    for people of different ages.Climbers,however,must be careful not to(9)
    the mountains.When some rock climbers climb,they sometimes leave a lot of(10)
    on the mountains.They should take it with them and throw it away into the dustbins.This will let future climbers enjoy a clean environment.

    (1) A.health B.happiness C.wealth
    (2) A.risks B.notes C.breaks
    (3) A.hate B.mind C.enjoy
    (4) A.simple B.smooth C.special
    (5) A.forget B.get C.remember
    (6) A.sit B.move C.fly
    (7) A.climber B.teacher C.beginner
    (8) A.relaxing B.difficult C.boring
    (9) A.protect B.prevent C.pollute
    (10) A.money B.rubbish C.water

第二部分 閱讀理解(共三節(jié),22小題,含第II卷第三節(jié)5小題;每小題8分,共44分)第一節(jié)閱讀下面三個(gè)語篇,從每題所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 3.You learn all kinds of things from books.Books open up a whole new world to you.They can make you smile and comfort you when you are sad.
       You must have many hobbies,reading,painting and so on.One day,you happen to see a poster, "World Book Day".Interested,you stop and read the poster.
    Hello and welcome to World Book Day
    World Book Day is here to change lives through a love of books and shared reading,and bring books to the children who need them most.World Book Day is an excellent chance for everyone to celebrate the joy of reading.
    ●Share A Story Live—our exciting digital events programme,beaming authors (作家) straight into your school.through reading.
    ●Raising money,raising readers—our digital events programme,beaming fundraising ideas to help us change lives
    ●World Book Day Book Club—a new online reading community.
    ●Share A Story Corner—stories to encourage families to read together.
    Happy World Book Day!
    For up-to-date information,visit our website worldbookday.com!
    (1)World Book Day is a special day for people to
    A.celebrate the joy of reading
    B.change lives by raising money
    C.meet famous authors at home
    (2)According to the poster,if you want to read stories with your parents,you can join
    A.Share A Story Live
    B.Share A Story Corner
    C.World Book Day Book Club
    (3)How can we know more information about World Book Day?

    A.By writing a letter.
    B.By making a phone call.
    C.By visiting a website.
    (4)The designer uses words and pictures in the poster to
    A.catch readers' attention
    B.encourage families to write books
    C.help readers form reading habits
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)4.
       A teacher decided to let her class play a game.She told each child in the class to bring along a bag with several tomatoes.Each tomato would be given a name of a person that the child hated.So the number of tomatoes in his or her bag would depend on the number of people the child hated.
       When the day came,every child brought some tomatoes with the name of the people he or she hated.Some had two tomatoes.Some had three tomatoes.Some even had five tomatoes.The teacher then told the children to carry the tomatoes with them wherever they went for a week.Days passed,and the children started to complain because the rotten (腐爛的) tomatoes let out terrible smell.Besides,those having five tomatoes also had to carry heavier bags.After one week,the children were very happy because the game had finally ended.
       Then the teacher told them the meaning behind the game.The teacher said, "This is the same situation when you carry your hatred for somebody inside your heart.The terrible smell of hatred will pollute your heart,and you will carry it with you wherever you go.If you cannot stand the smell of rotten tomatoes for just one week,can you imagine what it is like to have the smell of hatred in your heart for your lifetime?"

    (1)The teacher asked students to give each tomato a name of a person they
    (2)The students felt
    when the rotten tomatoes let out terrible smell.
    (3)The underlined word "hatred" in Para.4 means "
    " in Chinese.
    (4)We can know from the passage that
    A.hatred can make us happy and it's good for our health
    B.carrying our hatred for someone will make our life hard
    C.hatred has a strange taste which make us polluted
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)5.Nature and culture are often seen as opposite ideas.What belongs to nature cannot be the result of human activities and,on the other hand,cultural development is achieved against nature.However,this is not the only opinion on the relationship between nature and culture.Studies in the development of humans suggest that culture,whether taken as an effort against nature or a natural effort,is part of the development of the human species (物種).
       Several modern writers saw the process of education as a struggle (斗爭) against human nature.We are born with wild natures,such as eating and behaving in a disorganized way or acting selfishly.Education uses culture as a way to get us out of our wildest natures;it is thanks to culture that the human species could learn to adapt (適應(yīng)),progress and raise itself above and beyond other species.
       Over the past century and a half,however,studies in the history of human development have shown that the formation of culture is part of the biological adaptation.Consider,for example,hunting.It seems to be an adaptation,which allowed humans to move into new and different areas,opening up the opportunity to change living habits.At the same time,the development of weapons (武器) is related to that adaptation — from rocks and stones to a set of hunting tools,and from hunting tools to rules relating to the proper use of weapons.Hunting also seems to be responsible for a whole set of bodily abilities,such as balancing on one foot.Just think of how this very simple thing is closely related to dance,a key expression of human culture.It is then clear that biological development and cultural development are closely tied.
       The  transmission of culture seems to be directly related to what's in our blood.Just as snails carry their shell,sodo we bring along our culture.However,culture is also passed on among people of the same times or among people belonging to different populations.We can learn how to make jiaozi even if we were born from Russian parents in Paris just as we can learn how to speak English even if none of our family or friends speaks that language.

    (1)What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

    A.Culture belongs to human nature.
    B.Education pushes the human species to progress.
    C.Humans are supposed to be well organized.
    (2)Why does the writer talk about hunting in Paragraph 3?

    A.To suggest some possible ways of changing living habits.
    B.To stress the importance of tools in humans struggle for life.
    C.To show how culture develops as humans adapt to the environment.
    (3)The word " transmission" in Paragraph 4 probably means "
    (4)What is the writer's opinion on the nature-culture relationship?

    A.Nature and culture are different but connected.
    B.Culture depends much on nature to progress.
    C.Nature follows the unwritten rules set by culture.

第二節(jié) 閱讀短文,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有一個(gè)為多余選項(xiàng)。

  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)6.
       Once when I was a teenager,my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus (馬戲團(tuán)).There were so many people that we waited for a long time.(1)
    This family made a big impression on me.
       There were eight children,all probably under the age of 12.You could tell they didn't have a lot of money.Their clothes were not expensive but they were clean.The children talked excitedly about the clowns,elephants and other acts they would see that night.I could tell they'd never been to the circus before.(2)
    The father and mother seemed happy as they could be.
       The ticket lady asked how many tickets the father wanted.He proudly answered, "Please let me buy eight children's tickets and two adults' tickets,so I can take my family to the circus."

       The man's wife lowered her head.There was no longer a smile on the man's face.He quietly asked, "How much did you say?"
       The ticket lady again told him the price.
       The man obviously didn't have enough money.But how could he tell his kids the bad news?(4)
    (We were not rich ourselves at all!) He then tapped the man on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me,sir,you dropped this."
       The man understood my father was helping him.He picked up the money,looked straight into my dad's eyes,and in tears replied, "Thank you,sir,thank you.This really means a lot to me and my family."

    A.The ticket lady told him the price.
    B.It was clearly a very important day out for them.
    C.My father decided to help them and give them some money.
    D.Finally,there was only one family between the ticket office and us.
    E.Although we did not go to the circus that night,we didn't feel regretful.
    F.Seeing this,my dad took a $20 note from his pocket and dropped it on the ground.

第三節(jié) 根據(jù)中文意思,補(bǔ)全英語譯文。(每空1分,共10分;每空限填- -詞)

  • 18.優(yōu)秀學(xué)習(xí)者通常把他們所學(xué)的內(nèi)容與一些有趣的東西結(jié)合起來。
    Good learners often connect
    they need to learn with
  • 19.中國有很多傳統(tǒng)佳節(jié),像春節(jié)、中秋節(jié)、端午節(jié)等等。這些傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日是傳承中國優(yōu)秀歷史文化的重要載體。請(qǐng)你以"My Favorite Festival"為題,寫一篇不少于80詞的英語短文,給大家介紹你最喜歡的中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日。
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