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魯教五四新版八年級上冊《Unit 3 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?》2023年同步練習(xí)卷

發(fā)布:2024/9/18 15:0:8


  • 1.-____did the rainstorm come?
    -While we ____ a physics lesson yesterday.( ?。?/div>
  • 2.-The telephone is ringing.Please______,Jimmy.
    -OK,Mom.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.--Have you finished your homework________?
    ---Yes,I have.I've_________ finished it.( ?。?/div>
  • 4.--Hi,Gina.What were you doing at this time yesterday?
    --Oh,I          for a bus.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.-Ken,we'll leave in 15 minutes.Are you ready?
    -No,I       our maps and umbrellas.( ?。?/div>


  • 6.Last Friday storm visited villages in Honolulu.It destroyed fourteen homes.Seven others were so badly(1)
    that their owners had to leave them,and fifteen others had broken windows,doors or roofs.One person was(2)
    .Several were badly wounded and taken to (3)
    .And a number of other people got injured.Altogether over two hundred people were (4)
    as a result of the storm.A farmer,Mr.Sabin,said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour." I was in the kitchen with my wife and children," he said. "when we heard a loud(5)
    .A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us.We (6)
    to climb out but very frightened"Mrs.Roland said that her husband had just left for work when she noticed her house (7)

       She rushed outside immediately with her children. "There was no (8)
    to take anything,she said. "A few minutes later,the roof (9)
    "Soldiers helped to bring(10)
    out of the flooded area and the government provided them with food,clothes
    and tents.

    (1) A.damaged B.hurt C.name
    (2) A.saved B.killed C.stolen
    (3) A.cinema B.school C.hospital
    (4) A.sad B.bored C.homeless
    (5) A.cry B.voice C.noise
    (6) A.managed B.wanted C.searched
    (7) A.sleeping B.running C.shaking
    (8) A.work B.time C.people
    (9) A.fell down B.stood up C.fixed up
    (10) A.food B.a(chǎn)nimals C.people


  • 7.Strong winds were blowing outside.It is reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.Black clouds were making the sky very dark.(1)
    no light outside,it felt like midnight.
        Everyone in the (2)
    (neighbor) was busy.Ben's dad (3)
    (put) pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.She also put some candles and matches on the table.Ben was helping his mom make dinner (4)
    the rain began to beat (5)
    (heavy) against the windows.After dinner,they tried to play a card game,but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm (6)
    (happen) outside.Ben could not sleep at first.He finally fell asleep when the wind was (7)
    (die) down at around 3:00 a.m.When he woke up,the sun was rising.He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood (8)
    a mess.Fallen trees,broken windows and rubbish (9)
    (be) everywhere.They joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together. (10)
    the storm broke many things apart,it brought families and neighbors closer together.


  • 8.It was raining
    (heavy) at that time yesterday.
  • 9.Finally,the school bus came and
    (bring) me home.
  • 10.While the man
    (run) back home,he saw a dog by the side of the road.


  • 29.起初,我發(fā)現(xiàn)很難和我的鄰居們相處融洽。
    ,I found it difficult to
  • 30.我只是想看看這些衣服,我并不想買。
    I just want to
    at these clothes,I don't want to buy them.
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