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發(fā)布:2024/5/10 8:0:9


  • 1.閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。
        Making Better Magicians:The Vanishing Inc.Magic Fund
        We believe in giving back.That is why we've founded The Vanishing Inc.Magic Fund.This non-profit was founded specifically to advance the art of magic.And you can help.
        The funds are collected mainly from donations from people like you.We use these funds to bring about change in our industry.But we need your help.
        We use our funds in mainly three ways:
        MAGIC SCHOLARSHIPS (獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金)
        We offer scholarships to magic camps,shows and events.A week spent at Magic Camp is life-changing,yet some children who want to go will never be able to because their family can't afford it.We want to change that.We've now given over 200 scholarships to young magicians,thanks to your help.
        In order to reach the largest number of magicians possible,we've taken our charitable efforts to the Internet!Our ShareMagic video series features interesting magicians telling amazing stories.These videos range from inspirational to educational.
        We have a connection with the College of Magic in Cape Town,South Africa.This college has created a safe place for children to learn magic,as well as public speaking skills,reading skills and other essential (最基本的) life skills.We supported the renovation (整修) of a theater,where these students do their shows and take classes,and more.We also recently built The Magic Lab,where the young magicians can learn how to create magic.
        Every penny you donate goes directly to helping others.Thank you for considering a donation to our magic fund.Please click the link below to donate:
    Donate now

    (1)What are the scholarships used for?

    A.Attracting more children to magic.
    B.Praising excellent young magicians.
    C.Encouraging poor children to attend college.
    D.Helping poor children go to Magic Camp.
    (2)What did the organization do in South Africa?

    A.It founded a college.
    B.It helped repair a theater.
    C.It worked with a magic lab.
    D.It helped develop Cape Town.
    (3)What is the purpose of the text?

    A.To call on us to donate.
    B.To introduce a college of magic.
    C.To invite us to visit a magic center.
    D.To show how an organization works.
  • 2.    My love for Rio started on a girl's holiday in the year 2006.It was love at first sight.Six months after returning to my hometown of London I decided to leave my job as a Board Director at a public relations (PR) company,packed up everything and moved here.
        Unable to continue my profession of PR without the required language fluency,I fell into buying and selling properties (房產(chǎn)) while enjoying everything that Rio had to offer.One thing led to another and before long,I had become a property agent (代理商) and in 2010 set up In Town Property,which today is one of Rio's top property letting and buying companies.
        I've always had a deep love for dance and I was immediately drawn to samba.I love its exciting rhythm (節(jié)奏),and the joy (喜悅) and freedom it offers.On arrival I decided it would be necessary to learn Portuguese but just as important would be samba.Within my first few months living here I had begun samba lessons.
        In 2011 I paraded in the Rio Carnival festival for the first time.It was a wonderful experience.I'd never felt more happiness than singing loudly as I sambaed all the way down the street.Since then I have been in the parade every year.
        Over the last years,I have had the opportunity to parade with some of Rio's top samba schools,such as Mocidade,Beija-Flor,and Império da Tijuca.In 2017 I had the great honor of dancing for Império da Tijuca on its first float (花車).It was an unbelievable experience!
        I'm so passionate about this city,carnival and samba.They bring joy to the world and I want to share my love and experience with others.I think everyone needs a chance in life to live out their dreams and can't wait to bring this magic to you!

    (1)What happened to the author in 2006?

    A.She moved to London.
    B.She was attracted to Rio.
    C.She developed an interest in PR.
    D.She got a job as a Board Director.
    (2)What did the author do at the beginning of her life in Rio?

    A.She set up In Town Property.
    B.She signed up for samba lessons.
    C.She taught Portuguese to make money.
    D.She took training to improve her singing skills.
    (3)What can we learn about the author's experience with the Rio Carnival festival?

    A.She first performed in the festival in 2010.
    B.She made floats for the festival every year.
    C.She has paraded in the festival for about five years.
    D.She danced for a top samba school in the festival of 2017.
    (4)What does the underlined part"passionate about"in the last paragraph probably mean?

    A.crazy about.
    B.curious about.
    C.careful with.
    D.concerned with.
  • 3.    People love their pets.Research shows that 19% of Americans got a new pet during the COVID-19 pandemic.A recent survey shows cities can get as much advantage as possible from those dogs and cats to help develop local businesses.
        "If you are looking for footfall for a retail (零售) area like a shopping center or a central street in a town or city,a pet store is quite a good way to get it,"said Jeremy King,CEO of the consumer (消費(fèi)者) research company Attest.
        The company's research shows that most people like to shop for their pets at supermarkets,pet stores,or other in-person places."Pet owners will spend lots of money,and they don't buy these products online,"said King."They're looking for an experience and will probably include their pets in that experience."
        King said most pet owners view it as a lifestyle."There's just a huge love for the pet itself and also the whole experience of owning a pet,"King said."So it's not a surprise that when people buy new toys for their pets,they go with their pets and make it an adventure."
        It's a lifestyle trend (趨勢(shì)) that goes beyond the retail stores and into the home.57% of pet owners let their pets sleep in the bed;48% buy their pets presents during the holidays;21% cook for their pets.
        "There are people who would be happy to eat their own cat food,"King said."The meals these pet owners cook for their animals are delicious and nutritious (營(yíng)養(yǎng)豐富的).Sometimes it's better than the lunch or dinner they're eating themselves."
        The research also shows about one-third of pet owners try to bring their animals"wherever they can."This attitude has led to some changes in the tourism industry.The number of pet-friendly hotels has climbed over the past 20 years.More than half of hotels will now allow you to bring a pet.

    (1)Which of the following is a finding of the research?

    A.People in cities are more likely to raise a pet.
    B.Half of Americans got a new pet in the past year.
    C.Pet stores are mainly located in central streets.
    D.Most pet owners spend much money on their pets.
    (2)What does King think of pet owners' new lifestyle?

    A.It is hard to accept.
    B.It can be understood.
    C.It benefits their health.
    D.It is against all expectations.
    (3)What do the numbers in paragraph 5 show?

    A.Pets are treated very kindly.
    B.Pets get too much nutrition.
    C.Pets have become very lazy.
    D.Pets love to live with people.
    (4)What is the best title for the text?

    A.Pet stores have the most customers this year
    B.The number of pet stores has increased rapidly
    C.Americans' love of pets promotes local businesses
    D.Americans' love of pets has changed their lifestyle
  • 4.    The police in Pinellas County,F(xiàn)lorida,have responded (作出反應(yīng)) to countless calls from St.Pete Beach over the years,but a recent call from a local hotel guard asking for help rounding up some unwelcome visitors wasn't an ordinary situation.The visitors hanging around the hotel were baby sea turtles (海龜)!
        "While most of us were sleeping,Mackesy,Lopez,and Wheeler responded to a call early this morning from a guard at a hotel on St.Pete Beach concerning baby sea turtles that had gotten very lost while making their first journey to the ocean,"the Pinellas County Police Office shared in a Facebook post.
        According to the post,the hotel guard had already collected about 15 of the tiny turtles before calling for help.Once officers arrived,they continued to locate the confused turtles in the hotel pool,bushes,bathrooms and even in a water pipeline.
        That's when one of the officers contacted the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for some expert advice about what to do with the animals.The wildlife experts told the officers to bring the turtles to the beach and let them go to the ocean on their own.
        According to the group Sea Turtle Trackers,which watches over turtle activity on St.Pete Beach and in Shell Key Preserve,newly hatched (剛孵化的) turtles use natural light to find their position and lead them to the ocean.Sometimes,though,artificial (人造的) light from nearby buildings can influence their directional system.This is likely how this group of little ones ended up moving toward the hotel where they were found.
        The organization shared on Facebook that it plans to work more with St.Pete Beach Code Enforcement Department and the hotel in question"to educate them on the importance of wildlife-friendly lighting,"to help reduce these kinds of situations in the future.Safer practices would include using colored filters (濾 光 鏡) on light sources to help avoid attracting the attention of newly hatched turtles.

    (1)What happened early that morning?

    A.Someone got lost in Pinellas County.
    B.A guard called the police for protection.
    C.A hotel was broken into by wild animals.
    D.Some sea turtles laid eggs on St.Pete Beach.
    (2)What do we know about the baby sea turtles?

    A.They were placed in a hotel pool.
    B.They were found by a police officer.
    C.They will be studied by wildlife experts.
    D.They will make their own way to the ocean.
    (3)What caused the baby sea turtles to move to the hotel?

    A.Artificial noise.
    B.Hotel lighting.
    C.The laws of nature.
    D.The waves of the ocean.
    (4)What is the text mainly about?

    A.A special rescue.
    B.A serious problem.
    C.A shameful mistake.
    D.A successful journey
  • 5.閱讀下面短文,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng).選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng) 為多余選項(xiàng)。
        Have you ever noticed how powerful a smile can be?Did you know that smiling has been connected to our ability to be optimistic (樂觀的) and lowering our risk of early death,cancer,and infections? (1)
    Past and present scientists have found more than 15 different types of smiles,all carrying other messages.Smiling can even express fear,embarrassment,pain,and anger,among other emotions.
    With the advancement of 3 D technology,doctors have shown that developing babies smile in the womb (子宮).Once a baby is born,they continue to smile.This is true of all babies regardless of culture and environment.Smiling is an essential human expression.
        A study led by Noel Brick,a researcher from Ulster University,found that facial expressions and their accompanying (伴隨的) emotional states are connected with one another. (3)
    In Brian Luke Seaward's book,Managing Stress:Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being,he discusses how smiling stimulates neural connections (刺激神經(jīng)連接).The act of smiling makes neural networks active,which improves mood (心情) and reduces stress,leading to feelings of happiness. (4)
    It has been shown to lower high heart rates and blood pressure.
        One smile is all it takes to improve your mood,energy,and overall health.One smile is all it takes to help someone have a better day. (5)
    Sometimes,the only thing we need to do is smile!It may sound too good to be true,but you will feel just how powerful that smile can be if you practice smiling at others.

    A.Smiling can also help improve physical health.
    B.Well,according to Harvard Medical School,it's true!
    C.I try to teach those around me this very simple method.
    D.Smile at everyone you come across throughout your day.
    E.One smile is all it takes to make a difference in this world.
    F.According to Walden University,we are actually born smiling.
    G.As a result,when a person smiles,they are likely to experience happiness.


  • 6.閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C 和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。
        Kaley and Jaryd Cutting were living in a newer house for years.They were ready for a home with(1)
    .In 2020,they bought a beautiful house in Canterbury,which(2)
    the bill.Dating back to 1812,the(3)
    offered 200-plus years of character (特點(diǎn)).
        The Cuttings were(4)
    to the home's many(5)
    details,including its old wood floors and seven traditional fireplaces.They were also(6)
    that the house had been updated for the current century."The last(7)
    had done so much(8)
    on this house already.All we had to do was paint,move in,and then(9)
    little things over time, "Kaley says.
    her home's historic nature,Kaley decorates (裝飾) with finds from local antique (古董) stores."They really(11)
    the beauty of the house,"she explains.In fact,Kaley loves decorations from the(12)
    so much that she now runs her(13)
    antique shop.
        "It took me years of styling and restyling to find my own(14)
    , "Kaley says."Mostly I like a lot of layers (層次),gallery walls,and a comfortable feel."She also(15)
    changing the antique(16)
    she finds."I like to keep things(17)
    to how they come,"she notes.
        For those who are(18)
    finding their footing in the world of home decorating,Kaley has some simple(19)
    :"Try to keep a small collection of pieces that you really,really(20)
    ,"she says."Use colors that speak to you and decorations that make you happy. "

    (1) A.room B.a(chǎn)rt C.water D.history
    (2) A.fit B.faced C.cut D.passed
    (3) A.community B.street C.house D.city
    (4) A.a(chǎn)sked B.a(chǎn)dvised C.related D.a(chǎn)ttracted
    (5) A.personal B.period C.new D.standard
    (6) A.happy B.hopeful C.a(chǎn)ngry D.sorry
    (7) A.painters B.friends C.managers D.owners
    (8) A.food B.work C.money D.progress
    (9) A.know B.forget C.fix D.miss
    (10) A.protect B.record C.test D.cover
    (11) A.compete with B.bring out C.discover D.understand
    (12) A.home B.collection C.list D.past
    (13) A.local B.online C.own D.first
    (14) A.story B.style C.life D.name
    (15) A.a(chǎn)voids B.tries C.enjoys D.suggests
    (16) A.works B.shows C.treasures D.shops
    (17) A.real B.fresh C.open D.safe
    (18) A.a(chǎn)lready B.mainly C.still D.exactly
    (19) A.questions B.examples C.information D.a(chǎn)dvice
    (20) A.trust B.love C.mind D.feel


  • 7.When they returned to Xinjiang the next day,they found their neighbourhood            ruins.( ?。?/div>
  • 8. Our schedule will be prevented from ________ (carry) out due to some reasons.( ?。?/div>
  • 9. Faced with difficulties,I always choose to _____related studying materials or web pages.( ?。?/div>
  • 10.You have to ____between your learning and your relax.(  )
  • 11. The teacher______________ reading his student's composition,for the handwriting is very bad.(  )
  • 12. Mary ________ maths at Peking University because maths is her favourite.( ?。?/div>
  • 13. That novel written by J.K.Rowling _______a classic.( ?。?/div>

短文改錯(cuò)(共 10 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 10 分)

  • 38.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請(qǐng)你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有兩處。每 處錯(cuò)誤僅涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改。
    (2)只允許修改 10處,多者(從第 11處起)不計(jì)分。

    My neighbor Mack was one of those people who always had to winning.One Saturday the people from his office have a friendly volleyball game.His boss wanted themselves to get to know the each other better outside the office.The trouble started right away.Mack got annoying every time the other team got a point.He hit the ball powerful every chance he got,and made fun the other team when he got a point.His team won.His boss was very unhappy about the whole thing,but decided not to give him a big new job that were about to open up.He gave it to another office member which showed better sportsmanship.


  • 39.假如你是李華,上周六學(xué)校組織全校高一師生去紅山公園進(jìn)行了一次戶外郊游活動(dòng),請(qǐng)你就這次活動(dòng)給校園英語報(bào)寫一篇報(bào)道。
    (2)活動(dòng)的意義;字?jǐn)?shù):100 字左右。
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