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發(fā)布:2024/9/25 1:0:2

第二部分 閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分 50分)第一節(jié) (共 15 小題; 每小題 2.5 分,滿分 37.5 分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的 A, B,C,D 四個選項中選出最佳選項。

  • 1.    Are you longing to spend a perfect romantic weekend in Scotland?Here is our pick of the most romantic hotels there.Just don't blame us if you get home and find you've left your heart there.
        Gleneagles Townhouse
        9/10 Rating
        With a dramatic restaurant,a state-of-the-art gym,and a luxurious rooftop bar,the hotel is a combination of country house and modern style.Bedrooms are all soft light colours,with classic furniture and thick carpets.The best rooms overlook the City Hall in St Andrew Square,but you may wish to avoid if bothered by the trams(電車) passing below.
        The Three Chimneys
        8/10 Rating
        Stretching on the shore of Lake Dunvegan,the restaurant keeps much of its modest character,with stone walls and low ceilings.The rooms,in another building,are airy,high-ceilinged and contemporary.Staff greet you with tea and home-baked cakes in the hall with a wood-burning stove,and telescopes for birds,sea lions and star-spotting.
        Inverlochy Castle Hotel
        9/10 Rating
        Queen Victoria said she"never saw a lovelier or more romantic spot"than Inverlochy Castle in 1873,and it remains as impressive as ever,lying at the foot of Mountain Ben Nevis.Dinner begins with a drink by the fire in the Great Hall,followed by a five-course menu.In this old country house,you can feel a sense of time suspended.
        Kylesku Hotel
        8/10 Rating
        This delightful small hotel,parts of which date from the 17th century,offers stylish accommodation and splendid local seafood on a tiny island looking out across Lake Glendhu.It's located in a beautiful,remote region of the Scottish Highlands,making it perfect for those who love hillwalking,wild swimming and bird-watching.

    (1)How is Gleneagles Townhouse different from the other hotels?

    A.It is known for its delicious food.
    B.It is located in the downtown area.
    C.It provides rooms in modern style.
    D.It hosted famous people in history.
    (2)Which hotels will attract bird lovers?

    A.Gleneagles Townhouse & The Three Chimneys.
    B.Inverlochy Castle Hotel & Kylesku Hotel.
    C.Gleneagles Townhouse & Inverlochy Castle Hotel.
    D.The Three Chimneys & Kylesku Hotel.
    (3)What is the writing purpose of this passage?

    A.To recommend some good hotels in Scotland.
    B.To rank the Scottish hotels in order of quality.
    C.To introduce the history of old Scottish hotels.
    D.To select the most romantic hotels in Scotland.
  • 2.    It is the eighth time this summer that Guo Xiunan has failed to grow vegetables without chemical pesticides(殺蟲劑).After trying various homemade bug sprays(噴劑),such as plant ash,mixtures of pepper,vinegar,alcohol and water,there are still lots of holes in the leaves chewed by beetles.
        "I will not give up trying and I will go on with my experiments," the 29-year-old engineer-turned-farmer says.
        Covering 0.67 hectares(公頃) of farmland and 1.33 hectares of woodland and wetland,his farm is located in the suburbs of Hefei,East China's Anhui province.He is trying to turn it into an organic farm,growing fruits and vegetables with the same flavor of those from his childhood memories."Growing tasty and health y food has been my dream since I was a teenager.I know how difficult it can be,but if you take the soil seriously,I believe it will pay off,"Guo says.
        He adds that farming is not a business that can make money in a short time,but for him,it became an urgent issue when his father suffered stomach cancer last year,ringing an alarm bell over food safety.Recalling spending time on the farm with his parents as a child,Guo believes the overuse of chemicals in farming is not only damaging the soil,but also people's health.
        After investing more than 100,000 yuan ($13,700)since he rented the farmland last year,and reading many books on agriculture,Guo is in the early stages of fighting the various challenges through trial and error.Meanwhile,he has to develop marketing channels for his products.In March,he uploaded his first post on short-video platform Douyin to introduce his business.His account now has nearly 6,000 followers,which is way above his expectations.
        "Maybe it is because I've realized their dream life,one that they dare not pursue,"Guo says.

    (1)What can we know about Guo Xiunan from the passage?

    A.He became a farmer after graduation.
    B.He spent his childhood on the farm.
    C.He's learning farming from his father.
    D.He has made money from his farm.
    (2)How did his father's illness influence Guo?

    A.He invested in treating the illnesses.
    B.He became eager to grow healthy food.
    C.He realized the importance of health.
    D.He was encouraged to face challenges.
    (3)What attracts Guo's followers on Douyin according to him?

    A.His agricultural products.
    B.His talent in business.
    C.His life-choice of farming.
    D.His influence of success.
    (4)Which of the following can best describe Guo?

    A.Ambitious and competitive.
    B.Traditional and stubborn.
    C.Intelligent and adventurous.
    D.Determined and hardworking.
  • 3.    Popular destinations have seen an increase in incidents involving tourists in recent years.Reports of a man damaging the Colosseum in Rome (羅馬圓形大劇場) show that behavior has worsened even in places that rarely had problems in the past.
        What's behind these acts?One answer is social media.Instagram and TikTok have made it easy to find"hidden diamond"restaurants and discover new destinations to add to your travel list.But this way of travel planning has had other consequences.
        It is known as social proof when we look to the behaviors of others to justify our own actions.Now,travelers also look to social media for proof of how others behave while they go pleasure-seeking on vacations.If others are throwing caution to the wind while on vacation,this can cause a domino(多米諾) effect of bad behavior.
        Besides,because tourists are often sheltered in hotels away from local communities,they might wrongly think that traveling to a place far from home is an opportunity for consequence-free bad behavior.They underestimate or ignore the effect their actions can have on local communities.
        In response to tourist misbehavior,the island of Bali,a famous tourist destination in Indonesia,introduced new guidelines for visitors in June 2023.These include rules about proper behavior in the protected temples,around the island and with locals,and respecting the natural environment.
        Tourists now need a license to rent motorbikes,and can not set foot on any mountain or volcano in Bali due to the nature-protection laws.Besides,travelers must only stay in registered hotels,which will impact a number of Airbnb properties.
        Other destinations have taken similar steps.Iceland,Hawaii,and Costa Rica have required visitors to obey local laws and custom.Where such efforts aren't successful,some places such as Thailand's famous Maya Bay have taken it further and fully closed to tourists,at least temporarily.

    (1)What is a reason behind what tourists have done in recent years?

    A.They misjudge the results.
    B.They needn't obey the rules.
    C.They're misled by the locals.
    D.They can't accept the custom.
    (2)What does"throwing caution to the wind"in paragraph 3 mean?

    A.Acting immediately.
    B.Exploring bravely.
    C.Wandering aimlessly.
    D.Behaving wildly.
    (3)What can tourists do in Bali from June 2023 on?

    A.Visit a temple with respect.
    B.Climb up the volcano.
    C.Rent motorbikes as wished.
    D.Stay in an Airbnb house.
    (4)Why do the tourist destinations take measures against the tourists?

    A.To reduce the influence of social media.
    B.To set a limit on the number of visitors.
    C.To restrict tourists' improper behavior.
    D.To prevent tourists from being injured.

第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),滿分 40分)第一節(jié) (滿分15分)

  • 8.假定你是李華,在國外留學(xué)期間得知老師 Mr.Smith經(jīng)常參與社區(qū)服務(wù)(community service),你想加入,為此給他寫一封郵件,內(nèi)容包括:
    (1)寫作詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 80 個左右;

    Dear Mr.Smith,
        Looking forward to hearing from you.Yours,
    Li Hua

第二節(jié) (滿分 25 分)

  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        Taylor reluctantly opened her sleepy eyes and looked out the window at the foggy field below."No!"she cried,now fully awake.The cow,a troublemaker,was leisurely stepping on Mama's beloved daisy(雛菊) garden.
        "I must have forgotten to lock the garden gate last night,"Taylor thought,her heart sinking as she realized it was her fault.Mama had poured her heart and soul into this piece of land for months,tending to the soil,removing every weed,and precisely caring for the daisies.She had been taking care of them,patiently waiting for this very moment —the daisies' long-awaited flowering season.The garden was full of life,its lively daisies turning the once dull space into a breathtaking sea of colors.Mama had ambitious plans to sell daisy bouquets(花束) at the fair next week,hoping to raise enough money to buy a new suit for Papa,who worked tirelessly as a miner in the neighboring state.But now,the cow was greedily eating the delicate flowers,biting their tender leaves with no mercy.
        Taylor rushed outside.She tried all her ways to drive the cow out."When I grow up,"she thought to herself, "I'll be an artist and paint pictures all day.I'll never own a cow.They're just too much trouble."In truth,even at her tender age,Taylor showed promise as a little painter.Ms.Lizz,her painting teacher,had been astonished by her talent.It was moments like these that fueled Taylor's dreams of becoming an artist.
        Finally,the cow ran through the open gate of the garden,and with a heavy heart,Taylor closed and locked it securely.She turned back to survey the flower garden,the sight before her a scene of destruction.Most of the daisies lay either half-eaten or damaged,the delicate flowers bearing the signs of the morning's unexpected chaos(混亂).
    (1)續(xù)寫詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 150 個左右;

        Mama came out of the house.___________
        The morning of the fair,Mama and Taylor filled their stand with some daisy bouquets and,more in numbers,the paintings of daisies.___________
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