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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

一、單項選擇(共 15 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)從 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。

  • 1.It is ________ unhealthy habit to go to school without having breakfast .( ?。?/div>
  • 2.Sometimes I feel stressed because what my parents want me to do has gone ______ my ability.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.—It's reported that PE marks will be raised in the Entrance Examination for the High School.
    —________ big news!So it's important for students to exercise every day.( ?。?/div>
  • 4.-Mum, I want to watch the news about our school. Change the channel, please!
    -What a pity! It is eight o'clock now.It _____for a while.( ?。?/div>
  • 5.A Lifelong Journey wins high praise from the public.I think it is well worth ________.(  )
  • 6.If you buy your mum an Robot floor cleaner,she       sweep the floor everyday.( ?。?/div>
  • 7.Could you help me with my history project ________ you are free today ?I have only two days left to complete it.( ?。?/div>
  • 8.Gu Ailing ________ in both China and many other countries because of her amazing skiing skills.(  )
  • 9.My sister seldom spends time on TV or computer at weekends because reading ________ most of her free time.( ?。?/div>
  • 10.The film "The Battle at Lake Changjin "tells the story of the Chinese People's Volunteers fighting________ in a war at Lake Changjin .They showed great courage in front of enemies.( ?。?/div>
  • 11.-Ren Ziwei and Li Wen long won gold and silver in Men's 100 m Short Track Speed Skating Final at the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
    -We all take________ them .( ?。?/div>

六、任務型閱讀(共 10 小題;每小題 1 分,滿分 10 分)

  • 32."Don't judge a book by its cover,"the old saying goes.Unluckily,as a teenager,that is often exactly what you do to yourself.So it is important to guard against the causes behind them.
        Standards of beauty in the media can have a big influence on what you think of your physical appearance.Teens find they are unable to carry the looks of their favourite stars.They will only end up feeling worse about themselves.
        Your friends also influence the way you view your physical appearance.If you have friends who are good-looking or have a great fashion sense,it can feel like you are living in their shadow.For children of digital age,social media makes his problem even worse.Your friends may post a "never ending" series of photos online to show off their beautiful dresses or strong bodies,and you will compare yourself to them more easily.
        These external influences are always present,but there are certainly ways to deal with them.First of all,be careful not to follow popular beauty standards blindly.
        Another tip is to remind yourself that you are unique(獨一無二的).Keep in mind that your family and friends love you just the way you are.
        You may often judge yourself by what is on the outside,not on the inside .However,like a book,your contents are much more important than your cover.If you can learn to see the good things about yourself-your individuality,your value to others,your achievements-you will soon begin to love yourself just the way you are.

    Introduction Unluckily,teenager often judge a person by his or her appearance.
    for this problem
    Standards of beauty in the media.Teens may find it (2)
    to copy the looks of their favourite stars and it will make them feel worse as a result.
    Your friends with good looks or sense of fashion.Digital age and social media make it(3)
    for you to compare yourself to your friends than before.
    Ways to solve it (4)
    following popular beauty standards blindly.
    Remind yourself that you are unique.
    Conclusion Like a book,your contents are of greater importance than your cover.
    You will love yourself just the way you are if you begin to know that how special and(5)
    you are and what achievements you have made.

七、書面表達(共 1 題;滿分 15 分)

  • 33.假如你是李華。你在某英文網站看到一則招聘中國志愿者的廣告。請根據該廣告中所提供志愿者項目,結合你的實際情況選擇其中的一個項目并給項目負責人寫一份email,表達你希望參加這個項目的愿望,并闡述理由,
    Project One
    Place:A small village in a poor area of China Activities:
    ①teach children English
    ②visit the old people's home
    ③work on the farm
    Project Two
    Place:A school in Japan Activities:
    ①set up a culture exchange center
    ②give Chinese lessons
    ③play games with Japan children
    2.文章不少于 90 個詞。郵件的開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數;
    4.文中不得出現真實的姓名、校名等信息。Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am Li Hua,a middle school student from China.I want to be a volunteer                                           .Looking forward to your early reply!
    Li Hua
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