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發(fā)布:2024/8/9 8:0:9


  • 1.閱讀下列短文,從短文后每題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選出最佳選項并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。
       Have you ever wondered what the great game of Lawn Bowling is all about and have you ever wanted to try it out?If yes,then hopefully this page will tell you all you want to know.Finding a Club
       A full list of all the clubs who are members of the BLI (Bowling League of Ireland)can be found at https://irishlawnbowls.ie/bli-club/.Clubs are delighted to welcome new members and will be delighted to show you the basics of the game if you visit them.To check a suitable time to visit,you can contact the club secretary whose details you will get on the above online pages.Joining a Club
       Membership fees,which need to be paid first,vary from club to club depending on if they are a multi-sport club.Most clubs charge a fee for junior players while some clubs charge a reduced fee in the first year,as newcomers have to buy equipment.
       Equipment Needed
       The first essential is a pair of flat shoes (no heels).In the longer term you will need to buy bowling shoes which will cost you in the region of E40 to E80 depending on the pair you like.
       It is advisable not to buy a set of bowls until you have had some coaching and can get a feel of the right size of bowls.Once you start to play in league matches,you will need to purchase a set of white trousers.It is also suggested that you take a bag to carry all your equipment.

    (1)What can you find on the website?

    A.The list of all the visitors
    B.All the bowling clubs of BLI.
    C.The list of the club secretaries.
    D.All the members of the bowling club.
    (2)What should you do first to join a bowling club?

    A.Play a match.
    B.Find a suitable coach.
    C.Pay a membership fee.
    D.Prepare necessary equipment.
    (3)Where is the text probably taken from?

    A.A novel.
    B.A textbook
    C.A health report.
    D.A sports websites
  • 2.An injured hiker was rescued earlier this month after a train passenger spotted her from the window.She was crazily waving on the other side of a river,having just spent two days trapped in the wilderness with a broken leg.
       The rider told the train crew,who then reported it to the train inspector,Henry Smith.who was in a motor car behind them.Henry was able to stop and communicate with the woman on the opposite bank of the river,which was freezing cold and moving quickly.
       The hiker,a woman in her twenties,had been missing for two days.She said she'd intended to go on a day hike,but ended up falling 90 feet down a cliff face while trying to take pictures.She reportedly told rescuers that she lost consciousness for an unknown amount of time.Despite a badly broken leg,she struggled to pull herself to the bank of the river to try to flag down trains.She had no emergency supplies with her,or suitable clothing to spend the night outdoors.There had been a cold attack while the woman was trapped in the wilderness.The hiker described spending daylight hours trying to get the attention of passing trains and,at night,would roll herself into a nearby cliff face in an attempt to stay warm.
       Henry called to request help for search and rescue.The operator who received the emergency call said the hiker's family had been looking for her.While they were waiting for the rescue team,Nick and Kylah,an engineer and a fireman on the next train passing by the location,came to help.327 passengers on the train waited on the track as they crossed the river to examine the woman's injuries and bring emergency supplies,blankets and a radio for communication.Eventually,a helicopter was sent to locate and rescue the hiker and she was transported safely to the hospital.

    (1)Who first noticed the injured hiker?

    A.A train rider.
    B.Henry Smith.
    C.The train crew.
    D.Nick and Kylah.
    (2)What do we know about the woman hiker?

    A.She fell down the cliff face accidentally.
    B.She spent day and night waving for help.
    C.She had planned a two-day hike schedule.
    D.She always stayed conscious in the wilderness
    (3)What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

    A.The hiker's family had been against her going hiking.
    B.Henry sent a helicopter to locate and rescue the hiker.
    C.Nick and Kylah were sent by the police to the rescue.
    D.People on the next train also contributed to the rescue work.
    (4)Which of following words best describe the hiker?

    A.Energetic and generous.
    B.Responsible and admirable.
    C.Perseverant and humorous.
    D.Adaptable and strong-willed.
  • 3.A NASA-funded study used satellite to search for penguin poops (糞便) in Antarctica:funny at first sight though,it resulted in unique insights on the Adelie penguin's diet and its future as the climate changes.The findings published recently unlocked the secrets about the species that can provide an early-warning of threats to Antarctica's delicate ecosystem.
       Researchers from Stony Brook University used satellite images to see if the Adelie penguin's diet has been changing in response to Antarctica's changing climate.Adelie penguin population has dropped greatly in some areas even as the global population increases.The satellite images cannot show the penguins individually,but their presence can be detected by the stain (污漬) left on the ice by their waste,called guano.
       Male and female penguins take turns incubating (孵化) in the nest.The guano builds up in the same areas occupied by the nests.Heather Lynch,associate professor at Stony Brook,along with his team,used the area of the colony as defined by the guano stain to work back to the number of pairs.A global survey for Adelie penguins turned up 3.8 million breeding pairs.Also,the satellite data can detect the color of the penguin guano,ranging from white to pink to dark red.White guano is from eating mostly fish;pink and red would be from eating mostly krill(磷蝦).The team found that while the Adelie penguin's diet did show changes from year to year,no consistent pattern was obvious.
       "This was a big surprise,since the abundance and distribution of Adelie penguins has changed dramatically over the last 40 years and scientists had assumed that a change in diet might have played a role," said Casey Young flesh,a graduate student from the university.However,continued changes in the physical environment and a growing krill fishery in the region are likely to have an influence on penguin prey(獵物)and penguin population itself. "Tools like this will be important for the management of the Antarctic ecosystem,which is often considered among the most primitive areas in the world," said Young flesh.

    (1)What concerned scientists most according to paragraph 1?

    A.The climate change.
    B.The Adelie penguin's diet.
    C.The Antarctica's ecosystem.
    D.The secret of penguin poops.
    (2)How did scientists carry out the study?

    A.By doing experiments.
    B.By conducting surveys.
    C.By making observations.
    D.By collecting documents.
    (3)Which of the following would Lynch agree with?

    A.The Adelie penguin population was 3.8 million worldwide.
    B.Guano colors reflected the health condition of the penguin.
    C.The Adelie penguin's diet stayed the same most of the time.
    D.Adelie penguin waste helped estimate the penguin population.
    (4)What did Young flesh's words suggest?

    A.More Adelie penguins have appeared over the last 40 years.
    B.There was not an obvious changing pattern of penguin's diet.
    C.Diet changes didn't actually affect penguin population as assumed.
    D.Fishery was important for the management of the Antarctic ecosystem.


  • 8.假定你是李華,你的英國朋友Tom對中國傳統(tǒng)文化有濃厚的興趣。你校講舉辦一場介紹中國藝術的講座,請寫封郵件邀請他參加,內(nèi)容包括:
    1. 時間和地點
    2. 講座內(nèi)容(介紹中國畫、剪紙和京?。?br />3. 準備工作(簡要了解一下相關知識)
    1. 詞數(shù)80左右。開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù);
    2. 可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。
    參考詞匯:中國畫 Chinese painting; 剪紙 paper cuttings; 京劇 Peking Opera
    Dear Tom,
        Best wishes!
    Li Hua
  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構成一篇完整的短文。
       Erie was a little boy who was raised in an orphanage (孤兒院).He had always wished that he could fly like a bird.It was very difficult for him to understand why he could not fly.There were birds at the 200 that were much bigger than him,and they could fly.
       "Why can't I?" he thought. "Is there something wrong with me?" he wondered.
       Jerry was another little boy who was crippled (瘸).He had always wished that he could walk and run like other kids.
       "Why can't I be like them?" he thought.
       One afternoon Eric ran away from the orphanage.He came upon a park where he saw Jerry playing in the sandbox.Eric noticed that Jerry was crippled.He ran over to Jerry and asked him if he had ever wanted to fly like a bird.
       "No," said Jerry, " But I have wondered what it would be like to walk and nun like other kids."
       "That is very sad," said Erie, "But do you think we could be friends?"
       "Sure." Jerry said excitedly.
       The two little boys played for hours.They made sand castles and made really funny sounds with their mouths.Sounds made them laugh really hard.Then Jerry's father came with a wheelchair to pick him up.Eric instantly ran over to Jerry's father and whispered something into his ear.
       "That would be OK," said Jerry's father.
    Paragraph 1:
       Eric ran over to his new friend,Jerry.____________________
    Paragraph 2:
       Carrying Jerry on his back,Eric ran faster and faster.____________________
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