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發(fā)布:2024/7/12 8:0:9


  • 1.Top Learning Websites for Children in 2023 GoNoodle
       GoNoodle is an online resource designed to encourage physical activity among children.The website offers a wide selection of videos,games,and activities to get children moving inside or outside the classroom.The videos have a duration of anywhere between five to ten minutes.This is just about the right duration most students need before a lesson.The most outstanding aspect of the software is the variety of activities that children can participate in.
       Young Ocean Explorers
       Young Ocean Explorers is an online resource that focuses on environmental education and marine conservation.The website provides a wide variety of high-quality videos that teach children about marine life's beauty and diversity.The website also tackles serious environmental issues like marine life endangerment,water pollution,overfishing,and other marine-related issues head-on.There's also plenty of documentation on environmentalists doing what they can to save the environment.
       DeltaMath is an online math program designed to help teachers create math problems for exams and practice tests.The website features over 1,200 different topics.Each topic consists of hundreds of randomly generated problems that are classified further into varying levels of difficulty.Most of the questions generated are multiple-choice or short answer,and the site automatically grades responses.Some questions allow students to move numbers and variables around to solve equations(方程式).
       Spatulatta is a cooking website designed to introduce children to the culinary arts.The website aims to teach children basic cooking skills using easy-to-follow recipes with simple ingredients.You can find recipes for every meal of the day.And of course,there's a section on children's all-time favorite desserts and drinks.

    (1)What is the striking feature of Go Noodle?

    A.The variety of physical activities.
    B.The wide selection of short videos.
    C.The unique teaching methods of teachers.
    D.The creative games on different subjects.
    (2)Which website is helpful to teachers as well as students?

    D.Young Ocean Explorers.
    (3)Who is eager to learn from Spatulatta?

    A.A little sports fan.
    B.A young food lover.
    C.A little book worm.
    D.A crazy ocean explorer.
  • 2.Years earlier,I'd been a trainee in a lab,which stuck to a traditional format.The lab head would spend much time asking the presenter a series of pointed questions.Presenters would need to know extremely small details about articles they were citing and present their research using picture-perfect analyses and graphs.So the presentation was an untoward thing to almost anyone.
       When I started my own lab,I decided to change the routine by being friendly and welcome while asking my trainees challenging questions about their science.But for 6 years,I felt I hadn't created the lab environment I wanted.
       The turning point came during the pandemic.It hit home to me that one's life isn't endless and that I need to make the most of the time I have.I decided that I wanted to become a better professor—to make a mark by training the next generation of scientists.
       In my personal life,I had benefited from listening to talks by motivational speakers.So I decided to start there.At the next lab meeting,I showed my students a video about happiness,hoping it would help them in their personal life and give us something light to discuss.I wasn't sure how they'd respond,but I was pleased to discover that they were interested in discussing the advice in the video afterward.In the end,I asked them whether they'd like to do similar activities in future meetings,and they said yes.
       From then on,I began every lab meeting with a 20-minute team building session.My lab members and I do many activities—including analyzing and appreciating poetry.These sessions have eased tensions and opened minds,helping foster more participation later in the meeting.
       So far,I have been hopeful about the lab environment we're creating.My greatest wish is to see my trainees become their best selves,understand who they are and what they want as well as reach their career goals.I am proud of the change and the difference I've made.

    (1)What does the underlined word"untoward"in paragraph 1 probably mean?

    (2)How did the pandemic affect the author?

    A.He no longer wasted his time.
    B.He decided to become a professor.
    C.He realized the benefit of inspiring talks.
    D.He wanted to make more contributions.
    (3)What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

    A.The change the author made.
    B.A video the students liked.
    C.The benefit the author got from others.
    D.A proposal the students put forward.
    (4)What message does the author mainly want to deliver?

    A.Team building sessions can bring unexpected benefits.
    B.One should have the courage to make a change.
    C.Professors are responsible for teamwork.
    D.Motivational talks are the origin of inspiration.
  • 3.    ChatGPT is an advanced AI chatbot trained by OpenAI which interacts in a conversational way.The dialogue form makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions,admit its mistakes,challenge incorrect places,and reject improper requests.
       It has reached 100 million users just two months after launching,according to analysts.ChatGPT has taken the world by storm since it launched last November.The AI chatbot answers questions online in text format in a human-like way,and it can also write its responses in different styles,for example,that of a student writing an essay.
       GPT technology can help people write code quickly and accurately with the help of natural language.GPT can take a text prompt and generate code that is tailored to the given task.This technology has the potential to cut down development time,as it can generate code quickly and accurately.It can also help reduce the risk of errors,as GPT is capable of generating code that can be tested and used immediately.
       Some teachers are worried about how many of their pupils are using it to do their homework and have written to parents warning them about it.Others say they can spot its essay,and there are now tools being released which claim to be able to differentiate (區(qū)別) human text from that written by artificial intelligence.
       But the cat is out of the bag,and now the International Baccalaureate (IB 國際文憑課程) says its students can take advantage of the tech,just like using a calculator to work out a maths problem,as long as they admit to it by both crediting ChatGPT in the text and adding a reference note at the end.
       Good news for students,but ChatGPT's knowledge database only goes up to September 2021,so it's not very useful on topical subjects,and as it gets its information from the internet,it can also be inaccurate.

    (1)What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

    A.The potential of ChatGPT.
    B.The operation of ChatGPT.
    C.The benefits of ChatGPT.
    D.The development of ChatGPT.
    (2)Why do some teachers write to parents?

    A.ChatGPT makes academic to be honest.
    B.ChatGPT can write without recognition.
    C.The content of ChatGPT are entirely new.
    D.Many pupils use ChatGPT to do homework.
    (3)What can we know from what IB says about ChatGPT?

    A.It can be used under certain conditions.
    B.Teachers can tell human text from that by AI.
    C.Its knowledge database is updated to this day.
    D.Pupils use it to do homework without thinking.
    (4)What is the author's attitude towards students' using ChatGPT?



  • 8.你校準(zhǔn)備舉辦英語配音大賽(English Dubbing Competition)優(yōu)秀作品展。請(qǐng)你以學(xué)生會(huì)的名義寫篇宣傳稿,發(fā)布在校"英語園地"上。內(nèi)容包括:
    (1)dub v.配音 dubber n.配音演員;配音師
    Exhibition of Excellent Dubbing Works—Never To Be Missed          
    Students' Union

第二節(jié) 閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。

  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        Eight-year-old Kayzen Hunter visits Waffle House every weekend to have breakfast with his family.They always choose to sit in Devonte Gardner's section,because they get the best care from their favorite waiter.
        The family instantly felt close to Gardner,who would greet Kayzen with a high-five every time they entered the restaurant.Kayzen never needed to say his order again,because Gardner already knew it by heart.The family really believes he's the nicest person ever,which is why they were eager to help him when they learned his story.
        One day,while dining at the restaurant with his grandfather John Donofrio,Kayzen discovered that behind Gardner's kindness and warmth were a lot of personal struggles.At the time,Gardner asked the pair if they knew where he could buy an affordable car to use to get to work.It turned out the waiter had been walking a long distance to and from work every day.He and his family,consisting of a wife and two young daughters,were living in a motel (汽車旅館) room after their apartment became unsuitable to live in.They had been living in a motel for months.
        Kayzen couldn't erase his friend's story from his mind,so he immediately told his mom about it when he got home. "We have to start a GoFundMe page and help Gardner get a car!" he kept saying.He didn't give up on the idea until his mom Vittoria gave in.Their goal was to get ﹩5,000 in donations so Gardner could purchase a car.Vittoria and her husband were eager to help their son achieve the goal,especially since they had the same experience years ago.It took a long time to rebuild their lives,but they were able to bounce back.Now,they wanted to help Gardner do the same.

    A local news station picked up the story,and then more donations began pouring in.
        Upon discovering what Kayzen had done,Gardner wept.
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