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  • 1.SEA Summer High School Programs 2022Science at SEA
       Science at SEA is a four-week program for rising high school juniors and seniors,as well as recent high school graduates,which focuses on the coastal and offshore marine environment around Cape Cod,Massachusetts.The program includes a shore component on the SEA campus in Woods Hole and a sea component aboard the Sailing School Vessel(SSV) Corwith Cramer.
    July 21-August 13 Expense:﹩4,000
    SEA Quest
       SEA Quest is a two-week program that welcomes high school students and recent graduates.Participants will gain hands-on experience conducting field research,sailing at all ship,and understanding of the complexities of creating and managing marine reserves.They return home with a broader sense of the ocean's importance to our planet and the need to preserve this precious resource for future generations.Life here is fast-paced.No prior sailing experience is necessary.Strong desire to learn is required!
    July 11-July 22 Expense:﹩3,200
    SEA Cape
       This three-week summer program at SEA offers current high school students the opportunity to study the marine environment from a variety of perspectives:scientific,historical,and literary.Participants live and study at our campus in Woods Hole,Massachusetts.
    June 27-July 14 Expense:﹩3,800
    SEA Expedition
       This two-week summer program for high school students,including graduating seniors,is centered on learning by doing.SEA Expedition is a multidisciplinary experience that welcomes students to participate in every aspect of a challenging offshore sailing and oceanographic expedition,and occurs entirely aboard the SSV Corwith Cramer.Life at sea is fast-paced and tough.
    July 5-July 17 Expense:﹩3,500

    (1)Which program lasts the longest?

    A.Science at SEA.
    B.SEA Quest.
    C.SEA Cape.
    D.SEA Expedition.
    (2)What is necessary for participants in SEA Quest?

    A.Previous experience in sailing.
    B.Great eagerness to study the sea.
    C.Ability to conduct scientific experiments.
    D.Knowledge of sea resources preservation.
    (3)What is special about SEA Expedition?

    A.It offers opportunities of sailing.
    B.It entirely takes place on a ship.
    C.It features many relaxing activities.
    D.It allows graduates to participate in.
  • 2.Even when she was a young child,Malia Hee began breaking boundaries.The young champion discovered fencing (擊劍) through her sister,who is also a fencer.Malia,who is now a student at Temple University in Pennsylvania,took up the sport at the age of 6.
       When Malia was growing up in Vancouver,Washington,she balanced other sports with fencing. "But I saw my potential in fencing," she said.
       Malia has already won five national titles.In 2014,when she was 16,she qualified for the Junior Olympics.A year later,she won the national champion for the juniors.
       While talking about her greatest victories,Malia recalled her very first tournament.She competed against just one boy-and placed second. "But I was really happy just to win a medal,even though there were just two of us," she said.
       Malia fenced throughout high school.Her skills earned her scholarships to several colleges. "I was approached by Ohio State,Penn State,Notre Dame,Harvard,Columbia,Duck,and Temple," she said. "The reason I chose Temple was that I am a very artsy person,and out of all the programs I was offered,Temp had the most competitive arts program."
       Malia is now majoring in graphic design and advertising at Temple.Between academics and fencing,she is doing very well.This past year,she won the Elite 90 Award in the National College Athletic Association Dision I Women's Fencing Championship.The award is given to athletes who have reached the highest point in national competition in their own sport,as well as the highest academic level among their peers.
       "Moving forward,I'm not going to take fencing as seriously," she said.After college,she hopes to work in the sports industry as a graphic designer or marketer.She wants to live near a fencing club,where she can compete with fun.
       Wherever her career takes her,Malia will always be remember as an individual who broke boundaries.

    (1)What can we learn about Malia's first tournament?

    A.She narrowly won the game.
    B.She was encouraged by the medal.
    C.She beat the boy in the second round.
    D.She was happy to share the medal with a boy.
    (2)Why did Malia choose Temple University?

    A.It gave her an attractive scholarship.
    B.It allowed her to go on with her fencing training.
    C.It offered her the most competitive fencing program.
    D.It provided better arts program than other universities.
    (3)What will Malia probably do after college?

    A.Go for further study in sports industry.
    B.Compete for more champions in fencing.
    C.Design posters for marketing campaigns.
    D.Be a professional coach in a fencing club.
    (4)What can we learn from Malia's story?

    A.Hard work pays off.
    B.The earlier,the better.
    C.All roads lead to Rome.
    D.More breakthroughs,more achievements.
  • 3.Think "art".What comes to your mind?Is it Greek or Roman sculptures in the Louvre,or Chinese paintings?Have you ever imagined it's a dancing pattern of lights?
       The artworks by American artist Janet Echelman look like colourful floating clouds when lit up at night.Visitors could not only enjoy looking at them but also interact with them literally - by using their phones to change the colors and patterns.But are they really art?
       Whatever your opinion,we cannot deny art has existed for thousands of years and art and technology have always been two separate things.
       Today,however,technological advances have led to a combination of art and technology,changing the art world greatly.Now art is more accessible to us.For example,people used to queue six hours but spend limited time admiring the famous 5-metre Chinese painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival.Thanks to technology,however,viewers can leisurely experience a digital version of this painting,where the characters can move and interact with their surroundings.
       The art-tech combination is also changing our concepts of "art" and the "artist".Not only can we interact with art,but take part in its creation.With new technological tools at our fingertips,more people are exploring new art forms,such as digital paintings and videos.However,it has also raised questions over its overall quality.Can a video of someone slicing a tomato really be called "art"?
       Similarly,such developments are making the line between art and technology less distinct.Can someone unfamiliar with traditional artists' tools really call themselves an "artist"?And is the artist the creator of the art itself,or the maker of the technology behind it?
       Where technology will take art next is anyone's guess.But one thing is for sure - with so many artists exploring new possibilities,we can definitely expect the unexpected.

    (1)How could viewers interact with Janet Echelman's artworks?

    A.By talking to her on the phone.
    B.By lighting up the artworks.
    C.By touching their phone screens.
    D.By coloring the patterns.
    (2)What does the example in Paragraph 4 indicate?

    A.Achievements of China's technology.
    B.The influence of art on technology.
    C.Interaction between viewers and art.
    D.Easier access to art caused by technology.
    (3)What do we know about the art-tech combination?

    A.It lowers the quality of artworks.
    B.It involves common people in innovation.
    C.It shortens the time of painting.
    D.It makes scientists the real creators of art.
    (4)What is the author's attitude towards combining technology with art?

  • 4.With nearly a quarter of global greenhouse gas coming from all types of transportation,can we keep ourselves off gas-powered vehicles to avoid the worst effects?As more governments push for urgent action on climate change,quite a few companies are betting their future - that millions of consumers are finally ready for electricity-powered vehicles.Modern battery-powered cars are selling fast and zero- emission(排放)planes are coming.These changes,both leading to a more sustainable future,are reinventing how we get from here to there.
        Cars and trucks are undergoing their greatest improvement since the automobile's(汽車)existence more than a century ago.Almost overnight,the era of the electric car has arrived.Electricity has the advantage that it works without smell and with less noise.Global annual sales of electric vehicles are expected to soar from just over 3 million today to 14 million by 2025.Just a month after Ford unveiled an electric version of the popular F-150,customers had reserved more than 100,000 of them.The price is about $10,000 above the gas-powered one,but Ford says the electric model will cost much less to maintain.Everything creating a green revolution on the ground is of limited help in the sky for the time being.
        High-storage batteries are useless at present when it comes to the technological challenge of launching a few hundred people into the sky and carrying them thousands of miles.No battery yet invented can power,say,a Boeing 747 from New York to London.Promising improvements,however,do add up.Developments with zero-emission,battery-powered electric engines are already happening in commercial flight,involving trips of limited duration and distance.Airlines specializing in short journeys with small planes will lead the way to electric flight.
        Our planet's health depends on zeroing out carbon dioxide emissions by 2050,and yet,by the timetable needed to address the climate challenge,the shift away from gas-powered vehicles remains far too slow.Nevertheless,the train has left the station.Someday,electric-powered transportation will be as common as air.

    (1)Why are many companies switching to electricity-powered vehicles?

    A.To reinvent the way we travel.
    B.To cut the costs of car production.
    C.To improve the quality of products.
    D.To pursue sustainable development.
    (2)What do we know about the electric car?

    A.It came into use a century ago.
    B.It enjoys increasing popularity.
    C.It sells better than the traditional one.
    D.It costs less than the gas-powered one.
    (3)What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 3?

    A.To show the disadvantages of battery power.
    B.To emphasize the significance of short flights.
    C.To stress the future prospects of electric planes.
    D.To state the developments of commercial flight.
    (4)What does the author mean by saying "the train has left the station"?

    A.Train transportation has improved.
    B.Green transportation is on its way.
    C.The electric train is running regularly.
    D.The gas-powered train has become the past.


  • 5.To shoot a scene of people eating food,you need two different perspectives(角度).To record a bus journey to school,you need three quick cuts.To complete this short,morning rush-hour video blog - or "vlog(短視頻)"- you need four pieces of music. (1)

       With more than 90 million vlogs available online,and 2,000 posted every hour on the YouTube video--sharing site,CBS News says they are mainstream with people born after 1995.
    More young Chinese people have become inspired to grab a camera and recount the details of their day on Sina Weibo,Bilibili or WeChat Moments.
       "The most important thing about vlogging is to tell a good story.Other visual effects are auxiliary(輔助的)," wrote US vlogger Casey Neista,who has almost 10 million subscribers(用戶) on YouTube.
       Chinese vlogger Wang Xiaoguang is an example of a good storyteller.In one of his popular vlog posts,Wang tells the story of traveling to Japan.While there,he took a ride in the wrong direction and got lost.Worse,he forgot to bring a phone charger. (3)

       Another key aspect of vlogs is that the content is based on everyday life,according to Ouyang Nana,18,a young Chinese musician.She documents her life at Berklee College of Music.Ordinary as vlogs are,as many as 15 million fans share her wows and woes(喜怒哀樂(lè)) on a daily basis.
    Peng Yixuan,a news reporter with China Daily,recorded her first experience attending and reporting on the two sessions in March of this year.With a relaxed,chatty and personal approach,she presented the conferences, "bringing more warmth" to the grand political event,according to People's Daily.
       There are popular vlogs for beauty,gaming,fashion,food and travel.Vloggers are learning new ways to experience the thrill of them. (5)
    Then what are you waiting for?Grab a camera!

    A.They come from all walks of life.
    B.However,he didn't take the number of his hotel.
    C.Vlogging has taken China by storm over the past year.
    D.Some other popular vloggers choose to show their careers.
    E.Vlogs pave the way for future advertising and sales campaigns.
    F.Luckily he was able to borrow money from a stranger and escape trouble.
    G.Vloggers have these techniques in mind as they film their daily activities.


  • 6."Everything happens for the best," my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. "If you carry on,one day something good will happen.And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that(1)
       Mother was(2)
    .As I discovered after graduating from college in 1932,I had decided to hunt for a job in radio,then work my way up to sports announcer.I went to Chicago and(3)
    on the door of every station--but got(4)
    every time.In one studio,a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't(5)
    hiring an inexperienced person. "Go out in the suburbs and find a(6)
    station that'll give you a chance," she said.I turned to Dixon,Illinois.
       While there were no radios announcing jobs in Dixon,they had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to(7)
    its sports department.The job sounded just right for me.But I wasn't hired.My(8)
    must have shown. "Everything happens for the best," my mother reminded me.Dad offered me the car to(9)
    job.As I left his office,my frustration boiled over.I asked aloud, "How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?" I was(10)
    the elevator when I heard MacArthur calling. "What do you say about sports?Do you know anything about(11)
    ?" Then he let me stand before a microphone and asked me to broadcast a(n)(12)
    game.I did a 15-minute football game occasional commentary(實(shí)況報(bào)道),and Peter told me I would be(13)
    Saturday's game!On my way home,as I have many times,I(14)
    my mother's words:If you carry on,one day something good will happen.
       I often wonder what(15)
    my life might have taken if I'd not gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.

    (1) A.first B.latest C.previous D.last
    (2) A.happy B.right C.sad D.wise
    (3) A.knocked B.worked C.decided D.drew
    (4) A.turned down B.turned up C.turned over D.turned off
    (5) A.stand B.risk C.a(chǎn)void D.refuse
    (6) A.local B.small C.famous D.unknown
    (7) A.build B.manage C.handle D.control
    (8) A.puzzle B.surprise C.disappointment D.joy
    (9) A.lose B.settle C.hunt D.reserve
    (10) A.sitting in B.waiting for C.standing in D.leaving for
    (11) A.sports B.games C.basketball D.football
    (12) A.live B.exciting C.imaginary D.real
    (13) A.broadcasting B.showing C.lecturing D.managing
    (14) A.thought B.reminded C.recalled D.collected
    (15) A.results B.directions C.measures D.methods


  • 7.An Olympic dream is a shared dream At 8pm,on February 4th,2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games(1)
    (start).Once again,the National Stadium hosted the opening ceremony and exhibited a "streamlined,safe and splendid" event. (2)
    the joy of hosting a major event,hosting the Winter Olympics is no easy task for China as the threat of corona virus pandemic is still here.
        It is widely acknowledged that Olympic Games is organized in a way of collective competition,but runs(3)
    (it) more like a festival and gala.Two-time Olympic Opening Ceremony director Zhang Yimou summarized the (4)
    (differ) between 2008 and 2022 in such a way (5)
    further interpretation has become unnecessary.Although the Olympic spirit is now considered outdated in some postmodern countries,a moment like this,of all countries (6)
    (cheer) for fair competition and the pure joy of self-overcoming,would be a rare treasure for the world and all of humanity.
        By the opening ceremony,China proved its(7)
    (commit) to fulfill the obligation to the international Olympic family,its sense of responsibility as a major country,and its appreciation of this "share dream".Just as president Xi mentioned, "From 'One World-One Dream' in 2008 to 'Together for a Shared Future' in 2022,China(8)
    (take) an active part in the Olympic movement." After two years' hardships and difficulties faced by the entire globe,it could be(9)
    time for us to sow understanding and sincerity.The fruit will(10)
    (doubt) be profitable.


  • 8.He was
    (拋棄)by his father when he was three months old.
  • 9.My teacher asked me to take part in the speech
    (比賽)held by my school.


  • 27.我們需要做的第一件事是制定一個(gè)計(jì)劃。(不定式做表語(yǔ))


  • 28.One pleasant New Year morning,Edward rose and washed and dressed himself very quickly.He wanted to be the first to wish everyone a happy New Year.He looked in every room,and shouted the words of welcome.He ran into the street to repeat them to those he might meet.When he came back,his father gave him two bright new silver dollars.His face lighted up as he took them.He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore.
        He left the house with a light heart,intending to buy the books.As he ran down the street,he saw a poor German family,the father,the mother,and three children shivering(發(fā)抖)with cold.
        "I wish you a happy New Year," said Edward,as he was happily passing by.The man shook his head. "You do not belong to this country?" said Edward.The man again shook his head,for he could not understand or speak the English language.But he pointed to his mouth,and to the children,as if to say, "These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time." Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in a very difficult situation and required some help.He took out his dollars,and gave one to the man,and the other to his wife.
        How their eyes sparkled(閃耀)with gratitude!They said something in their language,which doubtless meant, "We thank you a thousand times,and will remember you in our prayers."
        When Edward came home,his father asked what book he had bought.He hung his head a moment,but quickly looked up. "I have bought no books," said he,I gave my money to some poor people,who seemed to be very hungry."
    Paragraph 1: "I think I can wait for my books till next New Year," continued he ____________
    Paragraph 2:The next day,Edward was stepped by his father._______________
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