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滬教牛津版九年級上冊《Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer》2023年單元測試卷(1)

發(fā)布:2024/9/15 9:0:8


  • 1.In 1876,Mark Twain published The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.The book is fun to read.Even today,it is quite(1)
    among children.Although I am in my thirties,the novel is one of my favorites.After rereading the book recently,I(2)
    a lot from Tom Sawyer.
       In our daily lives,we are often given some boring or tiring tasks.Let's be honest:What's on your mind(3)
    your mom tells you to sweep the floor?Have you ever wanted to complain(抱怨)?I think most of(4)
       Tom Sawyer,however,thought(5)
    when he was given a boring task(任務(wù)).One Saturday morning,Aunt Polly told Tom(6)
    the fence(柵欄).Tom's friend Ben happened to walk past.Instead of complaining,Tom told Ben that he felt "excited" about the task. "Only one in a thousand—maybe even two thousand—boys can do this," Tom said. "I enjoy it very much!"
       Tom's words made Ben interested(7)
    the task.He even gave Tom his apple so that he(8)
    have a chance to paint the fence.If Tom had thought about nothing(9)
    complaining,he would have had a bad day painting the fence.
       This story teaches me a meaningful lesson:Complaining is useless.The next time you are given a task you dislike,don't complain.Without complaining,you'll feel better and perhaps even do(10)
    better job!

    (1) A.more popular B.most popular C.popular D.popularity
    (2) A.have learned B.learned C.learns D.was learned
    (3) A.a(chǎn)fter B.before C.until D.when
    (4) A.we B.us C.our D.ours
    (5) A.differently B.different C.difference D.differ
    (6) A.paint B.painted C.painting D.to paint
    (7) A.in B.on C.a(chǎn)t D.with
    (8) A.would B.should C.could D.must
    (9) A.a(chǎn)nd B.but C.or D.so
    (10) A.a(chǎn) B.a(chǎn)n C.the D./


  • 2.Success path is certainly not problem-free.That's my motto and I follow it to chase my dream.
       After the publication of my first two books,I sent my publisher Summer of the Wolves.I'd written it with great passion (熱情) ,filled with (1)
    .But the publisher (2)
    it.I sent it to two or three others publishers.The(3)
       I thought this novel must be really bad and cried for three days.I(4)
    the novel.But I couldn't' t stop(5)
    .In a few years,I kept on(6)
    my skills and released (發(fā)布) a few more books with agencies.
       One day,a publisher asked, "Do you have anything else?And yes I did---Summer of the Wolves. "Send it to me," she said.So I did.A few weeks later,she (7)
    my rewriting it in the first person (以第一人稱) .
       It had been written in two (8)
    in the third person.Therefore,that was a large amount of (9)
    to me.But I was(10)
    to take the challenge.Two months later she (11)
    me when it was published and asked me to write another one.I couldn't believe (12)
    was knocking at my door.
      I am not a great talent,but I am (13)
    .I've published 11 novels but written 15.Will those other four ever (14)
    ?I hope so.I keep working and never give up.It is a marathon not a short (15)
    (1) A.knowledge B.confidence C.imagination D.a(chǎn)ttention
    (2) A.a(chǎn)dmired B.refused C.a(chǎn)ccepted D.researched
    (3) A.normal B.wonderful C.similar D.common
    (4) A.cut out B.took away C.put away D.gave away
    (5) A.writing B.crying C.thinking D.explaining
    (6) A.speeding B.improving C.raising D.increasing
    (7) A.a(chǎn)dvised B.a(chǎn)llowed C.suggested D.excused
    (8) A.voices B.noises C.sounds D.songs
    (9) A.job B.work C.time D.duty
    (10) A.please B.pleased C.pleasure D.pleasant
    (11) A.congratulated B.punished C.warned D.bothered
    (12) A.failure B.luck C.success D.courage
    (13) A.kind-hearted B.open-minded C.hard-working D.well-known
    (14) A.bring up B.come out C.take up D.carry out
    (15) A.field B.contest C.competition D.race


  • 3.There are many wonderful literature works(文學(xué)作品)in the world,and they are still popular after so many years.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Robinson Crusoe is one of the most famous adventure(探險)novels in England.It was written by Daniel Defoe,an English novelist.The novel has been popular for centuries.The main character in it is an Englishman named Robinson Crusoe.It tells about his adventure on a desert island after his ship was broken in a terrible storm.He is a hero fighting against nature and human fate(命運).He is one of the most successful characters in English novels.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a work of children's literature by a British writer,Lewis Carroll.It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a wonderland.Many strange things happen to her and she also meets many playing cards and creatures(生物)that can talk.Finally,she finds everything is just a part of a wonderful dream.
    菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) Harry Potter is a set of fantasy(魔幻的)novels written by the British author J.K.Rowling.She was born on July 30,1965.The success of the novels has made her the most highly-paid novelist in history.The idea for Harry Potter came to her in 1990 during a train ride.The story is about seven years' life of an orphan(孤兒)Potter who learns magic.There are seven books in total.
    (1)Robinson had his adventure
    A.on the ship
    B.on a desert island
    C.in the forest
    D.a(chǎn)long the river
    (2)According to the passage,
    is a man who is fighting against nature and fate.
    A.Robinson Crusoe
    B.Daniel Defoe
    C.Harry Potter
    D.Lewis Carroll
    (3)In fact,Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a story of a
    A.real adventure
    B.magical boy
    C.terrible experience
    D.wonderful dream
    (4)We can know that
    has been the most highly-paid novelist in history.
    C.Lewis Carroll
    (5)Which is NOT mentioned in the passage?

    A.Adventure novels.
    B.Fantasy novels.
    C.Children's literature.
    D.Historical novels.


  • 10.他最喜歡的禮物是那只手表。
    he likes most is the watch.


  • 11.你最喜愛的書是什么?請以"My Favorite Book"為題寫一篇作文。寫作內(nèi)容要包括以下信息:
    My Favorite Book                                                                                                                  .
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