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外研版(2019)必修第三冊《Unit 6 Earth first Section B》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(Using language 基礎(chǔ)+綜合雙向提升)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.
    in a supermarket,you will be punished.
  • 2.
    ,I met her.
  • 3.I have as much as confidence in you
    in him.
  • 4.
    ,we must fulfill it in time.
  • 5.I appreciate
    you deal with the problem.


  • 14.Do be careful when crossing the street. (補(bǔ)全句子成分)
    →Do be careful
    crossing the street.


  • 15.It all started when we were at school on a Monday.It was after lunch time and we had just finished this week's maths exam and Stephen,Vivian,Krystal and I were correcting our(1)
    again.We were just getting ready to do English when everything started(2)
    .Things were flying everywhere.It was an EARTHQUAKE!
       Stephen,Vivian,Krystal and I all(3)
    for cover while everyone else stood there,too(4)
    to move.Even the(5)
    boys in the class didn't move!It shook like jelly and it was the scariest earthquake ever!A bookshelf fell on the(6)
    of the girls.The heater fell on the boys.It was a disaster!So far,Stephen,Vivian,Krystal and I were the only people(7)
    .We were all as scared as if we had seen a(8)
       The earthquake went for a couple more(9)
    and then we ran into the corridor and checked if anyone was alive.Everyone but us was dead.We went outside and all the(10)
    were wrecked.All except one.
       We ran into the house and it was as(11)
    as ice.The disgusting cobwebs(蜘蛛網(wǎng))touched our skin.It was a nightmare!The house was old and rotten and it(12)
    like really bad body smell.We ran(13)
    and we heard someone shouting.We(14)
    the door.There was a girl in the room.We guessed she was about eight years old. "Help me",she shouted in a frightened voice,I was just about to help her when I heard my alarm clock ringing.It was just a(15)

    (1) A.a(chǎn)nswers B.composition C.paper D.English
    (2) A.burning B.flying C.shaking D.completing
    (3) A.walked B.wandered C.stood D.escaped
    (4) A.scared B.pleased C.surprised D.interested
    (5) A.youngest   B.bravest  C.tallest  D.saddest
    (6) A.top B.bottom C.left D.right
    (7) A.dead B.a(chǎn)live C.a(chǎn)wake D.sleeping
    (8) A.movie B.play C.stranger D.ghost
    (9) A.nights B.minutes C.days D.weeks
    (10) A.schools B.rooms C.houses D.corridors
    (11) A.cold B.hot C.warm D.cool
    (12) A.looked B.felt C.smelt D.tasted
    (13) A.downstairs B.outside C.inside D.upstairs
    (14) A.opened B.closed C.broke D.locked
    (15) A.story B.fact C.earthquake D.dream
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