31.There are many kinds of trains in the world. There are fast trains and slow ones. Some trains carry passengers, some carry animals and some carry things. Some trains go through hills and some run over rivers. There are some bridges over the rivers. So trains can easily run over the rivers. But it is not easy to build such a bridge. In big cities,streets are usually very busy. So you can find trains under the ground. They are called subway(地鐵). They carry people quickly in and out of the city. It is very convenient. The trains today have dining rooms for passengers. Passengers can eat in the dining room when they are hungry on the way. A lot of children love trains and they make different model trains. With the model trains,they can enjoy the wonderful world of trains. (1)題完成句子;(2)~(3)題簡略回答問題;(4)題找出全文的主題句,并寫在相應的橫線上;(5)題將文中畫線句子翻譯成漢語。 (1)It is very
to build a bridge that crosses the river. (2)What's the name of trains under the ground?
(3)Where can passengers eat when they are hungry on the way?