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牛津譯林新版八年級(jí)上冊(cè)《Unit 2 School life》2023年同步練習(xí)卷(2)

發(fā)布:2024/9/14 18:0:9


  • 1.You are getting fatter and fatter.You should eat _______ food and take _______ exercise.( ?。?/div>
  • 2.He spent_____ time and planted_______ trees than any other student in our class,I felt very happy.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.Amy does everything the ______ in our class.Do you agree?( ?。?/div>
  • 4.I'm not so ________ as him.I am much ________.(  )
  • 5.---I usually go there by train.
    ---Why not ____ by plane?It's faster.(  )


  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)6.Exams are a fact of school life for most people.Almost everyone worries about them and feels stressed,although they have prepared well.
       A little stress caused by the exams is useful as it can sharpen your mind and motivate(激發(fā)) you to do well.But too much stress can stop you working to the best of your abilities,so it's important not to let it get out of control.Here are some ideas to help you.
       The keys to being prepared for exams and avoiding unnecessary exam stress are knowing what you need to know,planning and preparing for your revision(復(fù)習(xí)),and giving yourself enough time to do it.
       If you can,find a copy of the syllabus for each subject.This tells you what you need to know and gives you the topics for revision.
       Make a week-by-week revision timetable chart to display in your work space.Include the topics you need to cover for each subject.
       About 12 weeks before your first exam,record the dates and times for each of your exams in your planner or diary and make a copy to put on your wall at home.
       During your exam period you want your brain to work at its very best,so build in relaxation time before bed,avoid late night revision sessions and try to go to bed early so you get enough sleep.If panic(驚慌) starts to creep in,try to replace your negative thoughts with more positive(積極的) ones,such as 'It's going to be OK.' If you have difficulty answering a question,leave it and move on to the next one-don't spend time tying yourself in mental( 思想上的) knots over each question.
       You are not alone while dealing with the stress.Call psychological(心理的) hotline to share your worries and get help from others going through the same experience.Remember that there is life after exams.Things may feel stressful right now,but it won't last forever.And then the rest of your life will still be there.

    The Exam Stress
    Situation (1)
    about exams is a real fact for almost everyone at school.
    Problem ◆Though a little exam stress does good to you,too much may make you (2)
    to work as well as you can.
    How to control exam stress ◆Careful preparation is necessary to stop you from worries.
    ◆Find a copy of the syllabus for each subject to get necessary(3)
    ◆Make a revision timetable chart for every(4)
    to display in your work space,including necessary topics.
    ◆Prepare for your exams(5)
    and remind yourself of the dates and times for each exam.
    ◆Make yourself(6)
    before bedtime and get enough sleep.
    ◆Try to(7)
    yourself to stay positive.
    ◆ If you meet difficult questions,just move on,instead of(8)
    how to answer them too long.
    ◆Turn to psychological hotline and those in the same boat for(9)
    ◆Remember stress will disappear but your(10)
    will go on.


  • 18.Amy sings more beautifully than any other student in her school.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
    Amy sings
    in her school.
  • 19.This computer is more expensive than that one. (改為同義句)
    This computer
    than that one.
APP開(kāi)發(fā)者:深圳市菁優(yōu)智慧教育股份有限公司| 應(yīng)用名稱:菁優(yōu)網(wǎng) | 應(yīng)用版本:5.0.4 |隱私協(xié)議|第三方SDK|用戶服務(wù)條款