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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

一、第二部分閱讀理解( 共兩節(jié),滿分30分) 第一節(jié)(共4小題;每小題6分,滿分30分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.Famous Seed Banks Around the World The Svalbard International Seed Vault
       Opened for storage in 2008,the seed bank is located deep in the side of a frozen arctic mountain in Longyearbyen,Norway,and can weather (抵抗) any disaster from bombings to earthquakes.Samples are collected from seed banks all over the world to be stored in the underground vault( 保險(xiǎn) 庫).Rather than acting as an active seed bank,the Vault is a global backup system for the planet's plant resources.
       The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species in China
       Founded in the city of Kunming in 2007,the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species( GBWS) is a research and preservation center for rare and endangered plants and animals.It includes a seed pool,DNA bank,microbial(微生物的) bank and other parts.So far,it has preserved over 10 ,000 types of wild plant seeds,making it the largest in Asia and the second of its kind globally.
       Singapore Botanic Gardens Seed Bank
       Opened in 2019,the seed bank is safeguarding plant biodiversity:in Southeast Asia through conservation,research and education.Visitors can learn about seeds and the science of seed storage at a new building and outdoor garden.The Bank mainly conducts its research into seed preservation of tropical plants.It will be able to store the seeds of up to 25 ,000 plant species.
       The Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry
       Located near Russia's St.Petersburg and founded in 1921,the Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry remains the world's largest collection of plant seeds.It mainly focuses on crops that are suitable for farming in Russia such as potatoes,wheat,beans,vegetables,and many others.

    (1)What do we know about the Svalbard International Seed Vault?

    A.It lies in an earthquake zone.
    B.It is resistant to bomb attacks.
    C.It is the best-known globally.
    D.It only stores seeds from Norway.
    (2)What makes Singapore Botanic Gardens Seed Bank special?

    A.Its role in education.
    B.Its amount of seed storage.
    C.Its research into rare plants.
    D.Its protection of tropical animals.
    (3)Which of the following seed banks was oldest?

    A.The Svalbard International Seed Vault.
    B.Singapore Botanic Gardens Seed Bank.
    C.The Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry.
    D.The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species in China.
  • 2.Fifteen years ago,when darkness used to fall in Yobe Nkosi,a remote village in :northern Malawi,children did their school homework by candlelight:There was no electricity.But that started to change in 2006,when villager Colrerd Nkosi finished secondary school in Mzimba,some 40 kilometres away,and returned home,and found he could no longer live without power.
       Aged 23 at the time,Nkosi soon figured out that a small river past the house where he grew up had just enough force to push the pedals on his bicycle.He created a generator( 發(fā)電機(jī)) that brought power into his home.Word spread quickly among brick houses and neighbors.Began paying regular visits to charge their mobile phones."I started getting requests for electricity and decided to upgrade," said Nkosi.
       With no previous training,he turned an old fridge compressor( 壓縮機(jī)) into a water powered turbine(渦輪) and put it in a nearby river,generating electricity for six households.Today,the village is supplied by a bigger turbine.
       The users pay no fee for the power but give Nkosi some money for maintenance一slightly more than $1 per household per month."The electricity is basically free ,"Nkosi said,speaking in local Chichewa.He admitted that the maintenance income was too small to cover repair costs,which.he mainly funded from his own pocket.;
       Despite the challenges,he is determined to expand his mini electricity network to surrounding areas."Once more villages and schools have electricity,people will no longer cut down trees for charcoal(炭) ,"he said."Students will have a lot more time to study",he said.
       As dusk settles over Kasangazi Primary School,groups of learners rush into a classroom for a night-time.study session."Before we had electricity here,we used to use candles to study,"" said student Gift Mfune,sorting through a pile of text books on his desk. "Now,we all have no excuse but to pass our examinations ,"he laughed.Courtesy of Nkosi,the building is the only school with power out of 17 others servicing the area.

    (1)Why did Nkosi's first generator need upgrading?

    A.To make much more money.
    B.To attract more people's visits.
    C.To charge more mobile phones.
    D.To meet more people's requests.
    (2)Which words can best describe Nkosi?

    A.Mean and stubborn.
    B.Creative and generous.
    C.Wealthy and humorous.
    D.Narrow-minded and short-sighted.
    (3)What can we know about the students in Kasangazi Primary School?

    A.They have to stay up late.
    B.They did not do well in exams.
    C.They are very grateful to Nkosi.
    D.They must have a promising future.
    (4)What's the author's purpose in writing the text?

    A.To share a touching story.
    B.To advertise a remote village.
    C.To show students' love for a teacher.
    D.To remember a respectable engineer.
  • 3.Methane is one of the biggest drivers of global warming.About 95% of methane emissions from cattle come out of their mouths and noses.The common method to design cattle feed additive(飼料添加劑) helps in the reduction of methane gas in' cattle's stomachs.However,chemical additives may become a problem for animal life and also the products.
       A British company has come up with a cow mask,which breaks down methane,a more harmful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide,into CO2,and water.The company,named Zelp,was founded by brothers Francisco and Patricio Norris,children of Argentine-based cattle keepers.According to the company,the mask is able to reduce up to 60 percent of methane emissions in cattle.
       Unlike a human face' mask,the cow mask↓doesn't cover the mouth.It sits just over the nose,helping it to catch methane from breathing and burps(打嗝):A sensor(感應(yīng)器) on the device detects what percentage of methane the cow breathes out.As the methane reaches a certain level,a chemical reaction turns it into carbon dioxide and water.
       The mask also works as a smart device for cows.It monitors cattle location through a GPS chip,besides measuring feeding activity.Norris brothers believe that it will help cattle owners identify early symptoms of a disease and help reduce the cost of farms.
       The device has successfully passed trials conducted in institutions in Argentina besides UK's Royal Veterinary College.As global meat consumption is set to increase by 70 percent in the next 30 years according to FAO,so will the demand in cattle and dairy industries.Thus,the Norris brothers believe that their cow mask will be one step in the right direction in the fight against global warming.

    (1)Why does Zelp develop the cow mask?

    A.To help cattle eat safely.
    B.To improve feed additives.
    C.To cut the methane gas from cattle.
    D.To quicken the cattle's digestive process.
    (2)What does the third paragraph mainly tell us about the cow mask?

    A.How the mask works.
    B.When the mask detects the gas.
    C.Why the mask benefits the cow.
    D.How the mask fits on the cow's head.
    (3)What is an added advantage of the device?

    A.Giving cows a good appetite.
    B.Tracking the cattle's movements.
    C.Curing the cows' mild diseases.
    D.Regulating the cattle's feed intake.
    (4)What is the Norris brothers' attitude towards the future of their device?


五、第四部分寫作( 共兩節(jié),滿分35分)第一節(jié)短文改錯(cuò)(共2小題;每小題I分,滿分35分)

  • 8.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請(qǐng)你修改同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯(cuò)誤僅涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個(gè)漏字符號(hào)( ^) ,并在其下面寫出該加的詞。
        Locating in the southwest of China,Sichuan province rarely snows,but it's easily to find skateboarding venues(場(chǎng)館) in Chengdu.1 start skateboarding when I was very young.As we all know,it usually takes a long time to learn a move.Once I spent half a year practicing a new move,but I had a lot of funs doing it.I think skiing is similar with skating.For example,all require basic balance and coordination.I've been heard it's easier for people whom can skateboard to learn to snowboard.After watched the Beijing Winter Olympics,I hope to improve my skateboarding skills.By mastering them,I can have the chance go snowboarding in the future.
  • 9.你校將舉辦英語演講比賽。請(qǐng)你以"How to prevent online gaming addiction"為題寫一篇發(fā)言稿參賽,內(nèi)容包括:
    How to prevent online gaming addiction____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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