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發(fā)布:2024/8/27 1:0:9


  • 1.    Last month,I moved abroad for two years to study,taking just a single suitcase with me.I couldn't afford to keep my former flat,so when it came to my possessions (物品) ,extreme measures were called for.Some of my stuff,like books,I could give them away.But there was a list of things like precious paintings and my childhood teddy bear that I couldn't bring myself to let go.So I decided to offer these things up for long-term loan.It's not recycling.I'm calling it "share-cycling".I made the decision as I imagined someone I loved putting my tent onto their back and setting off into the countryside in the summer sunshine.This made it feel as though I would still,in some way,be with my friends.And once I'd come up with the idea,it just grew and grew.I decided to give away everything I owned!
        To get rid of all,I invited everyone I knew to take my belongings.When the people first came round,they all sat around drinking tea and glancing at the cupboards.I was beginning to wonder why I had asked them to go through my stuff and take what they wanted.But soon I became like a sales assistant.I recommended novels,waved toys at babies,and brought out clothes for people to try on.
        Now I am sitting in a flat on the other side of the world.I feel very far from my home,and from my stuff.That list I made of the things I want back?I'm not sure how much I'll need it.So far,I haven't missed any of my pictures,or those memorable things.Instead,I've missed my family,my friends,and my city.
        My "share-cycling" plan ties me back to them.A friend took my tent to a music festival.And my favourite picture ended up on the wall of my best friend's flat.This is what gives me a-real-buzz:the thought of all my bits and pieces in my friends' lives,a physical reminder of our ties.It's like I've pressed "pause" on my city life rather than "stop",making the move easier.

    (1)What made the author get the idea of "share-cycling"?

    A.The flat.
    B.The suitcase.
    C.The tent.
    D.The books.
    (2)Why did the author decide to give away her belongings to others?

    A.She owned many precious things.
    B.She would study abroad for many years.
    C.She was unable to keep all of them in her flat.
    D.She believed they were useful to people she loved.
    (3)How did the author feel the moment people came to take her belongings?

    (4)What do the underlined words "a real buzz" mean in paragraph 4?

    A.A helpful reminder of the past.
    B.A strong feeling of excitement.
    C.A sudden memory of an old friend.
    D.An interesting experience of the move
    (5)What can we learn from the last paragraph?

    A.The author was surprised at the change of her life.
    B.The author missed her belongings more than expected.
    C.It would be worthwhile for the author to get her things back.
    D.The shared stuff helped to maintain the connection between people.
  • 2.    What time it is varies depending on which of Earth's time zones you are in.But what if you aren't anywhere on Earth?Scientists from the European Space Agency (ESA),a group devoted to exploring the universe,are arguing that the Moon should have its own time zone too.
        At the moment,missions to or involving the Moon use the time zone of the country that is operating the spacecraft.ESA argues that a specific time zone for the Moon would make it easier for space agencies from around the world to work together.Once missions make it to the Moon,having the same time zone would make it simpler for astronauts to communicate and travel across its surface.
        Setting up a lunar time zone is not easy.Gravity affects how quickly or slowly time passes.Since gravity is weaker on the Moon than it is on Earth,after 24 hours,a lunar clock would be 56 microseconds ahead of a clock on Earth.Another point to consider is that a full day on Earth is measured by the length of time between two sunsets,about 24 hours.On the Moon,the time between two sunsets is nearly 709 hours,which is about 29.5 Earth days.This means that lunar nights can be around two weeks long,with only the Earth and the stars,no sun,in the sky.With all this to think about,scientists need to decide whether it would be better to follow a time zone on Earth,or for the Moon to have its own unique zone,which would have much longer days.
        NASA is planning to land humans on the Moon in 2025 with is Artemis Mission.There are also other unmanned missions to the Moon planned for later this year.Bernhard Hufenbach from ESA said that if a working time system for the Moon would be established,ESA could then perhaps make other planets in the solar system get ready for stage.

    (1)What would happen if a time zone is set up on the Moon?

    A.Missions to or involving the Moon would be sped up.
    B.Time spent on rocket launching would become shorter.
    C.Cooperation among astronauts on the Moon would be easier.
    D.Spacecraft operation among countries would become simpler.
    (2)Why is it difficult to set up a time zone on the Moon?

    A.Clocks run slightly slower on the Moon.
    B.Lunar nights last nearly one-month long.
    C.No sun can be seen in the sky on the Moon.
    D.A full day of the lunar time is much too long.
    (3)What would ESA do in the future according to Bernhard?

    A.It would set up working time systems on other planets.
    B.It would work with other countries to explore the space.
    C.It would send more astronauts to planets in the solar system.
    D.It would help NASA with other unmanned missions to the Moon.
    (4)Which is the most suitable title for the text?

    A.A Mission to the Moon
    B.A Day Spent on the Moon
    C.A Time Zone for the Moon
    D.An Exploration on the Moon
    (5)In which part of a newspaper will you probably find the article?

    B.Around the world
    C.Big news of today
    D.Science and technology
  • 3.    Humans need homes as sheltered bay to protect themselves from bad weather and threats from other animals and creatures.Birds also need habitats for survival.Yet,climate change has posed a great threat to their habitats.Like Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province,for example.As an important habitat for the Siberian crane (鶴),an endangered species in the world.Poyang Lake has experienced unnatural ups and downs in recent years. "In some years the lake experiences floods,while in others it experiences droughts.Both of these situation create food shortages in the cranes' habitat," Qian Fawen,a research professor from the National Bird Banding Center of China,told China Daily.
        To solve such habitat problems,China has recently recognized 1,140 sites as important breeding (繁殖),wintering grounds,and migratory (遷徙的) stops,with most of them located in wetlands.Wetlands include coastal areas with a water depth of no more than 6 meters at low tide,but exclude rice fields and areas of water used for fishery and artificial breeding,noted the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.Referred to as the "Kidneys of the Earth" and as "species gene pools",wetlands conserve clean water,maintain biodiversity,help contain floods and prevent droughts.
        To protect China's wetlands,a law was also introduced in 2022 to restrict construction at important national wetlands and ban harmful activities including over-farming,over-harvesting and the discharging of wastewater.Since these measures have gone into effect,more birds have been spotted wintering in the nation's wetlands.In February,government in Hunan province reported 72 species of waterbirds that spent this past winter in Dongting Lake.Mallards and Eurasian cranes are among the birds which stay at the lake.Black-faced spoonbills,a rare and endangered species,were also spotted at Dongting after an absence of five years.The number of spoonbills has increased from 300 in the 1980s to more than 5,000 presently,according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.

    (1)Why did the author mention Poyang Lake?

    A.To stress the risks of serious water shortage in China.
    B.To argue for the need of dealing with climate change.
    C.To explain the importance of wetlands for bird habitats.
    D.To describe the living environment of endangered birds.
    (2)What problem did the Siberian crane meet in China?

    A.The lack of food.
    B.The loss of habitat.
    C.The change of weather.
    D.The failure of artificial breeding.
    (3)What does the article tell us about wetlands?

    A.They keep the balance and diversity of nature.
    B.They are partly used for fishery and artificial breeding.
    C.They feature a water depth of 6 meters at low tide.
    D.They are places where rice are grown to feed birds.
    (4)What is a result of the measures to protect China's wetlands?

    A.The reappearance of some dangerous birds.
    B.The significant increase of migratory birds.
    C.The declining species of endangered birds.
    D.New discoveries of bird migratory patterns.
    (5)What is the article mainly about?

    A.Challenges to the endangered birds in China.
    B.The role of wetlands in fighting climate change.
    C.The success of a new law on bird conservation.
    D.China's protection of wetlands for bird habitats.

第二題 七選五

  • 4.    My aunt,uncle,and cousin Marc invited me to visit them in Amsterdam to celebrate the weekend of Koningsdag,which is Dutch for "King's Day".Of course,we have royal celebrations back home in the UK,but I had never seen anything quite like this before!
    It is celebrated by people of all ages,and many tourists travel from different countries to be part of the festivities.It is reported that almost a million people visited Amsterdam for King's Day.
       When we arrived in the city centre,every street was crowded with people dressed from head to toe in orange.(2)
    We passed street parties with people dancing,and stalls selling a variety of food.Round every corner we found ourselves in what looked like a street-market.Marc told me that it was one of the traditional events on King's Day.People had brought any unwanted items that they owned and were trading and selling them on the street.(3)

       Tired out from all the dancing,we decided to go for a walk around city.We passed the Rijksmuseum,one of the most famous museums in Amsterdam,and I was surprised when Marc asked me if I wanted to go in.(4)
    However,when we got inside,I saw that it was packed with people dressed in orange.It was certainly more interesting than visiting museums back home.
       We stayed out until around 10 pm and then made our way back home with the celebrations still going on.Marc told me that they continued all night.(5)
    l would have to say that King's Day is one of the most unusual festivals that I have ever been to,and one that I will never forget.

    A.Even Children were trading their old books and toys.
    B.Everybody in the Netherlands is given a day off work or school.
    C.He added that if I came next year,we could stay out a bit later.
    D.We were really hungry and decided to go in for something to eat.
    E.It seemed like a strange thing to do in the middle of a huge carnival.
    F.King's Day is a traditional celebration of the Dutch emperor's birthday.
    G.These colorfully dressed people were dancing,singing and haying an amazing time.


  • 5.    Would you drive around the world on a motorbike?Would you do it with a dog(1)
    behind you the whole way?Jess Stone is doing just that with her dog Moxie.
       Stone and Moxie are traveling the world together by motorbike.Their(2)
    started on March 5 from their home in Guatemala and their trip will(3)
    them through 90 countries.
       Moxie is a German shepherd (牧羊犬)who weighs 34 kilograms and is perfectly comfortable (4)
    a motorbike.According to Stone,it took the dog just a single weekend to learn how to(5)
    .Sitting in a motorcycle dog carrier,she looks fashionable with hot pink safety(6)
    to protect her eyes.
       Stone could not(7)
    leaving home without her beloved dog,so she decided to travel the world with Moxie.Traveling with a dog,however,has its(8)
    ,such as being limited to dog-friendly(9)
    and attractions.
       But according to Stone,it's totally(10)
    it. "I look at Moxie in my mirror(11)
    .Her head is always right up against my side.Sometimes she even(12)
    her big nose on my shoulder with her chin up there.It makes me feel so happy that she's really(13)
       One thing Stone has noticed is that no matter which country or area they have gone through,the reaction to Moxie is(14)
    . "She just puts a big smile on everybody's face," Stone said. "And that's the part that really(15)

    (1)A.chasing B.sitting C.barking D.walking
    (2)A.meeting B.friendship C.story D.connection
    (3)A.take B.cost C.make D.send
    (4)A.on the back of B.by the side of C.in the front of D.a(chǎn)t the top of
    (5)A.explore B.ride C.compete D.perform
    (6)A.gloves B.belt C.hat D.glasses
    (7)A.consider B.imagine C.a(chǎn)void D.miss
    (8)A.limits B.benefits C.goals D.risks
    (9)A.companies B.hospitals C.a(chǎn)ccommodations D.a(chǎn)gencies
    (10)A.beyond B.a(chǎn)gainst C.behind D.worth
    (11)A.immediately B.seriously C.fearfully D.frequently
    (12)A.picks B.turns C.rests D.sets
    (13)A.experiencing B.tracking C.sharing D.searching
    (14)A.normal B.crazy C.universal D.diverse
    (15)A.works B.matters C.improves D.challenges


  • 6.    Imagine that the world is going to end in seven days.Would you rush home to spend the remaining time(1)
    your family,or would you risk your life saving the Earth and human civilization?
        This is the theme of The Wandering Earth,a film directed by Guo Fan.The film is based on a novel by Liu Cixin and is the first Chinese science fiction film(2)
    (become) internationally famous.The film stars Wu Jing as the astronaut Liu Peiqiang,along with a number of other big-name(3)
        The plot is(4)
    (excite) and super easy to follow.The sun is about to die out and Liu Peiqiang.(5)
    (send) on a difficult task.His job is to guide the Earth on its journey to a new location outside the solar system.But when the Earth is passing Jupiter,something goes wrong.It will crash into the planet in seven days.(6)
    (face) with this possible disaster,Liu acts heroically and(7)
    (success) saves the Earth at the cost of his life.
        The film is packed with wonderful action scenes(8)
    problems and dangers come up one after another.However,the heroes act bravely with an added touch of humour.The lines often make me think.
        To sum up,The Wandering Earth is(9)
    example of Chinese science fiction film-making at its best.I really enjoyed watching it(10)
    it is both entertaining and educational.This is a film not to be missed!


  • 7.
    (居民) here can surf online as easily as in large modern cities.
  • 8.We found further scientific
    (證據(jù)) for this theory.
  • 9.Ever since, his success has shown the world that even
    (普通的) people can become famous.


  • 26.他們用了大約一個月的時間才弄明白如何啟動這臺設(shè)備。
    It took them about one month to
    how to start the equipment.


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