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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0

一、單項(xiàng)選擇( 20分)

  • 1.The Statue of Liberty is in ______________.( ?。?/div>
  • 2.-Do you miss your parents far away ?
    -Yes ,very much.I ______ my hometown for over two years.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.--Do you mind my smoking here?
    -- _________.I feel a little uncomfortable.(  )
  • 4.The weekend is coming,and we can have a good rest after ___________.(  )
  • 5.The song A true story __________ a girl named Xu Xiujuan.( ?。?/div>
  • 6.--He's never flown a kite like that before,_____________?
    --_____________,and he doesn't know what a kite was until now.( ?。?/div>
  • 7.I think ________ Chinese gardens in summer is a wonderful idea.( ?。?/div>
  • 8.All of us except Tom __________ when the earthquake happened.(  )
  • 9.________we opened our eyes ,we saw the sun shining brightly.( ?。?/div>
  • 10.--Hello,May I speak to Mr.Black?
    --Sorry,he ______ Hong Kong for a meeting and he______ back in a week.( ?。?/div>
  • 11.My father hasn't ________ since a week ago.( ?。?/div>


  • 33.Do you have a QQ number?Many people like using QQ to chat online.In fact,QQ has changed a large number of people's communication habits.Do you know who invented(發(fā)明,創(chuàng)造) QQ?It was Ma Huateng.
       Ma Huateng was born in 1971 in Guangdong.When he was very young,He showed a great interest in astronomy(天文學(xué)).However,he chose to major in Computer Science when he entered Shenzhen University in 1989.In his eyes,computer science is closer to everyday life compared with astronomy.He worked hard and became the best student in his class.
       Ma worked as a computer programmer in a company in Shenzhen for 5 years after he graduated(畢業(yè))in 1993.His job wasn't bad and he could make a lot of money every month.However,Ma left the company and started his own business in 1998.It was difficult in the beginning and he had to work hard every day.After he invented QQ,his business got better and better.It is said that now there are 200 million people using QQ.It is a wonder that even he himself never predicated(預(yù)料).

    In 1971 Ma Huateng was born in Guangdong.When he was young,he was(1)
    in astronomy.
    In 1989 He(2)
    Shenzhen University.He(3)
    to major in Computer Science because he thought it was(4)
    to everyday life.
    In 1993 He(5)
    from the university.
    In 1998 He(6)
    his own business.In the(7)
    ,it was difficult.After(8)
    got better and better.QQ is a(10)
    in the world.


  • 34.Mo Yan,the w(1)
    of 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature,is extremely p(2)
    now.He's considered(被看作) as one of the greatest w(3)
    in China.
       Mo Yan is fifty-eight,and his real name is Guan Moye.The name of Mo Yan means "Don't speak".The writer said he chose the name t(4)
    remember to stop his tongue from getting himself in trouble.Mo Yan began w(5)
    in the 1970s,and his f(6)
    novel was Falling Rain on a Spring Night,p(7)
    in 1981.Then his second and more books were published,including Red Sorghum and Big Breasts and Wide Hips.
       CCTV reporter Dong Qian once said to him, "I always feel that a writer is l(8)
    a hen,and his works are like eggs.We may not always wonder w(9)
    the hen looks like while we eat eggs.But this time,it's a golden egg.So naturally,everybody becomes curious about this hen who laid a golden egg.That's why you've drawn so much attention."
       China is elebrating the s(10)
    of this native son.Minutes after the award was announced(宣布),millions of Chinese expressed pleasure and pride for Mo Yan in their own ways.
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