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發(fā)布:2024/7/15 8:0:9


  • 1.For the first time in its 95-year history,_________ Oscar for Best Actress in a leading role was awarded to ________ Asian woman,Michelle Yeoh.(  )
  • 2.Velvet flowers that are called rong hua was a popular ________ in festivals and wedding,but few people know about it now.( ?。?/div>
  • 3.As the autumn ends,we have less chance to absorb(吸收)vitamin D through sunlight.________,people should take some vitamin D capsules,especially during winter.( ?。?/div>
  • 4.—The female scientist Yan Ning ________ to leave the US and return to China in November 2022.
    —The news caught many people's attention.(  )
  • 5.—Everything Bob does is ________ to what is considered normal.
    —Though he looks a little different,he has achieved a lot.( ?。?/div>
  • 6.Don't say that again. It's       just a joke to you, but. to me, it's not funny at all.( ?。?/div>
  • 7.—What about the protection of the new computer?
    —Let's keep the screen free from dust by putting a cover ________ it.(  )
  • 8.In the past,the use of the abacus(算盤) was considered as an important skill that everybody needed to ________.(  )
  • 9.—Yuan Longping spent all his life on the research and development of better rice plants.
    —That's true.We ________ praise him too much.(  )
  • 10.You won't know how the beauty of this classical work _________ unless you read it again and again.( ?。?/div>


  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)29.No artist required
        One day,Ammaar Reshi was playing around with a chatbot called ChatGPT,a computer program using artificial intelligence (AI) to copy the way human beings think and write.Reshi then came up with an idea to use the AI program to make a children's book.The story of the book came from a conversation Reshi had with the chatbot,about a girl called Alice.And then he used another AI program,Midjourney,to make illustrations (插圖) for the book.Midjourney is a new AI powered tool that can turn words into amazing artwork,like pictures.
        The book,Alice and Sparkle,was done in just a couple of days. "Anyone can use these AI tools," Res his aid. "And they're not hard to use."
        Reshi posted about the book online after it was finished.Heated argument about it started at once.Some people liked the lovely story as well as the beautiful illustrations and praised Reshi for his smartness.But not everyone welcomed the birth of the special book.Among them,artists were especially critical of it.They think the way the illustrations were made was a big problem.Midjourney searches through millions of pictures created by artists on the Internet.And then it manages to find patterns (式樣) in those pictures and create new ones based on the patterns.Artists often upload their work online for people to enjoy.But Midjourney could be using their work without permission (允許) .
        "The main problem to me about AI is that it was taken from artists' work," illustrator Adriane Tsai says. "It's our creations,our personal styles,that we did not permit them to use."
        Many artists and writers are nervous about the future.Will people pay for their work if it can be done cheaper by using AI programs?
        Some companies are already choosing AI over human talent.The San Francisco Ballet used pictures made with Midjourney to improve its production of the classic The Nutcracker.At a funny performance club,an AI-powered robot told jokes that made people laugh out loud.Journalist Abraham Riesman said, "It's deeply troubling to see people looking for cheap alternatives (替代品) to actual human writing."
        Reshi says technology companies should protect artists and writers whose work might be used by AI tools.He suggests that they should involve artists and writers in the process of creation.

    (1)What is Midjourney?

    (2)How did Reshi make a children's book?

    (3)What did people think of Reshi's book?

    (4)Why are many artists and writers nervous about the future?

    (5)Do you think it is a good idea to use AI programs in the process of creation?Why or why not? (請自擬一句話作答)


  • 30.生活中充滿美好的事物,需要品味,更值得分享。相信你也有想和我們一起分享的東西,比如:趣事、美食、電影、電視、旅游......,請你以"__________I'd like to share with you"為題寫一篇短文,來參加我們的征文比賽吧!內(nèi)容須包括:
    1.What would you like to share?
    2.Why would you like to share it?
    3.What have you learned from it?
    _______I'd like to share with you ________________________________________________________________________________________
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