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發(fā)布:2024/9/29 1:0:1


  • 1.Most Scenic Train Rides in the World The Jacobite Steam Train,Scotland
       Starting in the Scottish Highlands town,this train journey winds through green hills,crystal blue lakes,deep valleys,and odd villages.A highlight of the trip is the crossing of the 21-arched Glenfinnan Viaduct (高架橋) with its graceful curves and towering columns,overlooking the Jacobite monument.Harry Potter fans will recognize this view as well as the steam engine and carriages which became the Hogwarts Express.The Jacobite Steam Train runs from April to October.
       Grand Canyon Railway,United States
       This round-trip journey begins about 30 miles west of Flagstaff and heads north to the Grand Canyon National Park.On the way,passengers are encouraged to get into the Old West spirit with musical entertainment,cowboy characters,and other surprises.In addition to the breathtaking landscape,guests might spot wildlife that includes mountain lions,deer,owls,etc. .The daily departure time is 9:30 a.m. ,and the trip takes two hours and 15 minutes.
       Kuranda Scenic Railway,Australia
       This journey takes guests through one of the world's oldest rainforests in Queensland.The two-hour trip begins in Cairns and passes scenery that includes trees,waterfalls.mountains,and valleys.Barron Gorge,one of Queensland's most popular national parks,can be viewed from the train or by driving a short distance from Kuranda at the end of the train line.
       Kandy to Ella,Sri Lanka
       This seven-hour trip takes passengers through remote villages,past waterfalls and lush green hills,and through the tea plantations for which the country is known.The train is a favorite way to explore the country,view the varied scenery,and observe villages and local people along the way.Kandy is located in central Sri Lanka with sacred Buddhist temples and scenic Kandy Lake.

    (1)Which ride would appeal to Harry Potter fans?

    A.Grand Canyon Railway.
    B.Kuranda Scenic Railway.
    C.Kandy to Ella,Sri Lanka.
    D.The Jacobite Steam Train.
    (2)What can guests do on the Grand Canyon Railway trip?

    A.Visit Buddhist temples.
    B.Appreciate odd villages.
    C.Enjoy the Old West feel.
    D.Watch underwater life.
    (3)Which attraction lies near the Kuranda Scenic Railway's endpoint?

    A.Barron Gorge.
    C.Jacobite monument.
    D.Kandy Lake.
  • 2.    Wu Lidi,a 48-year-old cleaning lady at a student dormitory,was deeply moved by a special exhibition held by students in front of the entrance of a canteen in the Nanjing University.
       The exhibition,titled "A Cleaning Lady's Spring," displayed Wu's paintings on a blackboard hanging on the dormitory's first floor where she works.Her artwork ranged from breathtaking natural landscapes and the colorful university campus to an imaginary world.During the exhibition,many students left handwritten messages of appreciation,gratitude and wishes to her.The messages included "Thank you for your blackboard paintings that have accompanied me through four years of my youth," "You have painted a wonderful world," and "I hope you will stick to what you love."
       Wu's artistic journey began modestly.She never received any professional training in painting.Her interest in painting dates back to her youth when she often created blackboard designs for her class.
       After becoming a cleaner at Nanjing University,her enthusiasm for painting was reawakened when she volunteered to enrich a blackboard with pictures.Initially,only a few characters "Welcome Home" were presented on the blackboard and it needed some color and life.Litle did Wu know,this seemingly small effort marked the beginning of her extraordinary journey of life in the university.
       Wu has since become increasingly devoted to blackboard art,improving her skills with online resources in her spare time.Her paintings evolved from simple flowers and plants to complex landscapes,and her techniques shifed from chalk drawings to watercolor masterpieces.Her dedication earned her widespread popularity among the students who often lovingly referred to her as "a cleaning lady who could have become an artist."
       Despite her demanding responsibilities for cleaning an entire building,she still managed to spare time for her paintings.As she put it, "I take pleasure in painting,so I'm happy to do it." Moreover,every student passing through the building could glimpse her creations.Wu hoped to bring a touch of happiness to the students' life through her art.
       Wu was grateful to the students who held the exhibition for her,acknowledging that their encouragement fueled her passion.She said she would continue creating more paintings for the lovely students.

    (1)What happened at the painting exhibition in front of the canteen?

    A.Students showed their painting skills.
    B.Wu's artworks raised a lot of money.
    C.Students displayed their gratitude to Wu.
    D.Wu created different artworks on the spot.
    (2)What can we know about Wu's painting journey?

    A.She had a humble beginning.
    B.She painted to release pressure.
    C.She started painting as an adult.
    D.She improved skills with students' help.
    (3)Which word best describes Wu Lidi based on the passage?

    A.Shy and talented.
    B.Passionate and artistic.
    C.Devoted and cautious.
    D.Creative and humorous.
    (4)What would be the best title for this passage?

    A.A cleaner who never gave up her career.
    B.A cleaner who brightened her campus.
    C.The evolution of a cleaner's painting skills.
    D.The impact of a cleaner's blackboard paintings.
  • 3.     Only a "cloud" away is how residents at the Dzilam reserve in Mexico think of the distance between Latin America and China,despite their geographical remoteness.
       The "cloud" isn't the one hanging up in the sky.What the residents refer to is in fact cloud technology,which has been applied to wildlife conservation in this Mexican reserve.
    In recent years,with cloud technology,technicians and ecologists from China and its trans-Pacific partners have been able to work hand in hand under the Belt and Road Initiative to protect endangered species and their habitats in Mexico.
       Home to many endangered species in Mexico,the Dzilam reserve,known for its biodiversity-rich habitats,has started to witness ecosystem degradation (衰退) over the years due to human activities and climate change.In 2002,the jaguar,the only big cat left in the reserve,was listed as "Near Threatened" on the IUCN Red List.
       Local communities and environmentalists have tried to track the habitat of jaguars,but have found it rather difficult:These animals are often hidden in vast forests,rarely leaving obvious traces,making it hard to observe them under natural conditions.
       To better protect wild animals and biodiversity,the Tech4 Nature Mexico project was launched in the Dzilam reserve.The project collects video data from cameras recording 24 hours a day in the Dzilam reserve to monitor the biodiversity of the area and uses acoustic (聲學(xué)的) technology to understand the existence of species and the health of ecosystems.The research team would use Huawei's Al model to identify the areas where the big cat appeared by identifying sounds,studying their living habits and developing management plans to protect the species.In addition,when a threat is detected,the system immediately sends a real-time alarm with the location to local forest guards through an app for rapid intervention.
       From September 2022 to May 2023,local experts,with the help of Huawei Cloud,have identified 119 species in the Dzilam reserve,including 88 species of birds,22 species of mammals,five species of reptiles and four species of amphibians,of which 34 species are on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.They have also spotted at least five jaguars in the reserve.
       Omelia Trejo,a resident of the Dzilam community,said their dream is "protecting jaguars for a lifetime," but they worried that in the future,children might only see jaguars in photos. "Thanks to this project,our dream has come true."

    (1)What does the underlined word "cloud" in paragraph 1 refer to?

    A.A typical weather phenomenon.
    B.A networked computing technology.
    C.The cloud above the Dzilam reserve.
    D.The distance from Mexico to China.
    (2)What makes it difficult to track jaguars in the Dzilam reserve?

    A.Lack of local community's support.
    B.Disapproval from environmentalists.
    C.A few clearly recognizable tracks.
    D.Challenges in natural observation.
    (3)What does the writer intend to convey in paragraph 7?

    A.The urgent need for conservation.
    B.The challenges of species protection.
    C.The success of Tech4 Nature Mexico project.
    D.The diversity of species in the Dzilam reserve.
    (4)What is the resident's attitude towards the Tech4 Nature Mexico project?



  • 8.假設(shè)你是校學(xué)生會(huì)主席李華,來自英國(guó)的一群交換生將在你校進(jìn)行為期一周的交流學(xué)習(xí),請(qǐng)你寫信給他們的負(fù)責(zé)人Alex,告知他們這一周的主要活動(dòng)安排。


  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
       It was a chilly autumn evening.Sarah,a tired businesswoman,left her workplace and drove home.When she turned a corner,she spotted a puppy in the middle of the road.The dog was muddy and trembling.His eyes held a glimmer of both hope and despair.Sarah couldn't ignore the poor puppy.Approaching him cautiously,she coaxed (哄) him and brought him home.
       Over the next few days,Sarah tried her best to look for the dog's owner,but in vain.It seemed that the dog had been abandoned,with no collar or tags to identify its owner.
       She determined to take care of the dog,which she named Max.She kept him in the backyard,feeding him,providing water and watching him chase his tail in the yard.The puppy trusted in her slowly with Sarah's gentle care and patience.Sarah had a happy feeling she never had before.
       As days passed,Sarah became more comfortable with Max's presence.When she was working,Max would sit calmly by her side.When she woke up in the morning,Max would sit near her bed with a playful bark,demanding his daily walk.The early morning air was cool,and the rising sun cast a warm glow on them.Sarah realized that Max had been a great comfort to her.
       As days turned into weeks,Sarah grew more attached to Max.She found herself looking forward to coming home every day,excited to see her furry friend waiting at the door.Then,she would lovingly prepare Max delicious meals.His eyes,once filled with sadness,now sparkled with gratitude.He would eagerly follow her around the house wherever she went.Max became more than just a pet;he became a loyal friend and a source of happiness for Sarah,who had discovered a newfound balance between her career and personal life.They became inseparable.
       One evening,as Sarah and Max were out for their regular evening walk,something unexpected happened.A social media post attracted her attention.A lady named Emma was anxiously looking for her missing dog,Buddy.
    Her heart sank as she saw the photo of a dog.______
    Sarah arranged the bittersweet reunion.______
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