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一、第一部分 閱讀(共兩節(jié);滿分37.5分)第一節(jié)(共4小題;每小題2.5分,滿分37.5分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項。

  • 1.Toronto is a city of neighborhoods,so wherever you are in Toronto,you're bound to find yourself surrounded by shopping,dining and culture experiences unique to that specific area.
       Toronto's CN Tower
       It's one of the world's tallest structures at 1,815 feet and the glassed-in elevators offer visitors a sense of just how high that is.In the tower's 360 Restaurant,diners sit on a floor that performs a full cycle every 72 minutes,guaranteeing different views of the city with each bite of meal.Plus,if you order dishes at the restaurant,your entry to the CN Tower is free.
       The Fairmont Royal York Hotel
       It is one of Toronto's oldest and most storied hotels.Since opening in 1929,it's stood as one of the largest hotels in the British Commonwealth with 1,600 rooms.It's also home to more than 300,000 bees,who live on the hotel's rooftop and produce honey for the Fairmont Royal York's dining facilities.
       The Toronto Islands
       North America's largest urban car-free community offers plenty of green space and beaches for visitors of all ages.Those looking for exercise can explore the islands by bike while checking out the breathtaking views of Toronto's skyline;visit the rental facility near the Centre Island ferry dock.
       St.Lawrence Market
       Voted the world's best food market in 2012,the St.Lawrence Market complex consists of two buildings.The north building plays host to weekly Saturday fanner's markets,while in the south building,open every day except Sunday and Monday,meat,baked goods,jewelry…are on offer.One of Toronto's most iconic (標(biāo)志性的) breakfasts —the pea-meal bacon sandwich is considered a signature dish.

    (1)Where can you have a bird's eye-view of Toronto while dining?

    A.The Toronto Islands.
    B.Toronto's CN Tower.
    C.The Fairmont Royal York Hotel.
    D.St.Lawrence Market.
    (2)What do the four attractions share in common?

    A.Fantastic dishes.
    B.Unique things.
    C.Breathtaking scenery.
    D.Diverse cultures.
    (3)From which is the text probably taken?

    A.A news report.
    B.A popular novel.
    C.A travel guide.
    D.An advertisement.
  • 2.The State Administration for Market Regulation (國家市場監(jiān)管總局) has held a meeting with major domestic brand operators (運營商) to discuss shared consumption and pricing,making it a landmark event in the development of China's sharing economy.The industry (業(yè)界) admits 2014 as the start year for China's sharing economy.That was the year when the concept of sharing of bicycles,portable chargers and cars entered our lives.While it has made life convenient for many,it has also created environmental protection and consumption safety problems.
       With the sharing economy booming in China,its social value has been generally recognized and the industry has entered a relatively stable period.However,the recent price hikes are a matter of concern.For example,shared portable chargers,costing 1 yuan per hour,are now available at 6-10 yuan per hour at some scenic spots.It is in this context that the top market regulator (最高市場監(jiān)管機構(gòu)) met the brand operators in the hope of promoting healthy and sustainable development of this industry.
       The price rise itself is not a problem.After all,this is a basic rule of the market economy that cannot be ignored.However,the unusual collective price rise in this sector in recent months reflects a condition that must be looked into.If these problems are not solved,it will be difficult for China's sharing economy to develop in a healthy and sustainable way.
       China's sharing economy once experienced an super-low price competition,but the collective price rise in recent days shows there is no free lunch forever.However,if the sharing economy cannot overcome the challenges,it is unlikely to realize long-term development.
       The essence of the sharing economy is to reduce costs and bring about consumer welfare (福利) through the efficient use of resources.But disorderly capital expansion will make it unsustainable for the consumers.To gain long-term sustainable development,China's sharing economy must make improvement in consumers' welfare its goal,and win their trust by providing more convenient service and create value for society.

    (1)It can be inferred from the first paragraph that
    A.the meeting was held to control major brands.
    B.sharing economy makes life more convenient.
    C.in 2014 sharing economy began to take off in China.
    D.sharing economy will replace the traditional industry.
    (2)What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

    A.The rapid rise of the sharing economy.
    B.The reason why the meeting was held.
    C.The way to develop a healthy industry.
    D.The social value of the sharing economy.
    (3)What is essential to the development of sharing economy?

    A.Meeting customers' needs.
    B.Developing famous brands.
    C.Providing low-price products.
    D.Expanding effective insurance.
    (4)What is the author's attitude towards sharing economy?

  • 3.An Ontario teen is making waves by turning old fishing gear(裝置)into new treasures.Since last year,Natalie,15,has been taking lost or thrown-away fishing nets and rope and transforming them into bracelets,rope art,mats,baskets and necklaces.
       Last year,Natalie was working on an assignment for her science,technology,engineering and mathematics(STEM)class.As part of the assignment,she learned about "ghost nets",which are fishing nets that have been left or lost in the ocean by people who fish.
       "They have huge effects on our environment.They can kill coral reefs and many animals," said Natalie. "46 percent of the Pacific garbage is ghost gear." The Great Pacific Garbage is a huge collection of trash floating in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California.
       Natalie told her mom she wanted to do something to help.She got in touch with a handful of charities,including the Sea Protection Society and Coastal Action.
       After getting some shipments of ghost nets and rope from those organizations,Natalie,with the help of her family,started turning the discarded gear into new artworks. "We've made bracelets,rope art,mats,baskets,and we've made necklaces,which also use beach glass in them," she said.Natalie then started selling the artworks online,the crafty buying and selling website.
       She donated all her profits-minus a small sum of change to cover supplies - to the charities that donated fishing supplies to her.She's also been donating all the income from her non-profit business,called Nautical Waters,to charity.Natalie said she hoped to continue her passion for ocean life,with plans to study marine biology in university.

    (1)How did Natalie help with ghost nets?

    A.By turning them into artworks.
    B.By asking support from her mother.
    C.By collecting money from charities.
    D.By selling ghost nets at a good price.
    (2)What made Natalie decide to do something with ghost nets?

    A.To collect supplies for the artworks.
    B.To prepare for her study in university.
    C.To protect coral reefs and marine animals.
    D.To complete an assignment for her STEM class.
    (3)What does the underlined word "discarded" in Paragraph 5 refer to?

    (4)What is the best title for the text?

    A.Ghost Nets Ready for Sale
    B.Charities Make a Big Difference
    C.Natalie's Passion for Ocean Treasures
    D.Teen Turns Old Fishing Nets into Artworks
  • 4.While there are still many people who don't feel comfortable using a credit card to buy over the Internet,e-commerce is absolutely here to stay.If you take a few precautions,buying over the Internet can actually be safer than using your credit card in a restaurant.
       Just as you should notice your surroundings and suspicious-looking people when withdrawing (提?。?money from an ATM,you should know how to recognize the warning signs of Internet tricks and take steps to avoid being a victim when shopping online.Here are some good tips to remember when shopping online:
       Before submitting your personal information to a site,try to find out how the information may be used and whether it will be sold to or shared with other businesses.If you don't like what you read,shop somewhere else.
       Don't provide personal information such as address,telephone number,social security number or email address unless you know who you are providing the information for,why it's being requested,and how it will be used.
       Use a credit card,not a debit card (借記卡) for shopping on the Internet.Debit cards don't have the same protection as credit cards.
       Carefully review your credit card and bank statement each month for unknown charges and inform your credit card company or bank immediately if you notice any charges you didn't know about.
       Clean your computer with free online software that detects spy-ware and install a firewall (防火墻) to ensure the sites you shop on don't install spy-ware on your computer.

    (1)What should you do while shopping online?

    A.Be sure nobody is standing beside you.
    B.Only shop on the site that you have often visited.
    C.Find out how the personal information will be used.
    D.Never provide personal information.
    (2)What will you do if you find your credit card has unexplained charges?

    A.Tell your credit card company as soon as possible.
    B.Change your credit card code number immediately.
    C.Check all the websites you have visited.
    D.Use a debit card instead of a credit card.
    (3)The underlined word"precautions" in Paragraph One means something done to
    A.make suspicious-looking people go away.
    B.protect you against loss or possible dangers.
    C.remind you to obey the rules when shopping online.
    D.a(chǎn)void being cheated when eating in a restaurant.
    (4)What's the writer's purpose in writing this passage?

    A.To suggest a new way of shopping.
    B.To tell us the advantages of shopping online.
    C.To tell us how to shop safely online.
    D.To tell us how to avoid being cheated.

第二節(jié) 閱讀七選五(共1小題;每小題2.5分,滿分12.5分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后的選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。

  • 5.Continuous learning benefits us in many ways.First of all,it allows the increase in knowledge and ability in our career.For example,watching someone work can make us a better worker.Besides,learning can prepare us for the unexpected.For example,we can learn about the general workforce and how the application process works to better prepare us for job searching.(1)

       What's more,continuous learning can open our mind.Having an open mind and willingness to take on new ideas can do wonders.First of all,it builds your attitude towards change. (2)
    Second,when you take continuous learning into account,you can begin to understand how others feel about a particular issue.
    They are always looking for new experiences and do different things.Moreover,they not only have knowledge on various topics that aren't always related to present roles but also know about the latest trends and technologies in the industry.
       To develop continuous learning,you have to begin with setting a clear and specific goal.(4)
    Once your goal is set,build a system to help support your strategy.You want to be looking for different sources of information,but also to be picky about it.In other words,try to learn within your specific field but ensure the information is coming from a trustworthy source.At the same time,do use tools to help improve your learning system. (5)
    Seminars (研討會),workshops,and live classes are the tools that modern learners need as they make learning effective.

    A.If always learning,you are always improving.
    B.Learning can improve other areas in our lives.
    C.This can help in case you lose your job and need to find other work.
    D.Excellent continuous learners behave in a specific manner.
    E.There're various tools to help you present information and learning.
    F.Being excited about change can affect others around you positively.
    G.Knowing what you want to achieve can encourage you to keep learning.

第二部分 語言知識及應(yīng)用(共兩節(jié),滿分15分)第一節(jié) 完形填空(共1小題;每小題15分,滿分15分)閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D 四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。

  • 6.I will be traveling to Australia as a Student Ambassador (大使) with People to People.People to People arranges for American students to travel all around the world to learn about other(1)
    ,and to help others understand American culture.The program was founded by former President Dwight D.Eisenhower to(2)
    peace through understanding.
       I had to(3)
    many hours of special work to get to this point.First,a teacher nominated (提名) me,and then I attended an informational meeting about the program.The application process included an interview,and(4)
    ,I was accepted.
       That's when the hard work really(5)
    .In addition to attending monthly meetings to prepare for the big(6)
    ,my parents encouraged my twin sister Beth (also participating in the program) and me to(7)
    ﹩2,000 each to help pay for the cost.And so the fund-raising began.We did everything from(8)
    candy bars to decorating (裝飾) people's mailboxes during the holiday season.We also baby-sat,washed cars,held a yard sale,and washed windows.After months of(9)
    work I had raised a total of ﹩2,319!(10)
    ,Beth and I raised over ﹩4,500!
       Now I have a problem—packing.Yes,I know it sounds unimportant,but my suitcase seems to have shrunk (縮水) as I placed my(11)
    inside.According to airline(12)
    ,a suitcase can be no larger than 54 inches and weigh no more than 44 pounds.For a person who likes to wear a different outfit (全套服裝) every day,packing all my clothes into such a small space seemed a(n)(13)
    task.However,I have gradually(14)
    my load and my suitcase which started out weighing overweight now checks in at a mere 36 pounds.Apart from a slightly bloated (膨脹的) carry-on bag,my luggage is definitely manageable.
    whether I will get much sleep tonight because I am so excited!I know that what lies ahead is going to be the trip of a lifetime!

    (1) A.students B.countries C.cultures D.schools
    (2) A.promote B.find C.keep D.make
    (3) A.give away B.put in C.set aside D.take on
    (4) A.especially B.usually C.finally D.luckily
    (5) A.finished B.began C.continued D.went
    (6) A.ceremony B.party C.business D.trip
    (7) A.borrow B.raise C.spend D.save
    (8) A.making B.contributing C.collecting D.selling
    (9) A.challenging B.complicated C.hard D.interesting
    (10) A.Altogether B.Together C.Separately D.Completely
    (11) A.goods B.belongings C.treasures D.materials
    (12) A.experiences B.routines C.regulations D.services
    (13) A.easy B.tiring C.important D.impossible
    (14) A.shared B.reduced C.filled D.carried
    (15) A.doubt B.hope C.believe D.a(chǎn)dmit

第二節(jié) 語法填空(共1小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入一個適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。

  • 7.After nearly three years of detention (拘留) in Canada,Huawei Technologies CFO Meng Wanzhou returned to China on Saturday.
    (step) out of the charter flight arranged by the Chinese government,Meng expressed her gratitude to those (2)
    cared about her during a brief speech in front of a crowd at Shenzhen Bao' an International Airport.
        Meng was detained (被拘留) in December 2018 at Vancouver International Airport on a U.S.warrant(拘捕令)charging her with bank fraud (欺詐罪) for misleading HSBC Holdings about Huawei's business dealings in Iran.Now she ended three years of house arrest in Canada and will be free (3)
    (return) home to be with her family.
        "Over the past three years,my life (4)
    (turn) upside down.It was a disruptive (擾亂性的) time for me(5)
    a mother,a wife,and a company executive.But it was (6)
    invaluable experience in my life," Meng said after leaving a courtroom in Vancouver following the U.S.Department of Justice dropping its request for her extradition (引渡).
        "I will never forget all the good(7)
    (wish) that I received from people around the world.As the saying goes,the(8)
    (great) the difficulty,the better the(9)
    (grow)." She also expressed gratitude to China and the Chinese people for their help(10)

第三部分 寫作(共三節(jié),滿分10分)第一節(jié) 單詞拼寫(共10小題,滿分10分)根據(jù)句子意思和中文提示完成下列句子,每空只填一個單詞。并將每一題的答案寫在答題卷相應(yīng)的橫線上。

  • 8.There is much
    (證據(jù)) that global climate is getting warmer.(根據(jù)漢語提示單詞拼寫)
  • 9.Ben is confident that he will have a good
    (表現(xiàn)) in the mid-term examination. (根據(jù)漢語提示單詞拼寫)

第二節(jié) 完成句子(共10小題,滿分20分)根據(jù)中文意思,完成下列句子,每空只填一詞,并將答案寫在答題卷相應(yīng)的橫線上。

  • 27.太空探索的前景依然光明。許多國家計劃探索更多的行星,希望能更好地了解宇宙,幫助我們在未來好好生存下去。
    The future of space exploration remains bright- Many countries plan to explore more planets in the hope of
    the universe better and helping us
    well into the future.


  • 28.假設(shè)你是高一學(xué)生李華,你的表弟張偉今年將要上高中。請你給他寫一封郵件,從以下兩個方面提出建議。
    Dear Zhang Wei,
        I'm glad to know that you are going to be a senior high school student this September.
    Li Hua
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