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第二部分閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分37.5分) 第一節(jié)(共4小題;每小題2.5分, 滿分37.5分) 閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng)。

  • 1.Discover Copenhagen with kids:top places to see Some people think that travelling with children is quite difficult.Kids are often too young to understand the point of a visit in some museums.But luckily,there are cities that offer many attractions not only for adults,but also for little tourists.Among these cities,Copenhagen also has its place.
       The mysteries of the sea world
       In the National Aquarium Denmark,many species of water animals can be seen.Kids will be surely delighted with all the colourful fish,swimming between water plants.It is also an occasion to see the fantastic coral reef (珊瑚礁).When someone is brave enough,he can also see some sharks swimming behind the glass!
       Tivoli - amusement for everyone
       The first opening of this magical place was in the 19th century.Nowadays it's an attraction for people of all ages.Beautiful gardens encourage tired tourists as well as local people.Those who seek for some excitements will also have good fun here - several roller coasters guarantee great entertainment.That park looks amazing in the evening,when it is brightly lit with many lights.
       Film in a planetarium
       People who would like to experience something connected with science and astronomy ought to visit the Tycho Brahe Planetarium.Here the 3 D films are being displayed on a screen.Tourists from abroad can use special headphones,so they can listen to the audio-description in English.The visit here can be useful not only for kids,but also for adults.
       A monument of Little Mermaid
       Children will surely like that statue - especially when parents will tell them the fairy tale about that character.A short visit by that monument is customary,because it is one of the worldwide known symbols of Copenhagen.It is located in the port and depicts a mermaid sitting on a rock.The tale was written by Hans Andersen,who was living in that city for some period of his life.

    (1)What can kids do in the National Aquarium Denmark?

    A.Swim between water plants.
    B.Touch the fantastic coral reef .
    C.Watch colorful fish swimming .
    D.Play with the sharks bravely.
    (2)What do we know about Tivoli?

    A.Locals are its main tourists.
    B.It attracts visitors of all ages.
    C.It was built in the last century.
    D.Many colored lights are on at night.
    (3)Which is the best choice for Hans Andersen's fans?

    A.The National Aquarium Denmark.
    B.Beautiful gardens in Tivoli.
    C.The Tycho Brahe Planetarium.
    D.A monument of Little Mermaid.
  • 2.This morning it was harder for me to get out of bed than usual.Usually,I have nightmares (噩夢(mèng)) because of the terrible movies I watched the night before,and sometimes spicy (辛辣的) food makes me feel uncomfortable in sleeping.However,last night I turned all night because my anxiety was at an all-time high.I kept thinking about what my first day of high school would be like.What should I wear?What should I put in my schoolbag?I finally fell asleep around 5:45 and my alarm started going off at 6.
       I couldn't let those thoughts cloud my mind.I had to prepare myself for one of the most important days of my life.I packed my things and headed out of the door.My first class wasn't too bad.I listened to my English teacher discuss the importance of themes,but otherwise,it was a pretty easy-going class.
       During lunchtime,I had a pizza and an orange soda.I'm grateful for the food not tasting terrible so I wouldn't keep thinking about that all day.I still didn't manage to find any new friends to sit with,but I'm just happy I found a quiet place to stay.It would have been uncomfortable if I had to sit in a noisy classroom to eat lunch,or an empty hallway with some kids walking past and laughing.
       Once the last bell rang,I was eager to get home and tell Charlie,my childhood friend how my day went at a new school.I was just excited to speak to a familiar voice and share my feelings of the whole day.I wondered how his day went at his new school as well.I got on the same train line that I took to school and headed back home.
       Speaking to Charlie on the phone,I found out he made many new friends today.Once I got off the phone,I threw myself on the bed with a long sigh (嘆氣).Although I'd experience this again tomorrow,I'm glad I got through my first day at school.

    (1)What made the author fail to fall asleep last night?

    A.Anxiety of preparations for school.
    B.Noise of the alarm that kept ringing.
    C.Discomfort brought by spicy food.
    D.Nightmares caused by a terrible movie.
    (2)What can we infer from the third paragraph?

    A.The author disliked eating in a noisy place.
    B.The author was quite satisfied with the food.
    C.The author made some new friends at school.
    D.The author found it difficult to find a quiet place.
    (3)Why was the author eager to go home after school?

    A.To play with his childhood friend.
    B.To know how Charlie's first day went.
    C.To catch the train line she took to school.
    D.To share feelings about school with Charlie.
    (4)How did the author feel after talking to Charlie?

  • 3.Growing up with movies such as"High School Musical" and "Grease," which presented the ideal(理想的) high school friendships,we sometimes expect a perfect relationship.Indeed,some high school friendships can be real and simple;while still some high school students will meet a friend who causes trouble.With failed friendships come lessons and experiences learned for the future.You will know the influence after you leave high school.
       "I was always worried about what my friends thought about me.Sometimes my friends' would make fun of what I wore or what I would do.I always tried to get along well with them,but I realized how happy I was once 1 stopped contacting them after high school,"said Elisha,Class of 2020.
       Most teens have not realized the big question when dealing with high school problems.In five years,will this still matter?It is hard looking at the big picture when the problems are in front of you,which is understandable.However,most teens need a moment to reflect (反思) and question if the problem matters in a long time.
       Briana,a high school teacher,said,"Now,I am in contact with two high school friends.I think the friendship experiences I had in high school shaped who I am because I learned to be open minded and befriend all kinds of people.I learned to see people for who they are,not what they wear or who they play with.I learned most of all how to be a good friend."
       High school is a small part of your life,but it has a huge influence on who you will become and where you will go.Friendships and relationships help shape who you are,whether they are good or bad.Lessons are brought,and lessons are learned.

    (1)Why did the author mention the two movies in the first paragraph?

    A.To introduce the topic of the passage.
    B.To explain what a high school friendship is.
    C.To recommend these two movies to readers.
    D.To attract readers' attention to these two movies.
    (2)What did Elisha think of her "friends"?

    A.They made her unhappy.
    B.They cared about her behavior.
    C.They got along well with her.
    D.They were always worried about her.
    (3)Why did Briana think her friendship experiences shape her?

    A.She learned to play with her friends.
    B.She learned to make different friends.
    C.She learned to shape her friends' minds.
    D.She learned to wear just like her friends.
    (4)What's the passage mainly about?

    A.Failed friendships made teens worried.
    B.Good friendships greatly influenced teens.
    C.High school friendships help to shape teens.
    D.Friendships are difficult for teens to deal with.

第四部分寫(xiě)作 (共兩節(jié),滿分10分)第一節(jié)(共1小題; 每小題10分,滿分10分)根據(jù)所給10個(gè)英語(yǔ)單句的意思,從所給的15個(gè)詞匯中挑選出10個(gè)合適的詞或短語(yǔ)分別給每個(gè)句子填空。

  • 8.
    formal forward quit castle take notes graduate improve actually company be attracted to lecture destination admire official were made up of
    (1)People speak in a more polite way in
    (2)What is the best way for you to
    your reading skills?
    (3)Thando plays computer games at the weekends and his dream is to start his own IT
    (4)I know that Chinese is a very difficult language,but I hope to be fluent when I
    (5)It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to
    computer games and the online world.
    (6)The coach told me that I didn't play football well enough,but I won't
    (7)After reaching your
    ,you will have a day to explore and be amazed by this ancient city,
    (8)It is for this reason that Spanish is the main
    language of Peru.
    (9)We can stay in a local hotel,visit the museums,
    the architecture,and go shopping at the local markets.
    (10)These Inca roads
    two north-south highways and many small roads crossing the mountains cast to west.


  • 9.假定你是光明中學(xué)高一新生李華。你校英語(yǔ)報(bào)以"美麗的校園"為主題向廣大新生征稿.請(qǐng)你用英語(yǔ)寫(xiě)一篇文章投稿。
    My Beautiful Campus__________
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