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發(fā)布:2024/5/24 8:0:9

Listening Comprehension Section ADirections:In part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of eachconversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question willbe spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possibleanswers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

  • 1.A.He has made progress with the science project.
    B.He should be able to finish all three projects in time.
    C.He will be spending time with the woman next week.
    D.He hasn't been able to finish the science project.
  • 2.A.He is too demanding.
    B.He should run with them.
    C.His feeling is the same as hers.
    D.He doesn't care for them.
  • 3.A.Pocket money.
    B.Having fun.
    C.A charity activity.
    D.Helping children in poor areas.
  • 4.A.She is an Olympic player.
    B.She is excited to win an Olympic Games medal.
    C.She will take part in the Olympic Games by volunteering.
    D.She is interested in sports.
  • 5.A.AI technology is amazing.
    B.English is easy for him.
    C.The English contest is about artificial technology.
    D.He's improved his English with the help of hi-tech.
  • 6.A.The book reports can be handed in after November 13.
    B.November 13 is the deadline for handing in the book reports.
    C.The book reports can be handed in any time they are finished.
    D.November 13 is the date when the book reports are handed in.
  • 7.A.She be came the club champion though her leg muscles tightened.
    B.She lost to the club champion because of her leg muscle pain.
    C.She failed to win the club championship for her leg muscle pain.
    D.She lost to the match because of proud.
  • 8.A.In Room 223.
    B.In Room 232.
    C.In Room 314.
    D.In Room 340.
  • 9.A.He is talking with someone.
    B.He is on the phone.
    C.He is in the middle of a trip.
    D.He is engaged now.
  • 10.A.They should abandon the naughty children.
    B.They should punish the naughty children.
    C.They shouldn't get involved in the children's fighting.
    D.They should just play fair.

Section B Directions:In part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions oneach of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one wouldbe the best answer to the question you have heard.

  • 11.(1)A.He like music and travelling when he was little.
    B.He be came famous and rich very soon.
    C.He played music a lot even at his early childhood.
    D.He learned music from other classical musicians.
    (2)A.He was engaged as a court musician in Salzburg.
    B.He composed a lot and earned a lot of money.
    C.He predicted his own death by composing Requiem.
    D.He reached the peak of his career.
    (3)A.A brief biography of Mozart.
    B.How did Mozart compose music.
    C.Mozart and classical music.
    D.The influence of western music on Mozart.
  • 12.(1)A.Because arts require more time to graduate than scientific subjects.
    B.Because they find arts less interesting than scientific fields.
    C.Because they want to major in scientific field s and make money easily.
    D.Because scientific subjects are more practical and useful than arts.
    (2)A.Students will lack the basic knowledge to succeed in higher education.
    B.Alternative energy will not be found by future generations.
    C.Students will be creative in problem-solving.
    D.Students can only view the world in "black and white" terms and become less creative.
    (3)A.People with great creativity will be more inspired and open to problem-solving methods.
    B.Students will succeed more easily in higher education.
    C.People will make a difference to the world with arts.
    D.People will have a better chance at prosperity and happiness.
  • 13.(1)A.A travel plan.
    B.An ancient water town.
    C.An activity at weekend.
    D.A plan to lose weight.
    (2)A.It's too long and slow-paced.
    B.He like the Crouching Tiger and Hidden Drago n better.
    C.He prefers to watch dramas of Shake speare.
    D.Delicious food attracts him more.
    (3)A.To arouse the interest of the audience.
    B.To compare and prove that Tang Xianzu was a great writer.
    C.To show the importance of atmosphere in an opera.
    D.To prove that The Peony Pavilion was world-famous.
    (4)A.The man is a big fan of Kun opera and Shakespeare.
    B.The woman is excited about visiting Zhu Jiajiao.
    C.The woman will enjoy nice atmosphere as well as delicious food this weekend.
    D.A New version of The Peony Pavilion will come to the stage in Zhu Jiajiao.

VI. Translation Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

  • 38.正是先進的科技才使得外科醫(yī)生能為患者進行遠程手術,這挽救了許多人的生命。(It)
  • 39. 她很擅長將課堂所學運用到實踐中。(practice)
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