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發(fā)布:2024/9/11 3:0:8

第一節(jié)(共 5 小題;每小題 1.5 分,滿分 7.5 分)

  • 1. What does the man usually do on weekends?
    A.Go hiking.
    B.Do the cleaning.
    C.Rest at home.
  • 2. Why does George look tired?
    A.He had a long flight.
    B.He walked on the beach.
    C.He didn't sleep well in the hotel.
  • 3. Where does the conversation take place?
    A.In a restaurant.
    B.In an office.
    C.In a station.
  • 4. What does the woman mean?
    A.She will cancel the party.
    B.There is plenty of food at the party.
    C.The man should have invited his workmates.
  • 5. What are the speakers talking about?
    A.A race.
    B.Healthy diet.
    C.The man's brother.


  • 6.(1)When will the man probably visit the shop?
    A.This afternoon.
    B.Tomorrow morning.
    C.Tomorrow afternoon.
    (2)What is the woman's problem?
    A.She can't use the copy machine.
    B.She lost a telephone number.
    C.She has a busy schedule.
  • 7.(1)What does the man ask the woman to do?
    A.Place an order.
    B.Recommend a product.
    C.Reduce a price.
    (2)What will the man do with a video camera?
    A.Record his travels.
    B.Use it for a class.
    C.Send it as a gift.
    (3)What does the woman say about the Septer 83?
    A.It is highly praised.
    B.It is a new model.
    C.It is easy to use.
  • 8.(1)What is making the woman late for the dinner?
    A.The car trouble.
    B.The heavy traffic.
    C.The long meeting.
    (2)What does the woman want the man to do?
    A.Give her a ride.
    B.Meet her at a bus stop.
    C.Call a customer.
    (3)Where could the man most probably be?
    A.In a restaurant.
    B.In a museum.
    C.In a park.
  • 9.(1)Where does the man live?
    A.Beside a supermarket.
    B.Near a cake shop.
    C.Across from a school.
    (2)How does the woman get to work?
    A.On foot.
    B.By bus.
    C.By car.
    (3)What will the woman do tomorrow?
    A.Move house.
    B.Go shopping.
    C.Collect the man.
  • 10.(1)What is on special offer?
    A.Family tickets.
    B.Teenagers' tickets.
    C.Children's tickets.
    (2)When will the special offer end?
    A.On June 21.
    B.On June 25.
    C.On June 30.
    (3)What do we know about the newest slides?
    A.They are the biggest in the state.
    B.They are popular with kids.
    C.They are less exciting.
    (4)What does the speaker suggest people do in the end?
    A.Visit the website for more information.
    B.Protect themselves from the sun.
    C.Book tickets soon.

閱讀理解(共 20 小題;每題 2.5 分,滿分 50 分)

  • 11.Seasonal city breaks:4 of the best pre-Christmas European getaways to start your festive spirit.
       The Croatian capital takes the Christmas seriously,with street decorations,outdoor concerts and a traditional Christmas market.Most of the action is centred on Ban Josip Jela?i? Square,which has a history of more than 3 centuries,and European Square.The two squares have market stands and live music performances given by popular musicians.
       The recommended hotel:President Pantovcak Doubles: £200, (a parent and a kid with a 10% discount)
       Start your day at the Casa Aranda before diving into the Atarazanas Market.In the afternoon,take your pick of the city's cultural spots the Picasso Museum,or the Centre Pompidou Málaga.Then head to Calle Marqués de Larios,the main shopping place,at dusk when the Christmas lights are switched on:the sight attracts visitors from all over Spain.
       The recommended hotel:Room Mate Larios Doubles: £250(a parent and a kid with a 20% discount)
       Le Touquet,F(xiàn)rance
       From 30 November,the trees lining the avenues of this city are decorated with fairy lights,and there are facilities,like a skating spot and horse-drawn carriage rides.The pedestrianized(步行的)street Rue St.Jean is lined with stores selling everything from chocolates to jewellery.Join the locals in gathering cheese at the Marché Couvert and wines at the excellent Le Touquet-Vins.
       The recommended hotel:Hotel Bristol Doubles: £180, (a parent and a kid with a 10% discount)
       Head to the Latin Quarter for independent stores,cafés and a great Christmas market.Shop for Scandi homeware(家居用品) and fashion on Str?get,the city's important shopping street,before heading to the rooftop of the historic Salling Department store,for a glass of wine with views of the city,lit up for Christmas.
       The recommended hotel:The Mayor Hotel Doubles: £200, (a parent and a kid with a 20% discount)

    (1)What can we know about Ban Josip Jela?i? Square and European Square?

    A.They have a very long history.
    B.They offer concerts and stands.
    C.They are attractive to those fond of quietness.
    D.They are the most attractive places in Croatia.
    (2)What do Rue St.Jean in Le Touquet and Str?get in Aarhus have in common?

    A.They both have lots of entertainment facilities.
    B.They both have a lot of well-known museums.
    C.They are both important shopping streets of the two cities.
    D.They are both famous for their culture and tasty foods.
    (3)Which hotel mentioned above costs the least for a parent with a kid?

    A.President Pantovcak.
    B.Room Mate Larios.
    C.Hotel Bristol.
    D.The Mayor Hotel.
  • 12."A library card was the first thing that I had ever owned here," says Razmyar,who arrived in Finland as a refugee(難 民 ).Unable to speak the language,and trying to make sense of the new city,she was surprised to be given a library card that would let her read books for free. "I still have that library card in my wallet today in honor of the privilege (特殊待遇) presented to a refugee by a foreign land," she says.
       Today,Razmyar is a key official of Finland,and plans to build a new central library called Oodi.She is not alone in her love for libraries.The country's 5.5 million people borrow about 68 million books a year.
       While libraries worldwide are facing budget cuts,a decline in users and closing down,F(xiàn)inland is bucking the trend.The UK spends just £14.40 per head on libraries.But Finland spends £50.50 per head to satisfy citizens' needs.While more than 478 libraries have closed in the UK since 2010,Helsinki,a city in Finland,is spending €98 million creating a huge new one.
       Why are Finland's city libraries growing?84% of the country's population is urban,and libraries are vital places for socializing.Besides,while many libraries worldwide provide Internet access and other services,libraries here have expanded to lending e-publications,sports equipment,and other things of occasional use.
       And Oodi will offer more since people need places to meet,work,and develop their digital skills.It has been designed to give citizens a free space to actively do what they want to do.Its design is certainly exciting.However,the most impressive thing is that the project is such a costly one that it will cost the citizens a huge sum of money,but it has not been controversial (有爭議的). "They're excited about it across the board," says architect director Harris. "It will be important to daily life here in Helsinki."
       Oodi is more than a monument to citizens' pride.As part of Finland's celebration of a century of independence,the library is not merely a place to store books. "I think Finland could not have given a better gift to the people.It symbolizes the significance of learning and education,which have been fundamental reasons for Finland's development and success," says Razmyar.

    (1)Why has Razmyar kept the library card with her for so long?

    A.To show her loyalty to her motherland.
    B.To show her appreciation for Finland's kindness.
    C.To remind her to help more refugees from abroad.
    D.To remind her of the importance of libraries.
    (2)What does the underlined word "bucking" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

    A.Going against.
    D.Setting aside.
    (3)About the library Oodi,what amazes the author most?

    A.Its important role in people's future life.
    B.Its unusual architecture designed by Harris.
    C.Its success in earning Finnish citizens' support.
    D.Its huge construction costs.
    (4)Which of the following statements might Razmyar agree with?

    A.Libraries play an important role in Finland's development.
    B.Finland tries hard to promote its public education.
    C.Finland should pick up better gifts for people.
    D.Libraries make Finland a much more independent country.

語法填空 (共 10 小題,每題 1.5 分,滿分 15 分)

  • 37.Li Ziqi has made a name for(1)
    (her)in her videos that highlight a traditional Chinese way of life in the rural area of Sichuan Province.Her videos cover(2)
    (vary) crafts related to traditional culture, (3)
    (range) from making paper and ink to building her own bread kiln ( 窯 ) with blocks.Nothing seems impossible with Li's hands as they work their magic to bring these things into existence.
       Li, (4)
    was born in 1990,has lived with her grandparents in Mianyang,Sichuan,since the age of 6 after her father died.Life was difficult for her during her youth as she and her grandparents had little to live on.Li herself said that she was (5)
    (financial) supported to continue schooling.She started to work in the city at 14 and would not have returned to her childhood home but for her grandmother falling ill in 2012.After returning home,Li opened(6)
    online shop to sell mostly food products.To increase sales,she began making short films in 2016 about how these products(7)
       A Weibo user remarked, " Li's success lies(8)
    her passion for life." Another one wrote, "Thank you for giving me an opportunity(9)
    (appreciate) the landscape in the countryside." Li is not without criticism.Some people have expressed skepticism because it is unbelievable(10)
    she looks so perfect after a long day of work in the fields.


  • 38.假定你是李華,想邀請外教 Smith 來參加你校舉辦的"人與自然"藝術(shù)展并做演講。請給他寫封郵件,內(nèi)容包括:
    提示詞:藝術(shù)展:art exhibition
    注意:(1)詞數(shù) 100 左右;

    Dear Smith,

    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
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