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發(fā)布:2024/5/26 8:0:9


  • 1.MOA Shop Indigenous (土著的)Artist Contest Are you an Indigenous artist,between 15 and 25 years old,with a story to tell?Submit a design that expresses your identity,and the MOA Shop will help share it with the world.The winning artwork with your signature will be printed on a T-shirt and sold promoted only through the MOA Shop for one year.The winner will receive both a $250 prize and copyright income from every sale.
       Any individual 15 to 25 years of age who identifies as Indigenous,Aboriginal,F(xiàn)irst Nations,Inuit or Metis.
    Rules + Guidelines
       ? Artwork may be from the artist's pre-existing work or made for this contest.
       ? Artwork may use a maximum of two colours and must be easily visible.
       ? Artwork must fit on the front of the T-shirt.
       ? Artwork must be submitted with file extension .ai, .eps, .pdf, .fxg,or .svg.
       ? Entries from artists who have submitted in previous years are welcomed.
    Submission checklist
       ? Artwork submission(s)
       ? Completed entry form found here.
       ? Artist biography (about 250 words)
       Artists hold full copyright of my submitted entries.The winning artwork will be licensed by the MOA Shop for one year and the artist is free to license or sell their winning artwork.A large percentage of money from the sale of T-shirts goes towards MOA's public programs.
    Time and contact
       The submission deadline has been extended to March 31st,2021 and the winner is announced by June 2021.We look forward to receiving your artwork!Please send all submissions and any questions to shoptshirt@moa.ubc.ca.

    (1)What will the winner get?

    A.A T-shirt with his artwork on.
    B.The signature of the Indigenous artist.
    C.The right to immediately sell his work.
    D.An award and some profits from the sale.
    (2)What is required about the artwork?

    A.It must be received before June 2021.
    B.It must be printed on the back of the T-shirt.
    C.It must be included at least two visible colours.
    D.It must be submitted with the artist's self-introduction.
    (3)Where will the profit from the sale mostly go?

    A.To the owner of MOA.
    B.To the winner of the contest.
    C.To the shop's public programs.
    D.To the promotion of the artworks.
  • 2.When we moved into our home in Maui,Hawaii,16 years ago,one good thing about this house was the huge avocado (牛油果) tree growing in the backyard.
       This tree gave the most delicious avocados I have ever tasted.I lived on these avocados when nursing my first child.Fresh avocado was the very first food for my kids.This tree was so huge that it cast a massive shadow over our backyard.It was truly our magical tree.
       Until one day,someone from the Health Department came to tell us that our avocado tree was too large and needed trimming (修剪).In New York,you get in trouble if you don't clear the snow off your sidewalk.Here,it's when your trees are too high.So along came the trimmer,leaving just the trunk and a few branches.I was sad.The kids were all sad.Some friends who knew it would say, "It's going to grow back.Your next avocados will be crazy!" Yeah,whatever.The tree is gone,so stop doing that.It just didn't work.
       But a few days later,I noticed some unusual butterflies flying around the yard.And then,the sun came in the kitchen,creating this pleasant warmth once blocked by the huge tree.After about a month,I started to notice some tiny green shoots coming out of the cut branches,which eventually turned into full-on bright green leaves.
       I started to feel like all was going to be fine,kind of like life.Little do we know what seems really difficult is actually life's way of making us stronger.It's life's way of bringing in the butterflies,the sunshine,and the delightful flowers.We all know that saying, "It will be OK in the end.If it's not,it's not the end."

    (1)What is mainly conveyed in paragraph 2 about the avocado tree?

    A.Her kids' love for it.
    B.Its fruit's good taste.
    C.Her expectation of it.
    D.Its benefits for her family.
    (2)Why did the author's friends say the words in paragraph 3?

    A.To laugh at her.
    B.To cheer her up.
    C.To show their regret.
    D.To express their excitement.
    (3)What happened to the avocado tree in the end?

    A.It had no branches.
    B.It blocked the sunshine.
    C.It was full of life again.
    D.It bore more avocados.
    (4)What message does the author seem to convey in the text?

    A.You harvest what you sow.
    B.Luck and Misfortune comes in turn.
    C.Success won't come unless you go to it.
    D.The important thing in life is to have a dream.
  • 3.Sara Braden doesn't have time to lose things.She's a working mom with a lot more hobbies than her friends,and when she misplaces (亂放) her keys or leaves her purse at a restaurant,she becomes annoyed and impatient."It impacts me greatly," says Braden,35,a Washington officer.
       According to a recent study led by Daniel Arely,a professor of psychology at Harvard University,Braden has ADHD,a type of attention disorder,which,she says,makes her""likely to put things in certain places and not remember where I put them."
       Her anxiety is familiar to anyone whose phone is missing a dozen times a day.Such kind of mistakes might result in a constant fear:Is something wrong with me?Probably not."It's common and certainly annoying," says Professor Arely."Most of the time,losing things is a breakdown of attention and memory.We're thinking about something else.We have other concerns occupying our attention,and then we never really add the information to memory about where we've put the object."
       The study shows that,sometimes,people with ADHD report that losing things affects their work productivity or relationships.For example,if they can't find their keys all the time and are late for a dinner party,they could anger their friends.In that case,it's worth being evaluated by a doctor.Nevertheless,not all cases deserve special attention.Actually,people who have had ADHD since they were teens have nothing much to worry about.For those with ADHD,what really matters is changes from past performance.
       When we're operating on autopilot (自動(dòng)駕駛) and not truly focused on our surroundings,we may still lose things even with the strongest intention not to do so,Professor Arely says.But for the most part,he thinks people can overcome the tendency to lose things.Sara Braden has learned to adapt,in part by writing down where she has stored items.She also coaches herself not to panic when an item gets lost.

    (1)How does the author introduce the topic?

    A.By offering an example.
    B.By quoting a remark.
    C.By making a comparison.
    D.By giving an explanation.
    (2)What is the possible reason for people's losing things?

    A.Their constant fear.
    B.Their common weakness.
    C.Their absent-mindedness.
    D.Their emotional breakdown.
    (3)What should people with ADHD pay special attention to?

    A.Improved efficiency at work.
    B.Occasional delay in meeting friends.
    C.Losing things repeatedly since teens.
    D.Behavioural changes from the past.
    (4)What is Professor Arely's attitude to overcoming forgetfulness?

  • 4.For thousands of years,Chinese writers have travelled all over the country to take down notes about the geographical conditions of each city.Among them,well-known Chinese geographer and writer Li Daoyuan,in the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534),composed his book,Commentary on the Water Classics,after studying the original literary version,Water Classics.He later expanded the river records to 1 ,252 from the original 137.
       The book is now being studied again by Professor Li Xiaojie and his team from Fudan University.They have been using drawing software and 3 D modelling to recreate the waterway situations on a map based on the book description.So far,they have completed research on four rivers.
       "Ancient people knew really well how to apply the power of nature to technical considerations," Li said,giving the example of Qianjin' e,one of the most famous ancient water conservation projects in Luoyang,Henan.In order to lead the river into the city for irrigation (灌溉) in ancient Luoyang,the officials built a canal branch by separating a northwest-southeast river.However,the canal water wasn't enough to support the citizens in dry seasons.To solve that,on the northern side of the canal branch,the officials built a reservoir (水庫(kù)) and a channel to lead the water to the canal branch,where the waterways would converge and flow together to the city.
       In Commentary on the Water Classics,a total of 2,800 cities are recorded with details.Still,the process of recreation takes much effort.After doing a lot of text analysis and fieldwork,the team has gradually created the model with 3 D modelling software based on repeated deductions (推論).
       For Professor Li,the book is not only a record of the natural landscape over 1,000 years ago,but also a detailed description of humanity and culture and a treasure for today's reference.

    (1)What can we learn about the book Commentary on the Water Classics?

    A.It has been out of date.
    B.It explains 3 D modelling.
    C.It keeps records of 137 rivers.
    D.It is based on previous studies.
    (2)What does the underlined word "converge" in paragraph 3 mean?

    (3)What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us about model recreation?

    A.Its major problems.
    B.Its detailed analysis.
    C.Its complex process.
    D.Its successful application.
    (4)Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

    A.3 D Technology Fuels Modern Research.
    B.Ancient Classics Inspire Modern Research.
    C.An Effective Approach to Model Recreation.
    D.A Famous Writer of Chinese Ancient Classics.


  • 5.Is it likely that your siblings (兄弟姐妹) fought like cats and dogs with you when you were younger? (1)
    Here's why.
       Siblings can help you have a healthier lifestyle.This is supported by a study that surveyed more than 15,000 people.(2)
    Brothers and sisters are readily available fitness and healthy-eating friends.That can only be a bonus when you reach adulthood.
    According to a study among 395 families,scientists found that having siblings made you more likely to do good deeds.It could be that having a same- generation relative encourages you to think about others,which can lead to greater life satisfaction,and fewer depressive symptoms.
        Brothers and sisters improve your chances of a happy marriage.Research found that the more siblings you have,the lower your chance of getting divorced (離婚) is.In fact,for each additional one,your risk of marriage breakdown was three per cent less.(4)

       Having good friends can bring many of the same benefits(5)
    Don't panic.Research also shows that having close friends can boost your health,well-being and longevity (壽命).Make friends by signing up to groups or classes and finding people who enjoy the same things as you do.

    A.That bond is vital as you enter old age.
    B.Siblings can protect you from depression.
    C.Having siblings makes you do an act of charity.
    D.But they can actually boost your physical and mental health.
    E.We don't all have siblings,or you might live far away from yours.
    F.Having siblings helps deal with the tricky situations in close relationships better.
    G.Most of them credited their siblings for having the biggest impact on their health.


  • 6.Herb Chasan could have eased into retirement after spending 18 years teaching in high school and another 30 years remodelling homes.But the 80-year-old didn't(1)
    He saw a need in the lower-income neighbourhoods near his home and he wanted to(2)
       So Mr.Chasan(3)
    .Hoops and Homework,an after – school program providing(4)
    for youths up to age 14.Since 2012,it has helped over 300 children,who otherwise would have gone home to(5)
    houses or wandered around the streets until their parents(6)
       Every Wednesday afternoon,the day's volunteers- a married couple—would(7)
    the children with their homework,ranging from science to art projects.The air was filled with laughter and(8)
    from those curious minds.
       Thanks to the founder Mr.Chasan and a group of(9)
    volunteers,the children have spent their afternoons(10)
    ,making crafts,playing basketball,leaning violin and gardening in the of(11)
    a small army of tutors (助教).
       While the(12)
    after-school operations have been affected by COVID-19,Mr.Chasan is still planning to(13)
    the program for the benefit of more children in need.
    is to help these kids break the cycle of poverty----to have a good job,to be a success,"' says Mr.Chasan.The work isn't easy,but the(15)
    can be big.

    (1) A.wait B.change C.rest D.leave
    (2) A.meet B.feel C.recognize D.emphasize
    (3) A.consulted B.discovered C.established D.checked
    (4) A.donations B.interviews C.exams D.a(chǎn)ctivities
    (5) A.distant B.empty C.messy D.small
    (6) A.left for B.looked for C.put off D.got off
    (7) A.a(chǎn)ssist B.comfort C.impress D.inspire
    (8) A.a(chǎn)dvice B.guidance C.questions D.behaviours
    (9) A.polite B.selfless C.sensible D.cheerful
    (10) A.casually B.toughly C.competitively D.productively
    (11) A.rule B.a(chǎn)ttention C.hope D.evaluation
    (12) A.costly B.occasional C.regular D.dull
    (13) A.expand B.replace C.suspend D.choose
    (14) A.profession B.request C.problem D.goal
    (15) A.pay B.reward C.demand D.result


  • 7.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    Living in that island country for three months was an unforgettable experience for me.
  • 8.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    One thousand people will probably give you a thousand different answers.
  • 9.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    He made it a rule to go jogging every morning no matter it rained or not.
  • 10.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    As we walk along the main road,green high hills rise on either side.
  • 11.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    Hearing his stomach grumbling,she ordered him some food.
  • 12.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    Graturude is how you relate to others,when you see yourself in connection with things larger than yourself .
  • 13.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    Week after week,I saw the same elderly woman sitting at the edge of the water with a small metal cage next to her.
  • 14.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    This program allows volunteers to work up close with pandas cared for in captivity,and help them adapt to life in the wild.
  • 15.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    His father frequently amused the boy with a tablet computer which was loaded with colorful pictures that come alive when you poke them.
  • 16.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    The young king died when he was just 19 with his body buried in a tomb filled with objects that people believed he would need in the afterlife.
  • 17.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    Given plastic packaging's many benefits,both the possibility and desirability of an across-the-board dramatic reduction in the volume of plastic packaging used is clearly low.
  • 18.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    An exhibition now at the Zhejiang Provincial Museum until Oct 23,2022,reviews the glory of lacquer art in ancient China,showing some 87 fine objects in the museum collection dated between the Song(960-1279)and Qing(1644-1911)dynasties.
  • 19.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    I drove away feeling light and happy,partly because I'd done a good deed,but mostly because I was amazed that there are great people who do life-saving work and expect nothing in return.
  • 20.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    In 2012,Earthwatch Institute,a global nonprofit which teams volunteers with scientists to conduct important environmental research,launched a program based in the Wolong National Nature Reserve.
  • 21.判斷句子的主干屬于哪一種結(jié)構(gòu)
    A.(S+V)B.(S+V+P)C.(S+V+O.)D.(S+V+O+O.C)E.(S+V+I O+DO)
    Unfortunately,humans destroy animal habitats in a number of different ways:building houses,clearing forests to get lumber and to plant crops,draining rivers to bring water to those crops,and making streets and parking lots.

第二節(jié)完成句子請(qǐng)用必修一課本內(nèi)Welcoe Unit及Unit1-Unit4所學(xué)的短語(yǔ)或句型填空,每空一詞。

  • 62.一種突如其來(lái)的悲傷把我所有的憤怒都徹底消除了。
    A sudden feeling of grief
    all my anger.


  • 63.假設(shè)你是李華,你的美國(guó)朋友Jack正在為即將到來(lái)的考試焦慮不已,嚴(yán)重影響了生活和學(xué)習(xí),為此寫(xiě)信向你傾訴。請(qǐng)根據(jù)以下要點(diǎn),用英語(yǔ)給他寫(xiě)一封回信。主要內(nèi)容如下:
    Dear Jack,
    Your sincerely,
    Li Hua
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