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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Teaching children abroad can be a wonderful part of your volunteering holiday.You'll help the children and also get valuable work experience and skills yourself.Now,we prepare four teaching programmes for you.
       Programme A:CAMBODIA
       Teach Children in a School in Samraong
       You will teach at a school with over 300 children in Samraong.The children come from 6 different villages in the area.The school provides free education for those whose family couldn't afford it.It also provides free meals for students and volunteering teachers.You should teach the children English in a fun way.But you should prepare your teaching materials on your own.
       Programme B:ECUADOR
       Teach English to School Children in the Galapagos Islands
       You will teach in one of the most fantastic places on the planet—the Galapagos Islands!This project is based on the beautiful island of San Cristobal.Volunteers will help teach English to children aged 4-12 and teenagers aged 13-18.You can also help teach IT,Sports,Art and Music.
       Programme C:GHANA
       Teach Disadvantaged Children in Schools in Accra
       You'll teach English and other subjects,such as Sports and IT,which are very popular with the children.You can teach for any length(長度)of time from two weeks to three months or longer—the choice is yours.You will generally be asked to help out with any age groups.We will try to keep you to your preferred age group.
       Programme D:COSTA RICA
       Teach English to Children in Schools in Esparza
       You can help the local children by teaching in many rural schools.In your English classes,you should create real-life situations,games and other activities.There is a lot of freedom for your own creativity to bring new forms of teaching and ideas to the classroom!

    (1)To get working experience by teaching English and enjoy a holiday on an island,you can choose
    A.Programme A
    B.Programme B
    C.Programme C
    D.Programme D
    (2)According to the passage,in Accra,volunteers
    A.should prepare teaching materials by themselves
    B.should provide free education for poor students
    C.can choose the length of teaching on their own
    D.can decide the numbers of their students freely
    (3)What do Programme B and Programme C have in common?

    A.They are related to fantastic islands.
    B.They provide free meals for volunteers.
    C.Volunteers can teach other subjects besides English.
    D.Volunteers should teach children,teenagers and adults.
  • 2.My wife and I went to this vegan(嚴格的素食主義的) restaurant to give it a try.As we were eating our pepper and salt tofu,a young lady named Debra walked in.She wasn't aware that the place is vegan and was looking for some meat.My wife and I talked up the place and invited her over to try some of our tofu.Debra tried it,nodded and went out.
       After a few minutes,she and her mother both walked back in.We were having the rest of our meal at that time,so we told her what we had ordered.Debra then asked the waitress to just repeat our order for them.Next ,Debra said. "And we want to pay for their meal",pointing to my wife and me.We tried to say no,but Debra wouldn't listen.
       That was not the end of it.Hugs were in order.Debra came over to our table and my wife got up to hug her.Debra hugged my wife and put $100 into her hand.My wife firmly said NO,but Debra insisted.Debra kept talking about our kindness,and we did the same about hers and her mother's.With tears in the eyes,the workers were blown away by this whole exchange between four strangers.I left the waiters and waitresses a tip that would cover all of our meals and we were on our way.
       I've been witnessing so much kindness,especially over the last few years,as I began to pay more attention.We now have a new favorite restaurant and every time we go there my plan is to pay for someone else's meal.

    (1)Why did Debra go out after trying some tofu?

    A.To bring her mother in.
    B.To look after her mother.
    C.To get away from the food.
    D.To Iook for another restaurant
    (2)What did Debra insist on?

    A.Hugging the author's wife
    B.Ordering a meal for the author
    C.Treating the author and his wife
    D.Tipping the waiters and waitress
    (3)How did the workers feel when seeing the exchange between four strangers?

    (4)What can we know about the author and Debra?

    A.They've been friends.
    B.They were both vegan.
    C.They met for the first time.
    D.They once worked together.
  • 3.An American photographer is making copies of great artwork available for blind people and those with very poor eyesight.At least 285 million people worldwide are either blind or considered visually impaired (有缺陷的).They are unable to see or enjoy visual fine art.
      Romeo Edmead lost his eyesight when he was only two years old.But that has not stopped him from living life to the fullest.He went to collage and studied journalism.He now lives in New York.He depends heavily on his other senses.But he cannot experience the great works of art in the City.He remembers a visit to an art collection with his grandmother. "We went to this museum and I just wandered off somewhere and I started touching something,and all of a sudden alarm went off.And a guard came running over,and my grandmother was all ashamed." Romeo is now able to use his fingers to feel art paintings.He can get an idea of the appearance by following the markings.
       John Olson once worked as a photographer for LIFE magazine.He developed a printing process to make the art of Da Vinci and Van Gogh touchable for visually-impaired people. "I began to realize how important images (影像) have been to me,and what they have allowed me to do.And it caused me to wonder what it was for the blind,not having access to images." Olson's company is called 3 D Photoworks.It produces copies of artwork in three dimensions-height ,width and depth.The whole process can take up to four weeks.
       Thanks to new technology,3 D art may soon hang in art museums all over the world.It gives the visually- impaired the chance to experience the beauty of visual art.

    (1)What motivated John Olson to make 3 D art for blind people?

    A.The benefit of his company.
    B.Romeo Edmead's sufferings.
    C.His appreciation to blind people.
    D.The importance of images to people.
    (2)What does the underlined word "dimension" mean?

    A.a period of time
    B.the size of a situation
    C.a measurement in space
    D.the way of doing things
    (3)How will John Olson's work influence the life of blind people?

    A.They are able to live their life to the fullest.
    B.They can have the chance to feel the beauty of visual art.
    C.They don't need to depend heavily on their other senses.
    D.They have free access to museums without any difficulty.
    (4)What can we learn from the passage?

    A.It takes a month or so to produce a 3 D artwork.
    B.3 D art is produced based on height and depth.
    C.3 D art is displayed in art museums all over the world.
    D.John Olson is rich for what he has done for the blind.
  • 4.Reading is to success what water is to fish.Apparently every successful person develops a passion for reading.This is because reading is a key element to obtain the information required to understand something.For instance,lawyers have to study and learn every established law on their specific branches.Sometimes the law changes according to people's needs.A good lawyer has to be informed about the latest news in the court.A doctor has to be informed of the latest advances in medicine.
       Reading is very important for all mankind.Everything is relative in this world,especially reading.Reading can open many doors and it can lead you into a path of success.Studies have confirmed that reading to your unborn child is very good.This way your child will develop a passion for reading.
      How do you develop a passion for reading?There is only one way you can boost your passion for reading.Let me explain this to you.If you want to learn how to ride a bike,you have to get on the bike as many times as possible until you have learned.It works the same way with reading.If you want to boost your reading,take a book and read it all the way through when you finish reading your first book,take another book and do the same.Try to read as much as you can.If you are going out,grab a magazine,a book,an article or something to read.
       There is a very important factor behind the reading--reading comprehension.It's what makes you understand the meaning behind the text.Let's assume that you read a document and you are supposed to explain the meaning of the document.How would you explain the document if you couldn't capture (捕捉) the message of the author?

    (1)The first two paragraphs mainly talk about

    A.what reading comprehension is
    B.how to develop a passion for reading
    C.the key to success
    D.the importance of reading
    (2)We can define reading comprehension as

    A.a very important factor behind reading
    B.something that makes people understand what they read.
    C.a strong passion for reading
    D.the latest information in reading
    (3)The author develops the passage mainly by

    A.comparing the opinions of different people.
    B.presenting a cause and analyzing its effects.
    C.presenting opinions and giving examples.
    D.following the natural time order.
    (4)What do you suppose the following paragraph will talk about?

    A.Ways to improve reading comprehension.
    B.The importance of reading at school.
    C.Famous people who love reading.
    D.Popular reading websites.


  • 5.How to Teach A Child to Ride A Bike? You never forget how to ride a bike,but most of us forget how hard it was to learn. (1)
    .Here's what to keep in mind when instructing little ones from two feet to two wheels.
       Begin with the right equipment.Start with a bicycle that's the right size.A newbie should be able to sit on the seat with both feet flat on the ground.If the child has been using a bike with training wheels,remove them. (2)
    .Long pants and long-sleeved shirts aren't a bad idea,either,to prevent injury in the event of a fall.
    .Head to a location that has smooth,flat,open pavement and little or no traffic to distract or endanger your child.It helps if there's no one around too so he won't feel self-conscious.The ideal spot?A school parking lot on the weekend.
       Emphasize the basics.The fundamentals of biking are balance,coasting,pedaling,and steering.To help a child learn these basic skills,remember to show how to do that in the flesh and dare to let him try.No doubt there will be more than a few stops and starts and maybe even a fall or two. (4)
       Now practice a lot.After a fair number of dry runs,it's time to move to the big stage.Find a bike path or a little-travelled street in a residential neighbourhood. (5)
    .Bike along with him to check that he's using proper safety techniques and feels comfortable pedaling in traffic.

    A.Find a safe spot to learn
    B.Go to practice with the child
    C.Encourage him to slow down and go on
    D.Show him how to share the road with cars
    E.A good-quality,well-fitting helmet is also a must
    F.That's why the experience of teaching children to ride can be frustrating
    G.But eventually,he will manage to ride a fair stretch without stopping or falling


  • 6.While I was cycling,I saw a man in front of me,about half a mile far.Noticing the man was(1)
    at a speed lower than me,I decided to overtake (超過) him.With about a mile to go before turning off,I started cycling(2)
    .Every block,I was gaining on him a little bit.Just within minutes,I was about 50 m behind him.So I gathered all my(3)
    and tried hard to overtake him.It was as tiring as the(4)
    lap of the Olympic triathlon (鐵人三項).Finally,I caught up with him and(5)
    him. "Yes!!" I felt like a(n)(6)
    .while he had no(7)
    that we were competitors.
       However,I soon realized that I had been so(8)
    on competing against him that I had(9)
    my turn.Having gone nearly six blocks past it,I had to(10)
    and go all back.
       Isn't that what(11)
    in life?We spend most of our time and energy in competing with neighbors,friends and family.We are(12)
    to do better than them or be ahead of them,while we are never in the(13)
    with them.Instead of getting involved in (卷入)(14)
    never-ending competitions,we should just concentrate on our own(15)
    and reach our destination.

    (1) A.exploring B.traveling C.breathing D.struggling
    (2) A.faster B.earlier C.closer D.better
    (3) A.courage B.talent C.wisdom D.strength
    (4) A.formal B.last C.specific D.powerful
    (5) A.tracked B.supported C.passed D.affected
    (6) A.emperor B.expert C.champion D.cheat
    (7) A.hope B.doubt C.interest D.clue
    (8) A.focused B.hard C.dependent D.strict
    (9) A.organized B.missed C.chose D.found
    (10) A.hang out B.turn around C.set out D.give up
    (11) A.matters B.changes C.happens D.improves
    (12) A.anxious B.sorry C.thankful D.likely
    (13) A.gap B.process C.system D.race
    (14) A.unhealthy B.illegal C.impolite D.dishonest
    (15) A.image B.measure C.path D.emotion


  • 7.Chinese characters are so amazing that even many foreigners are crazy about them.For the past three decades,Richard Sears has been focused on one thing:telling the stories behind Chinese characters.His interest in Chinese language and characters(1)
    (date)back to 1972,when he was (2)
    22-year-old physics major in the USA.
        He built a website in 2002 and named it Chinese Etymology,(3)
    visitors can check the development of Chinese characters in a variety of(4)
    (form) for free.Because of this well-received website,he became Uncle Hanzi,a nickname which (5)
    (give) by Chinese netizens.
        In September,Sears set up his studio in Nanjing as part of the local government's plan to promote Chinese culture.(6)
    (help) both Chinese and foreign learners have a better understanding of Chinese characters,the studio concentrates (7)
    telling stories behind Chinese characters with the aid of technology.They have made over 60 videos in English with Chinese subtitles(字幕)for Bilibili,a popular video website among young people. (8)
    (watch) the videos not only brings fun but also makes people know more about Chinese characters,leaving them a deep (9)
        With the tireless efforts of people like Richard Sears and the government's support ,more people will appreciate the beauty of Chinese characters (10)
    (full ).


  • 8.The act of selling
    (illegal) or without permission isn't allowed.
  • 9.He felt
    (confuse) at the news.


  • 28.那種古老的語言已經消亡。
    The old language


  • 29.星光中學(Xingguang High School)近期舉行了一次登山活動.假定你是學校英語報記者,請寫一篇短文,報道此次活動.內容包括:
    1.時間與地點:4月10日,大青山(Daqing Mountain);
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