in shock;ups and downs;fall apart;rather than;make sense;date back;refer to;work out;as if;now and then;in ruins;give up
(1)Though having failed many times,they never
gave up
gave up
and finally delicious popcorn was made.
(2)When a pencil is partly put into water,it looks
as if
as if
it were broken.
(3)The burning hotel in which two fifths of the rescue workers had been trapped was
in ruins
in ruins
(4)To build up his strength,Mr.Soldier keeps
working out
working out
in the gym on a regular basis.
(5)Last month,the veteran fighter
referred to
referred to
his experiences during the Long March.
(6)Every relationship has a lot of
ups and downs
ups and downs
,which however doesn't seem to apply to this couple.
(7)Most members of this team have been providing thoughtful,well-written messages that
make sense
make sense
and contribute to the historic discovery.
(8)I am so honored to have been invited to actually contribute articles to this project
now and then
now and then
(9)Keep your distance from that old chair--- it's likely
to fall apart
to fall apart
at any moment.
(10)What your teacher reminds you of is a kind warning
rather than
rather than
any sort of criticism.
【答案】gave up;as if;in ruins;working out;referred to;ups and downs;make sense;now and then;to fall apart;rather than
發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0組卷:6引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.他是一個如此善良的人,以至于他總是致力于幫助別人。(so…that…,be committed to) (漢譯英)
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 1:0:9組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.
    is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.
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  • 3.I firmly believe that it is his father rather than his grandparents who ______ for the spoiled child.( ?。?/div>
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