(1)Where do you want to go?
(2)How do you get there?
(3)How long will you stay there?
(4)Where will you stay?
(5)What will you do there?
The summer holiday is coming.I want to go to Beijing with my parents in July.We will go there by plane.We will stay a hotel for seven days.We will visit the Palace Museum and the Great Wall.We will take lots of photos there.We will eat delicious Beijing Duck.I think my summer holiday will be fun.We will have a good time.
The summer holiday is coming.I want to go to Beijing with my parents in July.We will go there by plane.We will stay a hotel for seven days.We will visit the Palace Museum and the Great Wall.We will take lots of photos there.We will eat delicious Beijing Duck.I think my summer holiday will be fun.We will have a good time.
【答案】The summer holiday is coming.I want to go to Beijing with my parents in July.We will go there by plane.We will stay a hotel for seven days.We will visit the Palace Museum and the Great Wall.We will take lots of photos there.We will eat delicious Beijing Duck.I think my summer holiday will be fun.We will have a good time.
發(fā)布:2024/8/9 8:0:9組卷:3引用:1難度:0.6
  • 1.航天員逐夢九天,探索宇宙的奧秘;疫情肆虐,醫(yī)務(wù)人員救死扶傷;冬奧會上奧運(yùn)健兒為國爭光……每個(gè)人都有一個(gè)夢想,你的夢想是什么呢?請告訴大家你的夢想。
    提示:I want to be…;I want to…;To make my dream come true;I will…
    My dream
    發(fā)布:2024/8/7 8:0:9組卷:8引用:1難度:0.1
  • 2.美好的暑假就要到了,今年的暑假你有什么計(jì)劃,是去旅游,還是做一些有意義的事情,請你寫一寫你的暑假計(jì)劃吧,注意使用正確的時(shí)態(tài),不少于6句話(不算標(biāo)題)。
    Where do you want to go?
    How will you get there?
    How long will you stay there?
    What will you do?
    My holiday plan
    發(fā)布:2024/8/8 8:0:9組卷:0引用:1難度:0.1
  • 3.作文。
    請以"My dream job"為題,寫一篇英語短文來介紹你夢想的職業(yè)。
    ①What's your name?
    ②How old are you?
    ③When is your birthday?
    ④What are you good at?
    ⑤What do you want to do in the future?
    發(fā)布:2024/8/31 0:0:8組卷:1引用:2難度:0.1
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