    Officials from Brazil's Indigenous (原住民) protection agency approached the hut in the middle of the Amazon rainforest.They were witnessing the first recorded dying out of an uncontacted tribe in the country's history.
    The man lying there,the last member of his tribe had died and with him an entire culture and answers to a thousand questions.
    Even his name was a mystery.He was known only as"the Man of the Hole"because of the dozens of holes he had dug over the years in his territory.His age,too,could only be guessed at.He appeared to be about 60,officials said.
    It was a sad milestone for a country that in recent years has seen protections for Indigenous groups undermined by an administration that has prioritized(優(yōu)先)development of the Amazon over conservation.
    In Rondonia,the only resident of the 8,000-hectare area lived in complete isolation for at least 26 years after the rest of his group was killed by ranchers (農(nóng)場主) advancing the agricultural frontier.
    Brazil's Indigenous protection agency,F(xiàn)unai,made direct contact with the last surviving man only in 1996.Marcelo dos Santos,an Indigenous expert,said he was found~hiding in his hut."We tried to establish a conversation and offered corn and arrows,but he was terrified and very aggressive(具有攻擊性).From this moment on,we had to respect his isolation."
    Even with protections in place,the territory suffered widespread deforestation up until about 13 years ago.Attacks on the last surviving man continued,as well,including one by armed gunmen in 2009,according to local news reports.
    "For me,he was somehow incredible:to be able to survive on his own,not speak to anybody and avoid all contact maybe out of grief or determination,"said Fiona Watson,a research director at Survival International,a London-based rights organization.

(1)What did the death of"the Man of the Hole"suggest?

A.An uncontacted tribe went extinct.
B.An entire culture would be recorded.
C.The secrets around him would be unearthed.
D.The protection agency was unwilling to rescue him.
(2)The underlined word"undermined"in para.4 is closest in meaning to"
(3)What happened to"the Man of the Hole"in 1996?

A.He made the protection agency's approach a failure.
B.He witnessed the most severe deforestation in history.
C.He escaped being shot by a group of aggressive gunmen.
D.He learned more survival skills with arrows offered by Funai.
(4)What did Fiona Watson regard"the Man of the Hole"as?

A.A mystery.
B.An evolution.
C.A wonder.
D.A fortune.
發(fā)布:2024/7/4 8:0:9組卷:8引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will (1)
    (probable) say that they go to learn languages, history, science and some other knowledge. That's quite true, but do you know(2)
    they learn these things?
        We send our children to school to prepare them(3)
    the future when they grow up and have to work for(4)
    (they). Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life. But is that (5)
    only reason why they go to school?
        There is more in education than just (6)
    (learn) facts. We go to school to learn how to learn, so that when we have left school we can continue to learn. A man (7)
    really knows how to learn will always be (8)
    (success), because when he has to do something new, he will not only be able to do it well himself, he will also be able (9)
    (teach) others how to do it in the best way. So the purpose of schools is not to teach languages, history, science, etc., but to teach (10)
    (student) the way to learn.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 9:0:9組卷:1引用:2難度:0.6
  • 2.The most important rule of the road concerns which side to drive on.A large number of accidents in the world happen for this reason,with more and more people(1)
    (choose)car hire as the way to drive in a foreign country.Famous actor Matthew Broderick(2)
    (catch)up in a bad collision when he rented (3)
    vehicle in Ireland because he forgot that they drive on the opposite side of the road.
        Most areas of the world which(4)
    (previous)were British colonies still drive on the left hand side of the road,Australia,India,and South Africa(5)
    (include).Most European countries drive on the right hand side apart(6)
    Cyprus,Ireland,Malta and the United Kingdom.Guyana is the only country in South America (7)
    drives on the left.
        Generally speaking,about two thirds of the countries in the world drive on the right such as,the USA,China and Russia.Canada used to drive on the left but changed to the right to make border crossings with the USA more(8)
    (explain) for driving on different sides of the road is historical.British horse riders used to ride on the left hand side of the road,thus keeping their right arm free to offer greetings to(10)
    (passer-by).But in the USA Teamsters decided to start driving on the right so that they could see the passing wheels of other wagons.
    發(fā)布:2024/8/29 17:0:8組卷:15引用:4難度:0.5
  • 3.The University of Sheffield
    Back to its origin
       The University of Sheffield is a research university in the city of Sheffield in South Yorkshire,England.It is one of the original "red brick" universities,which are a group of top and famous old universities.The University of Sheffield was originally formed by the combination of three colleges.The Sheffield School of Medicine was founded in 1828,followed in 1879 by the opening of Firth College by Mark Firth,a steel manufacturer(制造商),to teach arts and science subjects.Firth College then helped to provide money for the opening of the Sheffield Technical School in 1884 to teach applied science.In 1897 the three institutions were joined together to form the University College of Sheffield,which in turn became the University of Sheffield by Royal Charter(特許)in 1905.This university is famous for its good education and boasts a number of Nobel Prize winners among its former students.
       More information
       System:The University has five departments:Arts and Humanities;Engineering;Pure Science;Social Sciences;Medicine,Dentistry and Health.Sheffield also has many research programs in fields including aerospace,environmental science,psychology,and biology.
       City show:Sheffield is a lively city in the north of England.Sheffield is known as the greenest city in Europe because of its 2 million trees.As a result,there are many parks and woods throughout the city and beyond.Sheffield is the greenest city in England with 150 woodlands and 50 public parks within the city.Once,in Sheffield,the folk hero—Robin Hood lived in Sherwood Forest with 150 of his loyal friends.And Charlotte Bronte,the English writer noted for her novel Jane Eyre was born in Sheffield.

    (1)Sheffield is in the
    of England.
    (2)Which statement about the University of Sheffield is not TRUE?

    A.It has a good fame for many great graduates.
    B.It has a long history of more than 180 years.
    C.It is one member of "red brick" universities.
    D.It owns different departments and research programs.
    (3)What can we infer from the text?

    A.Sheffield has very beautiful scenery.
    B.Charlotte Bronte is an English writer.
    C.Sheffield is the biggest city of England.
    D.Robin Hood is a character in Jane Eyre.
    發(fā)布:2024/8/27 3:0:8組卷:3引用:2難度:0.5
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