 Listen and write.(聽錄音,寫單詞,補(bǔ)全短文。)
?Here are some(1)
of our trip to Beijing.I(2)
a great time with you in Beijing.I liked Tian'anmen Square and the Palace Museum,I liked our hotel.I liked going to Wangfujing to buy(3)
a kite for Danny.The kite is in my bedroom.It is beautiful!How is Danny's tail?He was (5)
.Please send me a letter.
發(fā)布:2024/7/23 8:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.聽音,排序。
    ______There are tall trees now.
    ______This one is heavy.
    ______They're all my favourite festival.
    ______We're going to tell stories.
    ______It's mine.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 0:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.聽錄音,將校醫(yī)給出的營養(yǎng)建議補(bǔ)充完整,念兩遍。
    Tips about Healthy diet
    ?Eat noodles or rice,not ______ .
    ?Have a good ______every morning.
    ?Drink juice,______and milk,not cola.
    ?Eat lots of fruit and ______.
    ?Don't eat too much______food.?
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 0:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.聽一聽,在橫線上填入所缺單詞。念三遍。
       During the summer holiday,I went to the(1)______to visit my grandparents.I ate a lot of (2)______food there.I saw some old family photos.In those pictures,I was only eight (3)______old.I was cute.I also help my grandma a lot.I picked(4)______,gave food to the pigs and collected eggs.I(5)______twenty days there.I had a lot of fun.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 0:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
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