Read and judge.閱讀判斷,對的寫T,錯的寫F。
?Jacob is a very unhealthy man.Last year he won the lottery(彩票),so now he doesn't go to work.Everyday he gets up at about 11:30 a.m.and for his breakfast he eats chips and hamburgers.After breakfast he watches TV until 1 o'clock.Then he goes into the car to the bar(酒吧).He drinks a lot of beer and usually eats a sandwich there.At about 6 o'clock,his driver drives him to the movie theater.He sees a movie until 9 o'clock.After that,he goes to the restaurant and eats lots of food.He goes to bed at about 2 a.m.Jacob always says he feels bad and he can't sleep at night.Do you know why?
(1)Jacob is busy with his work now.

(2)Jacob has chips and hamburgers for breakfast.

(3)Jacob drives his car to the movie theater.

(4)Jacob can't sleep well at night.

(5)Jacob has good living habits.
發(fā)布:2024/8/24 8:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.2
  • 1.閱讀理解,選詞填空。
    Mike is telling his sports story to his classmates.
    ?Two years ago,I (1)
    fat and weak.I was 50 kilograms and 1.4 meters.I was slow in running.I was unhappy.
    ?This year,I get up(2)
    six every morning.After school,I often play(3)
    with my friends.Now I am stronger than before.Best of all,I can run faster than before!
    ?Today was a special day.We(4)
    a running race in the PE class and I came third.Hurray!
    ?Next month,we will have a sports meet.I(5)
    with my friends in the running race.I will do my best!
    (1) A.a(chǎn)re B.was C.were
    (2) A.in B.on C.a(chǎn)t
    (3) A.badminton B.the chess C.the basketball
    (4) A.have B.has C.had
    (5) A.ran B.a(chǎn)m going to run C.run
    發(fā)布:2024/7/25 8:0:9組卷:15引用:1難度:0.1
  • 2.閱讀短文,判斷句子正誤,正確的寫T,錯誤的寫F。
       My name is Peter.I eat two apples and drink two glasses of milk a day.I eat plenty of vegetables.I go running in the morning,and I play soccer with my brother in the evening.I like to play computer games sometimes,but I don't play every day.Mark is my friend.He watches TV for 4 hours every day.He never eats vegetables.He doesn't like sports.He likes ice cream.He eats ice cream every day.His favorite drink is cola.He drinks two glasses of cola every day.
    (1)Peter eats one apple a day.

    (2)Peter goes running in the morning.

    (3)Mark is Peter's friend.

    (4)Mark often eats vegetables.

    (5)Mark's favorite drink is milk.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/5 14:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.2
  • 3.讀一讀,寫一寫。(可以用給出的參考詞匯,也可以運用其他詞匯)
    ?Health is very important(重要的)for us.But how can we keep healthy?
    ?We should(1)
    .We should also(2)
    .It makes us(3)
    ?We shouldn't(4)
    .It's not good for our health.We shouldn't(5)
    either.It's bad for our eyes.
    ?Sometimes we don't feel well.Don't worry.We should(6)
    .We should(7)
    .We will get well soon.
    參考詞匯:strong and healthy/ eat a lot of fruit and vegetables /do sports every day/go to bed early/ eat healthy food /eat junk food/ drink some milk/ play computer games/watch TV for too long/drink too much cola(可樂)/ go and see the doctor/ go to bed late/ take a good rest/ take the medicine on time...
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:1引用:1難度:0.2
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