Family drama A Love for Dilemma,is an education-themed TV series,which focuses on parent-child relationship.It started airing(上映)on Dragon TV and Aiqiyi on April 11,and has aroused heated discussion on the Internet.
    Based on a novel by Lu Yingong,A Love For Dilemma,the 42-episode TV series starring actresses Song Jia and Jiang Xin as two different types of mothers.Their children are about to enter a middle school.
    Jiang Xin plays the "tiger mother" Tian Yulan.She has arranged all kinds of after-school chases for her son.In order to push her son to completely focus on studies,she requires him to quit his favorite soccer class,causing him to become unhappy.During a family dinner,she even asks her son to recite as many as digits of Pi,or π(圓周率),to show off in front of other relatives.
    Song Jia plays Nan Li,a mother who is totally in favor of happy education.However,after her daughter gets bad marks in school,she is worried and then sends her daughter to remedial lessons(輔導(dǎo)班).
    "I hope to tell the audience not to worry,but to give children more time and patience,and set aside the anxiety and confusion."scriptwriter (編劇) Zhou Yifei said.Let nature take its course and everything that happens in life has its own meaning.
    "I don't believe Chinese parents are "monsters'.Most of the parents are college-educated.They do wish their children to have a happy and easy childhood," added Lu Yingong.But he believes few Chinese parents are brave enough to risk their children's future.
(1)What does A Love for Dilemma focus on?
Parent-child relationship.
Parent-child relationship.

(2)When did A Love for Dilemma started airing?
On?April 11.
On?April 11.

(3)How many types of mothers are mentioned in the TV series?

(4)Why does Tian Yulan require her son to quit his favorite soccer class?
Because she wants to push?her?son?to?completely?focus?on?studies.
Because she wants to push?her?son?to?completely?focus?on?studies.

(5)What did Zhou Yifei want to tell the audience?
He wants to tell?the?audience?not?to?worry,but?to?give?children?more?time?and?patience,and?set?aside?the?anxiety?and?confusion.
He wants to tell?the?audience?not?to?worry,but?to?give?children?more?time?and?patience,and?set?aside?the?anxiety?and?confusion.
【答案】Parent-child relationship.;On?April 11.;Two.;Because she wants to push?her?son?to?completely?focus?on?studies.;He wants to tell?the?audience?not?to?worry,but?to?give?children?more?time?and?patience,and?set?aside?the?anxiety?and?confusion.
發(fā)布:2024/6/27 10:35:59組卷:5引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.閱讀下面的短文,將劃線部分譯成英文或中文。
        The Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. (1) It's said that the celebration of the Double Ninth Festival began from the East Han Dynasty.
       (2)在這一天,人們通常會(huì)去爬山并欣賞秋日的天空。 Climbing mountains also means "climbing to a higher position".It means an increase in health,happiness and money in one's life.
       Enjoying the beautiful chrysanthemum(菊花) flowers,and drinking chrysanthemum wine,are also traditional things of the Double Ninth Festival.(3)The ninth lunar month is known as the "month of chrysanthemum". Chrysanthemum wine is believed to have many benefits.Chrysanthemum wine is believed to have many benefits.The flowers and other things are mixed,and the wine-making process has begun.(4)但是人們?cè)趤砟甑闹仃柟?jié)才喝這酒。
        "Knowing that my brothers have reached the peak.All but one is present at the planting of dogwood." People also carry sprigs(小枝)of the zhuyu (dogwood) plant on this day.(5)It's a traditional way to carry people's wishes to stop illness and protect their health and money. Dogwood is a type of evergreen,whose leaves have many medical benefits.





    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 3:0:20組卷:12引用:3難度:0.9
  • 2.Turtle(海龜)mother has three sons.The first son is seven years old.The second one is five and the third is four. They often have a running game. They think they run fast.
        One day, the three sons decided to have some coffee.When they got into the café (咖啡館),it started to rain. The first turtle said to his brother,"Go home and get the umbrella."
        The little turtle answered,"I will, if you don't drink my coffee."
        "OK. We won't drink your coffee."The other two promised.
        Two years later, the first turtle said to the second turtle, "Well, I don't think our brother is coming back, so let's drink his coffee."
        Just then a voice(聲音)called from outside the door,"If you do that, I won't go."

    (1)How many sons does turtle mother have?

    (2)How old is the second turtle?

    (3)What did three turtles decide to do one day?

    (4)Why did the little turtle go home?

    (5)Did the little turtle run very fast?
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 11:0:12組卷:11引用:2難度:0.4
  • 3.My Room This is (1)
    (I)room.It's big and (2)
    (整潔的).There is a bed,a table and a chair in it .Some(3)
    (book) and pens (4)
    (be) on the table.My clock is on the table,(5)
    (也).And the nice chair is (6)
    (在下面) the table.A(7)
    (藍(lán)色)quilt is on the bed.And a map of (8)
    (Chinese) is on the wall.Where's my (9)
    (書包)?Oh,it's (10)
    (在上面) the chair.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 12:0:8組卷:3引用:2難度:0.5
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