(1)The Yum Restaurant stays open for
in total.
A.two hours
B.three hours
C.five hours
(2)From the menu above,we know that

A.bread and butter goes with starters
B.there are four kinds of different ice cream
C.the desserts are available for both lunch and dinner
(3)If you are accepted as part of the audience by EZ Comedy Club,you can

A.perform there
B.watch a live show
C.record your own comedies
(4)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the poster(海報(bào))?

A.The host of the show.
B.The way to join the audience.
C.Recording time and location.
(5)We can infer(推斷)from the poster that the show could be

A.very serious
B.quite funny
C.kind of boring
發(fā)布:2024/5/27 14:0:0組卷:21引用:1難度:0.4
  • 1.Wednesday Sale!
    9 am--10 pm,every Wednesday from November 11 to December 12,2022.
       Buy one lunch,and get one for free!
       ●Bring your partner,treat a friend or enjoy yourself here!
       ●At Pizza Hut,you'll get an extra(額外的)meal with your order.Choose wisely,or you might not be able to finish your food.Please don't waste food.
       ●There is no take-away food.
       Address:Shop 20-23,F(xiàn)englin Road,Yuelu District

    (1)The sale lasts for
    on Wednesday.
    A.eight hours
    B.ten hours
    C.thirteen hours
    (2)From the poster,we can learn that
    A.people can take the meal away
    B.the restaurant asks people not to waste food
    C.people can get the free meal every Wednesday in 2022
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 3:0:11組卷:0引用:1難度:0.8
  • 2.All the students in Class 1,Grade 9 at Woodland School agreed they loved going to the movies.Different students loved different movies.Their teachers took a survey of the students' favorite movies for the year.The chart below shows the results.
    (1)The chart shows the results of students' favorite
    in a class.
    (2)According to the chart,which one is the most popular?

    A.Mr.Mann's Journey.
    B.Super Croc.
    C.Mystery Island.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 15:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.
    My Motherland and Me
       It is an inspiring(鼓舞人心的)and touching film.It tells us several stories and events in different periods(時(shí)期)since the founding of New China.Each story has a topic(話題).These topics are "The Eve", "Meeting", "Winning The Championship", "Returning", "Hello Beijing", "Daytime Meteor" and "Escorting(護(hù)航)".These stories not only witness(見證)the changes and prosperity(興旺)of the motherland but also wake up the common(共同的 )memories(記憶)of Chinese people all over the world.Though the stories and people were very common,they created(創(chuàng)造)our great times.
    The Chinese Pilot
       The film is based on the real event that Sichuan Airline Flight 3 U8633 successfully dealt with the emergency(突發(fā)事件)on May 14,2018.Half an hour after the takeoff,the windows of the cockpit(駕駛艙)broke at a height of 10,000 meters.At the time of great dangerous situation,the captain together with all the assistants(助理)was very calm.The captain(機(jī)長(zhǎng)) was so skillful and excellent that he and his assistants saved the life of 119 passengers and 9 crew(全體工作人員)members on the plane.It created a wonder in the history of world flight.How smart and brave the captain is!
    The Climbers(攀登者)
    The film tells us a story that the Chinese mountaineers succeeded in climbing Mount Qomolangma(珠穆朗瑪峰).In 1960 the Chinese climbers reached the top of Mount Qomolangma from the north slope.Unluckily,there were no video materials remained at that time.Fifteen years later,the Chinese mountaineers climbed Mount Qomolangma again.In the process of climbing,they came across big storms and huge avalanches(雪崩).Some people even lost their lives,but they all worked together and overcame many difficulties.At last,the Chinese mountaineers raised the Chinese national flag on the top of Mount Qomolangma.The whole world saw a powerful and wonderful China.
    (1)How many topics are there in the film My Motherland and Me?

    (2)Who saved all the people on the plane?

    (3)What does the writer think of the captain?

    (4)When did the Chinese mountaineers climb Mount Qomolangma for the second time?

    (5)What did the climbers do on the top of Mount Qomolangma at last?
    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 3:0:20組卷:1引用:3難度:0.4
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