菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)No artist required
    One day,Ammaar Reshi was playing around with a chatbot called ChatGPT,a computer program using artificial intelligence (AI) to copy the way human beings think and write.Reshi then came up with an idea to use the AI program to make a children's book.The story of the book came from a conversation Reshi had with the chatbot,about a girl called Alice.And then he used another AI program,Midjourney,to make illustrations (插圖) for the book.Midjourney is a new AI powered tool that can turn words into amazing artwork,like pictures.
    The book,Alice and Sparkle,was done in just a couple of days. "Anyone can use these AI tools," Res his aid. "And they're not hard to use."
    Reshi posted about the book online after it was finished.Heated argument about it started at once.Some people liked the lovely story as well as the beautiful illustrations and praised Reshi for his smartness.But not everyone welcomed the birth of the special book.Among them,artists were especially critical of it.They think the way the illustrations were made was a big problem.Midjourney searches through millions of pictures created by artists on the Internet.And then it manages to find patterns (式樣) in those pictures and create new ones based on the patterns.Artists often upload their work online for people to enjoy.But Midjourney could be using their work without permission (允許) .
    "The main problem to me about AI is that it was taken from artists' work," illustrator Adriane Tsai says. "It's our creations,our personal styles,that we did not permit them to use."
    Many artists and writers are nervous about the future.Will people pay for their work if it can be done cheaper by using AI programs?
    Some companies are already choosing AI over human talent.The San Francisco Ballet used pictures made with Midjourney to improve its production of the classic The Nutcracker.At a funny performance club,an AI-powered robot told jokes that made people laugh out loud.Journalist Abraham Riesman said, "It's deeply troubling to see people looking for cheap alternatives (替代品) to actual human writing."
    Reshi says technology companies should protect artists and writers whose work might be used by AI tools.He suggests that they should involve artists and writers in the process of creation.

(1)What is Midjourney?
Midjoumey is a new AI-powered tool that can turn words into amazing artwork,like pictures.
Midjoumey is a new AI-powered tool that can turn words into amazing artwork,like pictures.

(2)How did Reshi make a children's book?
By using the AI program. /He used the AI program to make it.
By using the AI program. /He used the AI program to make it.

(3)What did people think of Reshi's book?
Some people liked the lovely story,but not everyone welcomed the birth of the special book.
Some people liked the lovely story,but not everyone welcomed the birth of the special book.

(4)Why are many artists and writers nervous about the future?
Because they are worried that people won't pay for their work.
Because they are worried that people won't pay for their work.

(5)Do you think it is a good idea to use AI programs in the process of creation?Why or why not? (請自擬一句話作答)
Because it is convenient.
Because it is convenient.
【答案】Midjoumey is a new AI-powered tool that can turn words into amazing artwork,like pictures.;By using the AI program. /He used the AI program to make it.;Some people liked the lovely story,but not everyone welcomed the birth of the special book.;Because they are worried that people won't pay for their work.;Yes.;Because it is convenient.
發(fā)布:2024/7/15 8:0:9組卷:31引用:2難度:0.5
  • 1.閱讀下面的短文,將劃線部分譯成英文或中文。
       What kind life will we live in the future? (1)I don't think we will use paper to write on, because we can study on computers. (2)并且將會有更少的車和更少的污染。 Everyone will try their best to protect the environment.The sea will be cleaner,and the sky will be bluer.So the world will be a better place.
       And people will even have robots in their homes.They can do a lot of things for humans.For example,they can help with the housework like cleaning,cooking,walking the dogs and so on. (3)當然,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)有很多機器人在工廠工作了,并且他們從不感到厭倦。
       (4)People will be able to travel to other planets like Mars(火星) for holidays. Maybe people will live on a space station one day.However,some people disagree on this. (5)他們認為居住在其他星球不安全。





    發(fā)布:2024/9/21 4:0:8組卷:8引用:1難度:0.5
  • 2.How would you feel if your school banned(禁止) phones in class?The Ministry of Education(外交部) suggests that mobile phones should be banned in primary and secondary schools.This aims to protect student' eyesight and make sure they can study hard. (1)It can also stop teenagers from playing online games for a long time.
       Xu Xiaohe,a13-year-old girl from Zhejiang,supports the idea."(2)實際上,我們不被允許帶手機。"Xu said. "It will influence our schoolwork.Even adults can't control themselves,let alone kids like us."
       However,Li Zihan from Beijing has different opinions. "Students should be taught self-management skills,as well as learn how to use their phones wisely to help with their studies,"Li said."(3)這可能是處理問題的最好方式。"
       For Ge Ziqi,the problem with banning phones has more to do with life outside of school.The 13-year-old Beijinger uses a bike-sharing app every day to travel between her home and school.
       "(4)There is no doubt that mobile phones are widely used in daily life.For example,I usually use my mobile phone to take a bus and buy food."she said. "If I am not allowed to take my phone with me,I'll have to buy my own bicycle."
       Some schools come up with ideas to solve problems like Ge's.For example,during school hours at Shanghai Shatian School, (5)students are asked to put their phones in special places.The students call these places the"phone farm"("養(yǎng)機場") or"phone tarmac"("停機坪").





    發(fā)布:2024/9/22 15:0:8組卷:7引用:2難度:0.5
  • 3.Teachers say that the digital(數(shù)字) age has had a good influence and a not-so-good influence on American teenagers.More than 2,000 middle and high school teachers took (1)
    online survey.Researchers also spoke with teachers in some groups.Most teachers think the Internet and digital search tools have had a mostly positive influence on their students' research habits and skills.(2)
    at the same time,some teachers also point out some problems in teenagers' using digital search tools.
        The Pew Internet Project did the survey with the College Board and the National Writing Project.Judy Buchanan is the director (3)
    the National Writing Project and a co-writer of the report.She says digital research tools are helping students learn more,and learn(4)
    teachers and students really welcome these tools because they make learning (6)
    .And the goal is to really help students become creators of (7)
    meaningful,and not just users of the online information."
        But one problem the survey found is that these technologies make teenagers have short attention spans.As there is huge amount of information about different subjects on the Internet,teenagers' attention is (8)
    drawn away from their research.
    problem the survey found is that many students trust the information they find on the Internet too much.Judy Buchanan says these students have not developed the skills to judge the online information.They need to learn a lot to tell (10)
    the information is believable.It's something that really has to be noticed.
        One more problem the survey found is something that might not seem like a problem at all:being able to quickly find information online.Many students think "doing research" now means just (11)
    quick search on Google.Teachers say the result is a drop in the wish and ability of their students to work hard (12)
    answers.That is ,they are overly dependent on search engines and do not make enough use of printed books or research librarians.
        Many teachers also say that the Internet makes (13)
    easy for students to copy work (14)
    by others instead of using (15)
    own abilities.

    (1)A.a B.the C.an D./
    (2)A.So B.And C.Because D.But
    (3)A.of B.with C.to D.on
    (4)A.fast B.the fastest C.faster D.fastest
    (5)A.Neither B.Both C.Either D.Not only
    (6)A.excited B.the most excited C.exciting D.excite
    (7)A.somebody B.nothing C.something D.anything
    (8)A.easy B.easily C.easier D.much easier
    (9)A.Another B.Other C.The other D.The others
    (10)A.that B.when C.what D.if
    (11)A.to do B.do C.doing D.to be done
    (12)A.find B.finding C.finds D.to find
    (13)A.it B.them C.this D.that
    (14)A.do B.done C.are done D.did
    (15)A.their B.theirs C.our D.ours
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 12:0:8組卷:8引用:1難度:0.5
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