   Humans have been trying to explore and inhabit(定居)Mars.One of the many difficulties is the lack of oxygen on the red planet.Luckily,NASA's Perseverance Rover(漫游者)can help.
   Using an instrument called MOXIE,the rover successfully took carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)from the Mar's atmosphere and turned it into oxygen.NASA has said it plans to conduct more MOXIE tests.
   MOXIE ran its first test for around an hour,producing just 6 grams(克)of oxygen.That's enough to keep an astronaut going for about 10 minutes.It seems that it can be improved.It won't keep someone alive for long,but it's a key step forward in exploring Mars.
   Not only could that oxygen be used to allow people to breathe,but it would also lighten the load for return missions to Earth,or for trips to other parts of the solar system.Rockets need oxygen to burn fuel during liftoff(起飛).Since we are now able to create oxygen on Mars,spacecraft can bring less of it from Earth,significantly cutting down their weight.Less weight means less overall fuel(燃料)needed to launch rockets.
   Oxygen is the heavier part of rocket fuel.If NASA wanted to get four astronauts off Mars,the spacecraft would need 27.5 tons of oxygen to do it.Keeping those four breathing for a year would require about one ton.At the rate MOXIE is going,producing 27.5 tons would take more than 475 years.But future devices could be larger and more efficient than the 18-Kg MOXIE.One day,we will come up with a bigger plan for humans when we finally send them there to make enough oxygen.
(1)What can MOXIE do?

A.Conduct tests on Mars.
B.Help send oxygen to Mars.
C.Find new places for humans.
D.Turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.
(2)What needs to be improved in the MOXIE tests?

A.Using less fuel to launch rockets.
B.Sending more astronauts to space.
C.Cutting down the weight of rockets.
D.Producing enough oxygen for the mission.
(3)What's the meaning of the word"it" in paragraph 4?

B.Carbon dioxide.
(4)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.People want to live on Mars.
B.Four astronauts breathe about I ton of oxygen a year.
C.The device MOXIE is heavier than four astronauts.
D.A man uses about 6 grams of oxygen for breathing in 10 minutes.
發(fā)布:2024/8/18 0:0:1組卷:0引用:1難度:0.2
  • 1.閱讀短文,判斷句子正(T)誤(F)。?
       China is a big country.There are lots of beautiful cities in China.Beijing is a very old city.It's the capital of China.It held the 29th Olympic Games.There are many famous places in Beijing,such as the Great Wall,the Palace Museum(故宮) and the Summer Palace(頤和園).Shanghai is an exciting city.A lot of children are visiting Shanghai Disneyland.Hong Kong is in the south(南部) of China.Hong Kong is a nice place for holiday.Many people like to visit Hong Kong for shopping.
    (1)Beijing is a very new city.

    (2)The Palace Museum is in Beijing.

    (3)The Disneyland is in Beijing.

    (4)Shanghai is the capital of China.

    (5)Hong Kong is a nice place for shopping.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/17 2:0:9組卷:0引用:1難度:0.8
  • 2.閱讀短文,判斷句子的正(√)誤(×)。?
       This is my family photo.The man with glasses is my father.He is a worker.My mother is tall and she has long hair.She is a doctor.The short girl with a toy is my little sister.She likes sweets(甜品).This is me.I'm on the sofa(沙發(fā)).I like reading story books.
    (1)My father is a doctor.

    (2)My sister doesn't like sweets.

    (3)My grandmother is a doctor with long hair.

    (4)I'm on the sofa.

    (5)I like playing football.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/18 1:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.6
  • 3.閱讀理解,判斷正(T)誤(F)。?
       My name's Tom.I have a big room.I have a bed in my room.Look!The kite is on the bed.And I have a desk.My schoolbag is on the desk.In my schoolbag,there is a pencil box and some books.I like reading books.There is a chair.And my football is under the chair.I can play football well.
    (1)I have a small room.

    (2)The schoolbag is in the desk.

    (3)The kite is on the bed.

    (4)A football is on the chair.

    (5)Tom doesn't like reading books.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/18 0:0:8組卷:2引用:1難度:0.2
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