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北師大版(2019)必修1《Unit 1 Life Choices Lesson 1》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(題組BC)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.He runs from explosions,drives over waterfalls and jumps from tall buildings.That might sound like Superman,but stuntman(特技演員) Vince Deadrick Jr.is very much human.
       As a stuntman in movies and television shows,Deadrick admits he's no stranger to getting hurt.He has suffered broken bones,bled,gotten knocked out and nearly fallen to death,but he considers himself lucky to be alive after some of the stunts he has performed.
       Deadrick has been a stunt coordinator(協(xié)調(diào)員) for the Nickelodeon channel for 12 years.He has worked with famous actors,directors and producers,and he has travelled all over the world.But that doesn't mean his work is easy.
       It took him years of hard work to get where he is today.Deadrick's father,Vince Deadrick Sr.,was also a stuntman,but his family connection didn't give Deadrick a free pass into the movie business.He learned from his dad how to set up cardboard boxes and fall mats for high falls,and he started training on his own once he decided to follow in his father's footsteps.
       As a stunt coordinator,Deadrick takes danger seriously.When he hires a new stunt performer,he looks for a professional(專業(yè)人士).
       "You're only as good as the people you hire," he says.A stuntman needs to know his own abilities and limitations so he won't shy away from doing his best but also won't be such a daredevil(鋌而走險(xiǎn)的人) that he could hurt himself or others.
       When the actors and stuntmen are going to do something dangerous,they need to know they're trusting the right person.With over 40 years in the business,Deadrick is an expert at making stunts both realistic and safe.
       Though he has a large amount of responsibility,Deadrick loves his job.
       "I'm in a position where I have to make decisions on risk factors,keeping the actors and stuntmen safe while still making it look impressive.I love my business,and I love the excitement."

    (1)It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that Deadrick is
    (2)What do we know about Deadrick's path to success?

    A.He learned his stunt skills from a stuntman.
    B.He made it with hard work and great effort.
    C.His dad offered him great encouragement.
    D.His dad led him into the movie business.
    (3)When hiring stuntmen,Deadrick
    A.is very careful
    B.prefers the fearless ones
    C.likes those with no limitations
    D.puts experience above all else
    (4)What does Deadrick think of his job?

    A.Hard and boring.
    B.Easy and attractive.
    C.Skilled but relaxing.
    D.Challenging but exciting.
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