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外研版(2019)必修3《Unit 4 Amazing art Section A》2021年同步練習卷(基礎練)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.The two sides exchanged
    (greet) and sat down to have a discussion.
  • 2.The leader of the Forbidden City made an
    (impress) speech in the hall.
  • 3.The Spring Festival was approaching,my family decided to hold a party to
    (celebration) the important day for a change this year.
  • 4.That's the most
    (credible) coincidence I've ever heard of!She came across her missing daughter on the wedding.


  • 11.for oneself look into pay for find out move on at the top of share with be made of laugh at get a good view of
    (1)Here are a few stories I would like to
    (2)It's the team's duty to
    how far the ship had traveled each day.
    (3)The ship must
    special materials so that it can both fly and dive.
    (4)Scientists believe that a person
    the mountain would only have enough oxygen to sleep.
    (5)They have to achieve all the tasks before they can
    to the next level.
    (6)He sat beside the window of the bus to
    the village.
    (7)We shouldn't
    the pain or suffering of others.
    (8)Visitors can stand at the top of the mesas and
    the dwellings almost hidden in openings of the rock walls.
    (9)No one is willing to
    news that he or she could have got for free.
    (10)I totally agree with what he did

III 閱讀理解

  • 12.Enjoy a museum visit with your classAvailable Programs:
       Art Tells a Story:By looking at the subject matter and by drawing from personal experiences,students can find the story in some works of art. (All grades)
       Learning to Look:An interactive(互動的)tour that explores a variety of art using storytelling,movements,music,games,and other techniques helps introduce children to a museum. (Preschool~ Grade 3)
       Native American Collection:This program explores relationships that exist between art,culture,the geographic location and natural resources.Students will see a bowl made by Maria Martinez,a Towa storyteller,a Northwest coast mask,and Inuit clothing. (For Grades 2~5)
       The Language of Art:Classes are welcomed into the museum to take part in an interactive tour of American Art.It gives participants a new set of vocabulary while helping them feel comfortable.
       Art-on-the-Move:Teachers may borrow suitcases filled with art objects.Free organizations with Education Membership.
    Planning Your Visit:
       Booking:Booking is necessary for all tours and programs.Please book at least a week in advance.Teachers are encouraged to organize self-guided visits for their classes during public hours.
       Tour Hours:Tours can be organized between 9:30 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.on weekdays.
       Program Fees:Tours are free for those with Education Membership.There is a charge of $6 per student of non-member organizations.Tour with art activities cost $12 per student (non-members)or $10 per student (members).
       Chaperones(保護人):We require one adult chaperone for every 10 children.Chaperones help to make your museum visit a success.A chaperone must pay $5 admission.
       Lunch:We regret that no lunch facilities are available at the museum.
       Museum Rules:Don't touch works of art.Don't take photographs.
       Ask questions.Look,and then LOOK again!

    (1)If teachers want their students to learn about what a museum is,they will choose
    A.Art Tells a Story
    B.Learning to Look
    C.The Language of Art
    D.Native American Collection
    (2)How much should the museum charge a class of 60 students with Education Membership for a tour with art?

    (3)What do teachers need to do before leading their classes to the museum?

    A.To make bookings ahead of time.
    B.To try to get Education Membership.
    C.To learn about the history of the museum.
    D.To ask for the permission of self-guided visits.
    (4)In which section of the newspaper does the passage most probably appear?

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