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北師大版(2019)必修第一冊(cè)《Unit 1 Life Choices Section B》2021年同步練習(xí)卷(課后一練)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.The weather at the
    (時(shí)刻) is not typical for July.
  • 2.Don't miss any learning opportunity,whether it is
    (正式的) or
  • 3.I reached
    (向前) to touch her hand,but she moved it away.
  • 4.I suggested he should
    (使適應(yīng)) himself to his new conditions.
  • 5.I have prepared a short slide
    (報(bào)告) to give you a picture of the local market.


  • 6.I ran too fast
    (notice) where I was going.
  • 7.Because of air pollution being greatly reduced,this city is still a good place
    (live in).


  • 21.After finishing my teaching for a school year,I thought that I should go back to Montreal,Quebec,my hometown for a visit.My main goal was to relax in preparation for the challenges of my retirement in the coming year.
       Through my stay in Montreal,I met lots of Chinese who are struggling to succeed and then lead a better life in Canada.
       Some travelled thousands of miles to get knowledge.When I spoke with some of them about the major barrier they had to face after they arrived in Canada,they all talked about the two official languages of Canada.But I was impressed by their ability to express their ideas while switching between English and French.
       Almost all of those people said they often felt homesick.They miss their families and friends.Though Montreal has lots of Chinese restaurants,they long for a home-cooked meal.
       I met some tourists who were trying to realize their childhood dreams of experiencing the life in a developed country.When I asked them if Montreal had lived up to their expectations,they hesitated.They said that reality never agrees with fantasies.However,they were glad to have the opportunity to visit Montreal and didn't regret taking the trip.
       Not all the Chinese people I met were happy.I once met a young lady who met with a gentleman through the Internet.However,to her disappointment,he disappeared after he promised to marry her in Montreal.
       I was served by another Chinese person who could not handle the challenges of studying in an English environment and ended up working in a restaurant with minimum pay.
       Exploring different parts of the world,without any doubt,is an enriching experience.However,one should be realistic when it comes to leaving his hometown to set up a new life in a foreign country.One should take the time to examine the advantages and the shortcomings of the venture before they decide to chase an uncertain dream of achieving success or leading a better life.

    (1)The writer went to her hometown to
    A.meet her old friends
    B.study a new language
    C.go on with her teaching
    D.prepare for her retirement life
    (2)The main barrier for some Chinese to get knowledge in Canada is
    (3)The writer thinks that
    A.overseas Chinese are good at communication in Canada
    B.the trip to Montreal is a good chance for people to study
    C.overseas Chinese feel disappointed at their life in Canada
    D.people should think carefully before chasing the dreams abroad
    (4)What is the best title for the passage?

    A.Improving Life Skills in Canada
    B.Exploring Different Parts of Canada
    C.Struggling for a Better Life in Canada
    D.Going to Canada-Your Ideal Destination


  • 22.Starting high school is a great experience for any teenager.Whether you are coming from a middle school(Grades Six through Eight)or a junior high school(Grades Seven through Nine),there are many things about high school that are different from your old school environment.(1)
       You will face being in a new school,making new friends in an unfamiliar class and getting to know new teachers.These new teachers will usually have higher academic(學(xué)術(shù)的)level than your middle and junior-high school teachers.
    .In return,they expect you to work hard and develop your skills,On top of all this,peer pressure to drink and smoke often increases in high school.(3)
       Although there is a lot of pressure,it is nothing you cannot deal with.If you are feeling pressure to do something that you feel is wrong,talk to a friend,parent or counselor to find a solution.(4)
       If you are not succeeding academically,find someone to help you.If you feel lonely,try to join a school club or group to make new friends.
    .With time,you will come to be thankful for everything about your experience.On the point of starting your high school,are you ready?

    A.You will experience many changes.
    B.They want to help you get into college.
    C.High school may seem discouraging at first.
    D.You can make friends at Senior high school easily.
    E.They are there to help you get into this great new time in your life.
    F.High school is difficult for those who are not prepared well at first.
    G.Besides,the pressure could also come from grades,loneliness and so on.
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