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外研版選修八《Module 3 Foreign Food Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary》2022年單元測試卷

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.
    what's more,in common with,no wonder,obsess with,make out,owe to,get used to,end up with ,to one's surprise,be amazed at
    (1)Can you
    what Suzhou and Hangzhou are remarkable for?
    our passing the exam
    our teachers though they often criticize us.
    (3)My father is
    Majiang so he doesn't go home until late at night.
    (4)The army training exercises
    a mock battle.
    ,the American lady saw a boy enjoying eating a pig's tail.
    James is always late for school;his mother is ill.
    the jiaozi rolling in the boiling water in a Beijing restaurant.
    (8)The old teacher
    working late into night and getting up early.
    (9)She learns quickly,and
    ,she remembers what she has learnt.
    (10)Birdsong may have more
    ,the human speech than we realize.


  • 2.如果你一開始以傷害他人為目的,最終會以毀滅自己而結(jié)束。(end up)


  • 6.When I'm in Italy,I generally only eat Italian food.I doubt there's another country in Europe that has food that can keep me coming back for more.
       To eat well in Italy,finding the right restaurant is key.I appreciate personality-driven restaurants,run by people keen(熱衷的) to share their love of good cooking,and places serving family recipes.Signs of a good restaurant include a low-rent location,lots of locals,and a small,handwritten menu in one language.The menu is small because they're only selling everything they're cooking;it's handwritten because it's shaped by what is fresh today in the market;and it s in one language because they mostly serve locals.
    For a fast and cheap lunch,I look for Italian food in corner delis(熟食店):either a rosticceria,specializing in roasted meats and antipasti(開胃食物),or a hot table bar —a cafeteria offering a buffet of meat and vegetables.Another option is to drop by a neighborhood grocery store to pick up some cold cuts,cheeses,and other foods for a picnic.
       Italians tend to spend a long time on each course,and dinner is the evening's entertainment.For example,when you have a full-blown Italian dinner in a restaurant,you don't get out until midnight;a three-hour meal is common.Waiters often provide lots of drinks that seem designed to keep you from leaving.When you want the bill,you'll have to ask for it.To "eat and run" is seen as a lost opportunity.
       A couple of years ago,I sat down at my favorite place in Verona,Enoteca Can Grande,with my friend and guide Franklin.We let the chef,Giuliano,bring us whatever he wanted.Just after the antipasti arrived,F(xiàn)ranklin's wife phoned him and said,"Don't eat too much cheese or dessert." Later Franklin,who was not thin,surveyed our table.Sighing,he said,"The foods are so plentiful but I can eat few."
       "That's a pity," I said.
       I enjoyed the food for three hours and he watched me eating for three hours.Eating in Verona was really an amazing experience.

    (1)What does the author want to show in Paragraph 1?

    A.He doesn't have many food choices in Italy.
    B.Italian food is the best all over Europe.
    C.He has a great tooth for Italian food.
    D.He doesn't like trying foreign food.
    (2)Where does the author like eating while in Italy?

    A.At a restaurant at a high-rent location.
    B.At a restaurant that locals visit frequently.
    C.At a place where waiters don't just speak Italian.
    D.At a place which provides various food choices.
    (3)What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

    A.Ways to eat simply and cheaply in Italy.
    B.Ways to prepare simple food in Italy.
    C.Places to have a picnic in Italy.
    D.Nice places to eat in Italy.
    (4)What do we learn about Italians at dinner in a restaurant?

    A.They like ordering lots of drinks.
    B.They don't consider it fun.
    C.They usually spend much time on dinner.
    D.They don't like ordering much food.
  • 7.Many of you may have used Siri,a voice assistant of US tech company Apple.You only have to say "hey Siri" and it will answer to your command.However,we may be sacrificing (犧牲) our privacy to enjoy this convenience.
       According to a recent report by The Guardian,Siri can be accidentally triggered and start recording private conversations,such as discussions between doctors and patients.Some of these recordings are then given to workers outside the company to review.
       Apple claimed the data was used to help Siri improve,but users were not informed of this measure in the first place.
       Apple's Siri is not the only voice assistant to come under fire.
       In 2018,Alexa,a voice assistant developed by US tech company Amazon,recorded a private conversation between a couple and sent it to a stranger without their permission.
       These issues deepened concerns that tech companies are infringing users' rights of privacy.
       Many people have long feared that tech companies are listening and collecting data from private conversations,reported Forbes.Using this data,third party companies could then paint an accurate picture of users' habits and preferences in order to serve them more targeted advertisements,or even worse,sell this private data.
       Despite this risk,the popularity of voice assistant seems to be unstoppable.
       In the near future,everything from your lighting to your air conditioner to your refrigerator,your coffee maker,and even your toilet could be wired to a system controlled by voice," commented The Atlantic.
    Colin Horgan wrote on the blog site Medium that he believed people's daily lives would soon become a source of data.
       "The sounds of our homes,the symphony of life—laughing,crying,talking,shouting,sitting in silence—will no longer be considered memories,but data," he wrote.
       To deal with the issue,Blake Morgan,a reporter for The Atlantic,believed that the answer is transparency.
       "All companies need to have messaging ready to explain to customers what they do with private data," she wrote on The Atlantic.

    (1)What does the underlined sentence mean?

    A.There are other fire-proof voice assistants.
    B.Other voice assistants are also being developed.
    C.There are other voice assistants being criticised.
    D.Other voice assistants also need improvements.
    (2)What seems to be people's biggest concern about voice assistants?

    A.Invading their privacy.
    B.Sending their messages.
    C.Making no improvements.
    D.Serving them targeted advertisements.
    (3)What should companies do to solve the problem,according to Blake Morgan?

    A.To stop collecting data through voice assistants.
    B.To explain their use of the data to customers.
    C.To make their data more transparent.
    D.To slow down the pace of technology advancement.
    (4)What is the author's purpose in writing the text?

    A.To show visions of a data world in the future.
    B.To inform people of what tech companies are really up to.
    C.To draw attention to the privacy issue voice assistants bring about.
    D.To criticise companies' invading customers' privacy by collecting data.
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