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人教版(2019)選擇性必修第三冊《Unit 4 Adversity and Course 》2022年同步練習(xí)卷(提分小卷)

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very c
  • 2.As the
    (截止日期) gets closer and closer,the task seems to become larger and larger.
  • 3.We had
    (the feeling of being sorry for someone who is in a bad situation)for those whose houses were damaged by the floods and donated money to them.
  • 4.
    (嬌弱的) plants need to be kept in a greenhouse during the winter. (根據(jù)漢語提示單詞拼寫)
  • 5.Under the law,everyone is considered i
    until proved guilty.
  • 6.They are each recognized specialists in their
    (各自的) fields.
  • 7.It is in bad times that we value most highly the support and
    (同情) of our friends.


  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)20.Worried about the loss of rainforests and the ozone layer?Well,neither of those is doing any worse than a large majority of the 6,000 to 7,000 languages that remain in use on Earth.One half of the survivors will almost certainly be gone by 2050,while 40% more will probably be well on their way out.In their place,almost all humans will speak a small number of languages——Mandarin,English,Spanish.
       Linguists(語言學(xué)家)know what causes languages to disappear,but what's less often remarked is what happens on the way to disappearance:languages' vocabularies,grammars and expressive potential all disappear. "Say a community goes over from speaking a traditional Aboriginal(土著的)language to speaking a Creole," says Australian Nick Evans,a language experts, "you leave behind a language where there's very fine vocabulary for the landscape.All of that is gone in a Creole.As speakers become less able to express the wealth of knowledge that has filled ancestors' lives with meaning over thousands of years,it's no wonder that communities tend to become weakened."
       Due to the huge losses,some linguists struggle against the situation,for example,training many documentary linguists in language-loss hotspots such as West Africa and South America.
       However,not all approaches to the preservation of languages will be particularly helpful.Some linguists are boasting(自夸)of more and more complicated means of recording languages:digital recording and storage,the Internet and mobile phone technologies.But these are encouraging the quick style of recording trip:fly in,switch on digital recorder,fly home,download to hard drive,and store gathered material for future research.That's not quite what some endangered-language experts have been seeking.Michael Krauss from the University of Alaska complained openly that linguists are playing with technology research while most of their raw data is disappearing.
        Who is to blame?Linguists who go out into communities to study,document and describe languages,argue that theoretical linguists,like Noam Chomsky,who draw conclusions about how languages work,have had so much influence that linguistics has largely ignored the continuing disappearance of languages.

    (1)Why does the author mention rainforests and the ozone layer in Paragraph 1?

    A.To highlight they are of great importance.
    B.To show their connection with language loss
    C.To indicate anxiety about environmental issues.
    D.To introduce the topic concerning language loss.
    (2)What does Nick Evans say about the effects of language disappearance?

    A.People find it hard to describe their culture.
    B.Vocabularies have to be changed.
    C.People tend to turn to ancestors more
    D.Focus is switched on new grammars.
    (3)What has Michael Krauss pointed out?

    A.Digital age further promotes some endangered languages.
    B.An instant approach to language recording may not work.
    C.Linguists have made poor use of improvement in technology.
    D.Linguists' quick style of recording trip should be encouraged.
    (4)What can be concluded from the text?

    A.By 2050 only 600 to 700 languages will remain.
    B.Local languages are preserved perfectly in West Africa.
    C.Theoretical linguists may be responsible for the loss of languages.
    D.Linguists have come a long way to save endangered languages.
  • 21.The Internet,search engines,virtual worlds.Have you ever got the feeling that you're living in a science fiction?
       Well,indeed you are.
       For more than a century,inventors have been driven to create what sci-fi writers have imagined long before.Buck Rogers inspired a generation of scientists excited about space exploration.Ray Bradbury predicted home-theater systems.William Gibson dreamed up the Internet while writing Neuromancer on a typewriter.Not long after him,Neal Stephenson predicted virtual worlds in his 1991 novel Snow Crash.One of his readers was Philip Rosedale,who loved it so much that he wanted to build a virtual world based on it.
       By the late 1990s,technology caught up to the novel,and Rosedale built the virtual world Second Life based on the "Metaverse" from the novel.With 1 million active users,Second Life offers virtual shops,bars,houses and even virtual television studios with virtual celebrities (名人) on virtual talk shows.
       "I think it is pretty much what I imagined," Stephenson says. "I just shoot for the stars,while he makes great things happen."
       But Snow Crash is a dark book.The world in the novel is filled with criminals,violence and environmental problems.
       "Science fiction not only puts stars in our hands,it also helps us see the meaning of our work," Philip Rosedale admits. "It makes it possible for us to see what all of our efforts could eventually lead to."
       In fact,most science fiction authors admit that their work is usually cautionary (警示性的). "While the inventors are rushing ahead and excited about this possibility or that possibility,we're always standing there warning, 'Hang on just a second.Let's think about this a little more'" author William Gibson says. "But most of them will ignore you because they think they already know all things about any given hot topic of the day.But if you can convince them that you're talking about a planet millions of miles away and hundreds of years in the future or the past,you can actually get them to examine more closely what's going on right now."

    (1)Who was inspired by Neal Stephenson's work?

    A.Buck Rogers.
    B.Ray Bradbury.
    C.William Gibson.
    D.Philip Rosedale.
    (2)What does Neal Stephenson say about Second Life?

    A.It is a very violent virtual world.
    B.It is not based on his fiction strictly.
    C.He is satisfied with the "Metaverse".
    D.More activities should be added to it.
    (3)What does William Gibson mean in the last paragraph?

    A.Sci-fi writers are much wiser than inventors.
    B.Most inventors do not respect sci-fi writers.
    C.Sci-fi can help inventors to think more carefully.
    D.People can easily get excited about the inventions.
    (4)In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

    A.Book review.
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