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第一部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié), 滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共4小題; 每小題6分, 滿分30分)閱讀下列短文, 從每題所給的A、B、C和D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中, 選出最佳選項(xiàng).

  • 1.Some of the best cycling routes in the world pass through its most beautiful scenery.Here are some of world's best bike routes for cyclists who either are up for breaking a good sweat or simply seeing the world without leaving an ugly carbon footprint behind.
       The Great Windy Road,Victoria,Australia
       If you like a challenge take on this 243-kilometer windy road along Australia's south-eastern coast.If a day is all you've got,take the 60-kilometer route from Torquay to Bells Beach.There you'll cycle through rural farmland,enjoy the sweeping ocean views from cliff tops,and snake past the wetlands around Lake Connewarre.
       Udaipur City Tour,Rajasthan,India
       Biking is arguably the best way to explore Udaipur,Venice of the East.
       Cyclists often need to cycle past herdsmen and their goats and camels,sharing narrow,old pavements in this romantic place.But surrounded by ancient castles,temples and grand palaces,Udaipur brings about one of the best biking experiences,allowing cyclists to truly discover rural India.
       The Karakoram Highway,China-Pakistan
       The Karakoram Highway is the highest international road in the world,reaching an altitude of 4,700 meters at the Khunjerab Pass.Starting in Kashgar,China,cyclists can travel up to 1,200 kilometers on mostly unpaved roads,but the views are as breathtaking as the riding.
       Route of the Hiawatha,Idaho-Montana,United States
       Take your family out to Montana this summer and cycle along the most scenic disused railroad in the country.The railroad turned bike trail turns into 24 kilometers of leisure biking that takes you over seven trestles(高架橋) and through 10 tunnels,with the longest one,the Taft Tunnel,stretching for 2.7 kilometers.

    (1)In which tour can you enjoy the seaside scenery?

    A.The Great Windy Road.
    B.Udaipr City Tour.
    C.The Karakoram Highway.
    D.Route of the Hiawatha.
    (2)What can you do on the Udaipur city tour?

    A.Go to Venice.
    B.Feed wild animals.
    C.Visit cultural relics.
    D.Enjoy modern architectures.
    (3)What's special about the Karakoram Highway?

    A.It is a totally undeveloped route.
    B.It goes along an abandoned railway.
    C.It owns the longest tunnel in the world.
    D.It lies higher than other international roads.
  • 2.When I was three years old,I couldn't speak.It was a strange reality that none of the doctors I visited could understand.
       One day,I was shadowing(跟隨)my mother.She found herself looking in a mirror,and through it our eyes met.She began to speak to me through the reflection,and I slowly began to mimic(模仿)her mouth's movements until I formed a word.
       It turned out I'm deaf in my left ear and have a slight problem in my right.Being hard of hearing has been difficult,but I've never lived in a state of self-hating sorrow.
       Imagine being able to shut out all sound as you lay your head down to sleep by simply rolling over onto one side.That's my reality when I sleep on my "good ear",and it makes me feel like a superhero sometimes.
       People call my deaf side my "bad ear",but when I wear my hearing aid,I have access to a range of features that some other deaf people don't.In cinemas,for example,with one click of a button I can enjoy a whole film as though it were whispered to me from the mouths of the actors.
       Owning a hearing aid hasn't always felt good,however.On the first day I got my aid,when I was eight,I took it to school for show-and-tell.As I explained how it worked to my classmates,a boy yelled out, "Aren't those for old men?" At that moment,I felt different.It took me a long time to get over that sense of being so unlike my peers.
       But it's not just school kids who can make us deaf and hard-of-hearing people feel like burdens.Every video on social media that lacks subtitles(字幕),for example,means an entire community of deaf people is unable to enjoy it.Completely deaf people are excluded from enjoying many movies too,as subtitles in cinemas are almost impossible to find.
       And with hearing aids costing around $2,500 each,it can be hard for many people to afford to be able to listen to the things that others take for granted.As for me,I can listen to music,enjoy films,and catch conversations - I'm lucky.I'm deaf,but I can still hear everything.I've been blessed with wonderful life experiences,and I am human.And when it comes to sleeping,I'm even superhuman.

    (1)How does the author view his hearing difficulty?

    A.It's a disaster and causes him a lot of trouble.
    B.It gave him a chance to experience something special.
    C.It made him feel embarrassed in front of his classmates.
    D.It helped him to live in his own world without being interrupted.
    (2)What can be inferred from the passage about the author?

    A.He was born deaf.
    B.He is optimistic and helpful.
    C.The hearing aid brings convenience to his daily life.
    D.His family and classmates have supported him a lot.
    (3)What is the author's attitude toward his life?

    (4)What is the author's main purpose in writing the article?

    A.To give advice on life to disabled people.
    B.To show how difficult life is for disabled people.
    C.To show the convenience a hearing aid could bring.
    D.To share his experience of treating a disadvantage with gratitude.
  • 3.Young trees don't just grow;they develop a personality and learn more about their environment and how they should best behave in it.They also help each other out whenever there's trouble.
       Personality,just as among people,varies among trees.Some are anxious,some bold.On the author's land,there are three oak trees growing close together.One of the oak trees always starts to shed its leaves two weeks earlier than the others.Since they all experience the same temperature,the same soil and the same length of day,such variables can't be the explanation.So what's happening?Well,this tree is simply more careful than the others.Whoever holds on to their leaves longer can do more photosynthesis(光合作用) and store more nutrients.However,the longer a tree keeps its leaves,the higher the risk of injury.
       Not only do trees make their own decisions,they also learn from their mistakes.A tree,for example,keeping its leaves too long during one year will never make this mistake again.This leads to several other conclusions:trees must notice the temperature and the length of the day and be able to save their experiences somewhere.Obviously,trees don't have brains,but it is thought that in the sensitive tips of their roots they keep track of information and experiences.
       But trees aren't only clever when it comes to caring for themselves.They also support each other whenever there's trouble by giving warnings and even taking care of sick and weak conspecifics with nutrients.For example,one time the author found a very old tree stump.Its insides had rotted a long time ago to topsoil.But the wood on the outside of the stump was still living.How was this possible?Well,the stump was nourished by its neighbors with nutrients from the root system,and had been for at least 400 years!
       Why do trees do such a thing?It's simple:it's better together.Trees need the forest;it protects them from storms,provides the right microclimate and warns them of attacks.

    (1)Why does the author mention the three oak trees?

    A.To illustrate trees can learn from experiences.
    B.To show trees can make independent decisions.
    C.To explain trees are quite supportive to each other.
    D.To prove trees have the same personalities as humans.
    (2)According to the text,which of the following best describes general features of trees?

    A.Anxious and bold.
    B.Smart and adventurous.
    C.Helpful and well behaved.
    D.Adaptable and supportive.
    (3)What does the underlined phrase "do such a thing" mean?

    A.Give warnings.
    B.Offer assistance.
    C.Depend on others.
    D.Provide nutrients.
    (4)Where does this text most probably come from?

    A.A public lecture.
    B.A science book.
    C.An experiment report.
    D.A travel journal.

第三部分 寫作(共兩節(jié), 滿分10分)第一節(jié) 短文改錯(cuò)(共1小題; 每小題10分, 滿分10分)

  • 8.假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請(qǐng)你修改你同桌寫的以下作文.文中共有10處語言錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有兩處.每處錯(cuò)誤僅涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改.
    注意:1. 每處錯(cuò)誤及其修改均僅限一詞;
    2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計(jì)分.
    It was raining hardly outside, which made it difficult for me to go home for lunch. Just as I was wondering what I should eat at noon, I saw a familiar figure passed by our classroom. I rushed out and it was my mother, already in fifties, which brought me lunch in spite of the heavy rain. In China, many parents make great sacrifices for our children. But what had the children done in return? All too often, most children just take it for granted that their parent should serve for them unconditionally. My dear mum or dad, thank you very much for bringing me up. How shall I do for you?

第二節(jié) 書面表達(dá)(滿分25分)

  • 9.假定你是李華,你的英國(guó)朋友Tim想在寒假時(shí)到中國(guó)旅游,發(fā)郵件向你征求旅游建議.請(qǐng)你回復(fù)郵件,內(nèi)容包括:1.推薦一個(gè)旅游城市:2.給出推薦理由.
    1. 詞數(shù)100左右;
    Dear Tim,
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
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