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發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.The best science fiction books of 2021 We take a look at the most exciting new science fiction books of 2021.No matter what kind of science fiction fan you are,we're sure you'll find something to add to your reading list.
       The Saints of Salvation
       By Peter F.Hamilton
       The Olyix have laid siege (圍攻) to Earth,harvesting people for their god.Cities are ruined by their weapons and millions have either fled to seek refuge in space or are fighting a war that seems unwinnable.As Earth's defeat draws ever closer,a team are sent to enter the Olyix's air-ship secretly.Their plan?This is the final science fiction in Peter F.Hamilton's extremely surprising series The Salvation Sequence.
       A Desolation Called Peace
       By Arkady Martine
       This impressive sequel(續(xù)集)to Arkady Martine's Hugo Award-winning science fiction book sees the Teixcalaanli Empire facing an alien threat which could bring about its complete destruction.Fleet captain Nine Hibiscus sends a person to negotiate with the mysterious invaders…
       Jack Four
       By Neal Asher
       Jack Four-one of twenty human clones- has been created to be sold.His purchasers are the aliens and they only want him for their experimentation program.But there is something different about Jack.No clone should possess the knowledge that's been loaded into his mind.
       By Terry Miles
       Rabbits is a secret,dangerous and sometimes deadly underground game.The rewards for winning are unclear,but there are rumors of money or it might unlock the universe's greatest secrets.Everyone knows that the deeper you get,the more deadly the game becomes-and the body count is rising.Since the game first started,ten rounds have taken place.The eleventh round is about to begin,and what happens in the game,stays in the game.

    (1)What can we know about The Saints of Salvation?

    A.It's about the war among people on earth.
    B.The Olyix are defeated in the end.
    C.It belongs to The Salvation Sequence.
    D.It's the last novel of Peter F.Hamilton.
    (2)What does Nine Hibiscus do to save Teixcalaanli Empire?

    A.He gives the alien a complete destruction.
    B.He lets someone negotiate with the alien.
    C.He fights against the alien bravely.
    D.He makes the alien face a threat.
    (3)Where can the text be found?

    A.In a book recommendation.
    B.In an art magazine.
    C.In a biography.
    D.In a novel.
  • 2.Jamin Crow waited silently for the bull moose (麋鹿) to turn and face him.In the cold,the teen stood with his gun resting on a branch.He waited and waited.Then the moose turned,and his brother started to yell, "Shoot!" If Crow didn't shoot,his brother would.So Crow took a deep breath and pulled the trigger. "I look at my brother and he's giving me the happiest look I've ever seen," he says.
       Crow lives in Bethel,in the remote region of Alaska.For generations,his family has practiced subsistence (生存) hunting to get food on the table.The process hasn't changed much.The Crows use motor boats and snowmobiles to get to their moose camp which serves as a home base while they're on hunting trips. "Food is very expensive here.You have to ship everything up," Crow says. "We don't go out just for the antlers (鹿角).We're not looking for prize.We're not hunting for something big.We're looking for meat to feed our families."
       Crow is one of three Alaska Native students-along with Kaylee King and Ethan Lincoln -- who recorded their hunting tradition before they graduated last spring.Their record was chosen as a finalist in this year's NPR Student Record Challenge.The three students say hunting helped them get through the isolation of the pandemic,when their schools and many other activities like sports were shut down because of COVID-19.The students explain that,as time goes by,fewer and fewer people are practicing hunting.
       "It makes me really sad because the way we used to do things is so different from how we do them now," Crow says. "Even our language is slowly fading away." For the students,the practice of hunting allows them to connect with older generations. "Whenever I go out hunting with my granny,I'm always hearing past stories about when my dad was a kid and he went hunting or my late grandpa how he would just take the family up." Crow says.

    (1)What is the function of the first paragraph?

    A.To reach a conclusion.
    B.To summarize the essay.
    C.To provide background information.
    D.To introduce the major character in the essay.
    (2)What can be inferred from the hunting tradition?

    A.It is popular with the youth.
    B.It is hard to give up the tradition.
    C.It is tough to keep this tradition alive.
    D.It is vital to share the tradition with friends.
    (3)Which word can best describe Crow?

    (4)What is the best title of the text?

    A.Hunting in the wild is banned
    B.Students do hunting for fun
    C.Schools were shut down
    D.Students went traditional hunting
  • 3.In the struggle to survive the ever hotter deserts of California,there are winners and losers.Among the losers are desert birds,whose populations have fallen among the heat stress of climate change.The winners,it turns out,are small burrowing mammals (穴居哺乳動(dòng)物),which take refuge from the sun underground.Researchers noted that the stable mammals populations formed a striking contrast to the extremely bad condition of birds.
       But why?Birds had a higher evaporative(蒸發(fā))heat loss.Birds were more exposed to the effects of warming,so they had higher energy costs to maintain their body temperature.However,mammals were able to reduce their body temperature by using burrows during the day.
       Temperatures have risen about 4 degrees Fahrenheit on average across the area studied,but the heat affects birds and small mammals differently.As part of the study,scientists modeled each species' body temperature and cooling needs under different desert conditions.To calculate that,they measured the conductivity(傳導(dǎo)率) of the animals' fur or feathers,and used information on their heat reducing behaviors.
       The models showed that in the fight against climate change,there was not a level playing field for furred and feathered desert animals.Cooling costs or the resources needed to maintain stable body temperature- -were about 3.3 times higher for birds than they were for small mammals,the study reported.
       Small mammals have shown this remarkable stability.It's really quite interesting that,in the same region,with the same level of climate change,these two species have responded very differently to the changes taking place.Insights into the status of different species can help scientists take steps to protect them,such as increasing fire prevention in high desert areas,and enhancing water sources in those areas.The study also demonstrates that climate change is already reshaping the California desert.

    (1)Why can desert burrowing mammals survive better than desert birds?

    A.Burrowing mammals prefer to live in deserts.
    B.Burrowing mammals eat less during the day.
    C.Burrowing mammals' caves are natural shelters.
    D.Burrowing mammals live in the same community.
    (2)What can we learn from the third paragraph?

    A.Birds and small mammals respond differently to climate changes.
    B.Birds in the desert were defeated by climate changes.
    C.Animals living underground have higher cooling costs.
    D.Temperature rise affects the burrowing mammals little.
    (3)What is the possible meaning of the new finding?

    A.Burrowing mammals may help birds during the day.
    B.Governments will improve water quality.
    C.Man will reshape the deserts to save themselves.
    D.Scientists can save species with scientific means.
    (4)What do we know from the text?

    A.It's time to change the deserts into green fields.
    B.Desert birds are more likely to survive in deserts.
    C.Burrowing mammals' habitat needs improving greatly.
    D.Burrowing mammals survive climate change underground.


  • 8.假定你是李華,剛被你校英文報(bào)錄用為助理編輯。請(qǐng)你就此寫(xiě)封郵件給你的英國(guó)好友John,內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear John,
    Li Hua


  • 9.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開(kāi)頭語(yǔ)續(xù)寫(xiě)兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
        Allan,my husband,had recently moved up the tennis league's ladder(晉級(jí)賽) and would compete against someone at a similar skill level. "Do you know who your opponent is?" I asked him.My husband explained that although he knew his opponent's name,he had never met him.That's when I saw a young man—about twenty years old—at the other end of the reception area.
        The young man had large muscular arms and a well-built body.He was using a skip rope at quite a fast pace;I thought he might be warming up for a tennis match.I smiled at my husband and said that might be his opponent.Allan gave me a frustrated(沮喪的)look on his face,remarking it was an unusual way to prepare for a tennis match,as he continued completing his usual warm-up routine.
        The league coordinator(統(tǒng)籌者)called out my husband's name,and then she called the young man.I gave my husband a kind of smile that wives give their husbands when they are encouraging them.The coordinator gave them their court number.They introduced them-selves to each other,shook hands,and headed off.
        The young man was dressed in the latest trendy tennis clothes and looked great.With his muscular body,he could have easily be a star athlete.Allan was at least thirty years older,much less muscular,and dressed in an ordinary tennis shirt and untrendy tennis shorts.Allan's focus had always been on good tennis shoes,socks,and,of course,the tennis racket.
        When they walked onto their court,the pregame warm-up began.The young man played with confidence.It was almost as if he was showing his ability.Allan closely observed his various strokes and powerful serves,while casually returning each shot.Then began the game.
        The young man quickly won the first round._________
        The young man was visibly frustrated by the end of the match.__________
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