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牛津譯林版(2019)必修3《Unit 3 The world online Period Three》2021年同步練習(xí)卷

發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0


  • 1.She is a TV
    (對…入迷的人)and watches as much as she can.
  • 2.The doctors take turns at participating in the
    (可移動的)medical team.
  • 3.A
    (電池)is a small device that provides the power for electrical items such as radios and children's toys.
  • 4.He will share his p
    (專業(yè)的) knowledge of health with us.
  • 5.Details of the murder were
    (披露,透露)by the local paper.
  • 6.These issues will be discussed more fully in the next
  • 7.One of the biggest advantages of this plastic is its ability to
    (彎曲)without breaking.
  • 8.Taoism has a
    (廣泛的)influence on social life in Quanzhou.


  • 25.High school biology teacher Kelly Chavis knew smartphones were a problem in her class.But not even the students realized how much of a problem the devices were until Chavis did an in-class experiment.
       For one class period,students used a whiteboard to count every Snapchat,Instagram,text,call that appeared on their phones.Chavis is among a growing number of teachers,parents and health experts who believe that smartphones are now partly to blame for increasing the levels of student anxiety. "One girl,just during the one hour,got close to 150 Snapchat notifications.150!" she said.
       Jean Twenge,a psychology professor at San Diego State University in California,said it is not a coincidence that youth mental health issues have risen with the number of phones. "The use of phones has led to a loss of sleep and face-to-face interactions necessary for their growth," she said.
       Researchers are still not sure whether phones cause student depression or depression causes phone use.But nearly 60 per cent of parents said they worry about the influence of social media on their child's physical and mental health.
       Both schools and parents are starting to take steps to deal with the problem.Many public schools pay outside companies to watch students' social media activities for signs of anxiety.Other schools invite yoga teachers and comfort dogs to help calm students.

    (1)What's the purpose of Chavis' experiment?

    A.To see how many students have smartphones.
    B.To find out how popular her students are.
    C.To show smartphones influence teenagers greatly.
    D.To tell her students how to use smartphones wisely.
    (2)How did Kelly Chavis feel about the result?

    (3)Which of the following is true according to Jean Twenge?

    A.Students are now under great stress.
    B.Students spend too much money on smartphones.
    C.Overusing phones causes drops in students' grades.
    D.Overusing phones may harm students' body and mind.
    (4)What might be talked about if the passage is continued?

    A.How other schools deal with students' phones.
    B.Whether the ways to handle phones are effective.
    C.How some parents deal with their children's phones.
    D.Whether students are willing to give up using phones.
  • 26.Teenagers who talk on the cellphone a lot,and hold their phones up to their right ears,score worse on one type of memory test.That's the finding of a new study.That memory impairment might be one side effect of the radiation(放射線)that phones use to keep us connected while we're on the go.
       Nearly 700 Swiss teens took part in a test of figural memory.This type helps us remember abstract symbols and shapes,explains Milena Foerster.The teens took memory tests twice,one year apart.Each time,they had one minute to remember 13 pairs of abstract shapes.Then they were shown one item from each pair and asked to match it with one of the five choices.The study volunteers also took a test of verbal memory.That's the ability to remember words.The two memory tests are part of an intelligence test.The researchers also surveyed the teens on how they use cellphones.And they got call records from phone companies.The researchers used those records to figure out how long the teens were using their phones.This allowed the researchers to work out how big radiation exposure(接觸)each person could have got while talking.
       A phone user's exposure to the radiation can differ widely.Some teens talk on their phones more than others.People also hold their phones differently.If the phone is close to the ear,more radiation may enter the body,F(xiàn)oerster notes.Even the type of network signal that a phone uses can matter.Much of Switzerland was using an older "second-generation" type of cellphone networks,the study reports.Many phone carriers(通信公司)have moved away from such networks.And more companies plan to update their networks within the next few years.
       The teens' scores in the figural memory tests were roughly the same from one year to the next.But those who normally held their phones near the right ears,and who were also exposed to higher levels of radiation,scored a little bit worse after a year.No group of teens showed big changes on the verbal memory test.Why might one type of memory be linked to cellphone use,but not another?Foerster thinks it could have to do with where different memory centres sit in the brain.The site that deals with the ability to remember shapes is near the right ear.

    (1)The underlined word "impairment" in Paragraph 1 most probably mean "
    (2)What do we learn from Paragraph 2?

    A.Researchers paid little attention to the teens' habits of using phones.
    B.The teens needed to report the average time spent on their phones.
    C.The teens took two types of memory tests four times in total.
    D.The teens' ability of remembering words is shown in the figural memory test.
    (3)What can we infer from Paragraph 3?

    A.How people hold their phones has no effect on their bodies.
    B.Phone users can make more money with new networks.
    C.The cellphone network type has little to do with the cellphone use.
    D.Radiation levels are affected by the cellphone network types.
    (4)What might be the best title for the text?

    A.Cellphone use and safety warnings
    B.Teens' cellphone use linked to memory problems
    C.Dangerous levels of cellphone use among teens
    D.Facts about cellphone use at school
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